
Ling Siyue smiled when she heard Jin Mu had talked about the carriage driver.

She flicked her head with her index finger. Jin Mu pouted and covered her head with her hands.

" I have set an enchantment. ", Ling Siyue looked out of the window as she hold the curtain that covered it.

The breeze blew her veil and also cooled the atmosphere inside the carriage. Her eyes met with someone on the street when the carriage had passed from the Imperial City's centre.

That man was sitting on a stall and was looking at the people passing by the busy road.

His eyes met a pair of clear eyes suddenly, which made him loose in its depth and he kept staring at the carriage who had left like wind flowing in open lands.

He stood from his seat . He was so lost in those eyes that he forgot to recognise that whose carriage it was, to find that girl.

He made a sad smile and put her hand behind her neck and massaged it. He turned and left.

Whereas, in the carriage, Ling Siyue had forgot about this sudden eye to eye talk as she heard Jin MI's rambling.

" We knew it. Your highness, you were able to learn how to set up an enchantment, yet never told the Imperial Family. ", Jin MI's eyed had widened but soon she had accepted it as there were many secrets that lingered around Ling Siyue.

" I don't learn. Spiritual Teacher Lin has given me a set of papers for my protection many years ago on my birthday when he has visited. I have never used them. I thought I will need them now. ", Ling Siyue fell in deep thought and continued, " It's that paper who has set this enchantment ."

" Oh.... Spiritual Master Lin..... we don't know where he is now. .....Sigh... ", Jin Mu was silent.

" Your highness, don't you need to answer my questions now.... ", she realised that there were many questions and doubts.

" No answer. ", she turned to look at her, " You will get to know everything when the time is right. "

Jin Mu sighed. This was impossible that after those words, Princess Ling would tell her the reason and clear her doubts. She left everything to her fate.

Suddenly a growl was heard. Both Jin My and Ling Siyue turned to source which had made this voice.

It was Jin MI's stomach which was crying as it did not get it's fill. Jin Mu turned red of embarrassment. Even her neck and ears. Tears came out of her eyes as she saw, Ling Siyue chuckling.

" Princess, give me food or I will die... and don't laugh", she clutched her stomach and put a stress on the last two words.

" Alright... when we will reach the mansion, I will give those servants a teaching, so they will not bullying you. ", Ling Site waved her hand as she took out a fruit from her sleeves.

Jin Mu pounces on the fruit and ate it. Ling Siyue chuckled to see her like this.