Nupital Night - II

" Hum, a small hole can sink a large ship.", Jing Yang added.

Siyue stared at his face, ' That's right. Our own one or two officials and their families who were a small part of our country acted as a small hole and sank our Yanfou's ship.', she thought.

" That's right. It was your court officials and their families who acted against you.", he sneered.

She was surprised, her eyes widened.

' How does he know what have been I thinking ? Does he have any mind reading power ?'

" There is no such thing like mind reading power.", he said and stood up. He began to head towards the bed.

" What! " , she exclaimed but maintained her neutral expression then she realised that the man was sitting on the bed and preparing it.

" Are you going to sleep here ? ", she asked after finishing her fruit. She also stood and moved towards him.

" Do you sleep in cowshed ? ", he asked.

" Of course not.", she replied immediately.

" So why will I sleep there then? We sleep in our room. I am on my bed in my room. No actually, a correction needed. I am on our bed in our room.", he said casually.

" Is it a joke or something ? How can you say it so casually . You are not going to sleep in 'my' room and on 'my' bed. Only I have the right to sleep here. ", she began to pull the quilt.

" Dear wife, its your right to sleep here but its my privilege as a husband because husband can sleep on his wife's bed with his wife in her room.", he said and pulled the quilt towards his side.

" Dear husband, aren't you afraid that I will kill you in your sleep if you be with me. ", she pulled the quilt but fell down as Jing Yang had loosened his hold on it.

He was shocked to hear 'dear husband ' from her mouth. It felt sweet than honey itself. His mind went blank and his grip on the quilt loosened which resulted in her fall.

" Ahhh", she screamed as her butt hit the ground. " You!!", she pointed her finger.

He came out of his trance as he heard the scream. He was shocked to see Siyue lying on the floor and massaging his waist and hips.

He laughed after watching this scene. " The high and mighty princess Ling Siyue is sitting on the floor in pain which have been caused not by any attack but only releasing of the quilt. " ' Wait! I never laughed when other women around me fall intentionally or unintentionally. Why am I like this now ? '

" Humph ! " , she stood while massaging her lower back region. ' I can dodge any attack and my martial skills are better than my brothers, so why does I fall easily just now and even hit my lower region . I have become so careless around him . '

" Ahem ... ahem.... Prince Jing, I know you have many woman around you who will be ready to share a bed with you but not me. So,

GET LOST FROM HERE. ", she roared as she picked the quilt from the floor.

" How fierce ! Alright, I am also not interested to sleep here as I don't know if I will be able to wake up tomorrow if I sleep here.", he said and came down of the bed but he did not go out of the room.

" You can rest assure that I am not interested to touch you but I have to stay in this room. ", he said as he climbed the railing supporting the roof.

" Hum, as Binhai people does not trust Yan , how can Yan trust Binhai people.", she commented and rested on the bed.

" Will you not remove your veil ? ", he asked without looking down.

" I can not but .... are you not interested how does I look under this veil ? You said that you have been at loss as I have seen your handsome face but you have not seen my face , so why not remove my veil and see it yourself. ", she said in one breadth and sat on the bed while looking attentively at him.

" Thanks, I am happy that you consider me handsome." , as he was just lying on the railing up there.

' Why are you concentrating on the wrong thing ?' , she wanted to say but hold her tongue. She watched her for half an incense stick as to see if he would move and remove her veil to see her face but he did not.

She lost her hope and came back to sleep position. She thought of the time whenever she tried to remove her veil in front of others and was scolded.

~~~~~ Many years back when Ling Siyue was a liitle girl ~~~~~

" Imperial Mother, can I remove this veil ? Its itchy and inconvenient for me to talk and laugh.", a beautiful little girl was pulling the sleeve of her mother who was sitting in the garden in the palace.

" No ... Yue'er, be a good girl. You can not remove this veil in presence of otheres even if it is your own mother, father or brothers.

If it is inconvenient to talk and laugh, so reduce your talking and laughing activities.

Don't you know, what the Perceptor has told. The first person to see your face must be your husband.

Only, then you can show your face to others abd there will be no need foe you to wear this veil. But, before this you can never show your face to anybody whether it is a man or woman.

And mind it, it must not be you who will remove your veil for your husband but your husband himself shall remove it to see. ", the Empress of Yanfou said while patting the head of the little princess.

~~~~~~Present time~~~~~

' Hum, how will I get rid of this veil ? He is not interesting in removing it. I used the tradition of the additional dowry from our country to lure him to come in.

To enter the mansion, I would have just jumped the wall with my friend and entered here but I made use of additional dowry to hit two stones.

One was to enter via the main door and get the respect of that haughty Butler and second was to lure him into the room and make him remove my veil.

The first point was achieved and second point, he came into the room but I could not make him to remove my veil.

Why did I wear this silk veil ? It would be so easy if I had left wearing it today and just used the bridal veil. It would have be removed until now and I would be free from its headache. Humph!! Stupid!!', as she thought, she fell into her beauty sleep but was cautious enough because if she had gone into deep sleep then she might not have woken up in the next morning.