Ji Mu meets 'So Called' mother in law

Snow Pavilion in the Imperial Palace was the living place in the Intoxicated Courtyard which belonged to the Imperial Consort Kin in the harem of the Emperor.

Kin Fei, daughter of the left Prime Minister Kin was the descendant of one of the Five Greats ( people who made the way to Firbidden City).

Entering the pavilion, Ji Mu was a little nervous. In their country, no one dared to question her highness, so it was easy to take her place but here, she would be tested each time.

Jing Yang smirked seeing her nervousness. 'My Consort Mother is, of course, a woman to be feared.'

Inside the pavilion, sat Kin Fie, Princess Jing Li, Kin Hua Jing and servants faning for the Imperial Consort.

Ji Mu and Jing Yang payed the respect to Imperial Consort Kin of the Imperial Harem.

"I, Jing Yang/Ling Siyue, pay my respect to the Imperial Consort mother.", they both spoke.

They were about to kneel but Kin Fie told Jing Yang to cut the formalities.

But, after this, Ji Mu also did not kneeled in front of her. Seeing this , she was angry.

"Prospertous!", she slammed her hand on the table but Ji Mu did not even bat an eye. 'Bitch! how dare you make the princess kneel '

"Does Yan not have knowledge about basic ettiques of woman ? How dare you not kneel in front of the Imperial Consort ?

Take this daring bitch and give her ten lashes with the whip which is used to discpline maids." , she ordered the servants.

" Imperial Consort Kin, anger is not good for health and it causes woman to turn old earlier.

And for kneeling, I am just following my husband and moreover you never mentioned the name in your statement.", Ji Mu defended herself.

' If it was her highness then she would have made you kneel like that haughty-maughty butler.. Humph.. you are lucky', Ji Mu laughed.

" Husband, has I done something wrong ? Last night, you have given me your permission to follow you everytime, this wife just following husband's order.", Ji Mu lowered her eyes.

" My brother will never say this to you... he even did not have not went to last night.. ", Princess Jing Li who was sitting at one side shouted.

" Li'er, a lady does not shout at elders. Princess Consort, don't mind her words, she is just a young girl.", Kin Hua Jing held Jing Li's arm as she was sitting next to her.

( Here , comes the white lotus, more precisely cousin of Jing Yang who wants to become the princess consort. But, poor woman. She is what we say a vixen. )

" I will like to break, the Princess Jing's delusion in start only. If your brother was not there with this wife on their first night then who gave me this dagger. ", Ji Mu took out a dagger from her sleeve.

Everyone was surprised to see Jing Yang's personal dagger in the hands of Ji Mu, except Jing Yang himself.

' Hum, this dagger was given to me by her highness in the carriage... even I was shocked to see the prince's ersonal item... my highness is the best.'

" How dare you steal my brother's personal dagger ?",roared Princess Jing Li.

" Excuse me, are you saying that a woman can easily steal the great general's possession. It seems you are saying that my husband is very incompetetent."


"Enough.", he was first enjoying the scene but when the words started to question his ability, he could not control himself, " I was the one to give her this dagger last night and instructed her."

" Son..."

"Bid Brother...."

"Brother Yang..."

Jing Yang looked at trio who had lost tgeir words to speake. Ji Mu laughed in her mind. ' Whether its Yanfou or Binhai, white lotuses and bitch mother in laws do not see country..'

" I am the Princess Consort, shall you not pay me respect ? Does not Binhai teach you anything.", Ji Mu turned towards Kin Hua Jing.

" You ! ... Brother Yang, see how viscous is this woman is..", she came forward and tried to cover her face with her sleeve, implying that she was crying .

" Sister Hua, don't take this lowly woman's words, seriously. She is just jealous of your beauty and status.", Jing Li came firward and tried to coax her.

'Geez, why will I be jealous ? I am not the real Princess consort...', she could hardly control herself to make a disgusted look.

But suddenly, the emperor's eunuch arrived.

" The emperor has summoned the second prince."

" Alright."

"Bitch, now we will show you what are we ?", the trio smirked as Jing Yang left.