Sold to prostitution

A woman covered in a veil was sitting on the Master's chair in the main hall. She was drinking her tea elegantly as she eyed the people standing in front of her.

She turned her head to side and saw her friendly miss who was standing while arms crossed and a tinge of arrogance.

Jin Mu was startled to see the expression that Ling Siyue was showing which clearly told everyone everything in her mind. She was so accurately acting like the maid of the person who was about to suppress others.


Jin Mu turned her head back to Butler Tu Ji and all the servants and the maids. She was excited as it was the time to teach them a lesson.

" Why have you called us? ", Butler Tu said in annoyance.

Jin Mu did not reply and kept staring at them as she cupped her tea after having some supper earlier.

" We all have work unlike someone we don't laze around. ", the maid who had initially came to call Princess Consort mumbled.

The rest of the maids smirked but it did not continue as that maid suddenly screamed in pain.

" Ahhhhhhhh..... "

Everyone was startled. Jin Mu laughed inwardly, " It's the show time!"

Ling Siyue had many works and take which she needed to fulfill and many questions whose answers, she was out to find.

For her motive, she had to make preparations so that her plans would not be interrupted or disturbed.

First was to get a person who would know Imperial Harem's situation perfectly. It was no wonder that would be Empress Zhu Zhi whom, no one would restrict or suspect as she was considered pathetic and weak who did not have brain.

Second was to restore reputation of Yan people. For this, she made all the people in the street who could clearly see her kneel when she had arrived to show her authority.

Third was to make the servants obey properly. She would be going out often. She did not want them to be a hindrance, so it was better to teach them lessons first. They must remember their punishment in future. This would safeguard Jin Mu too as she was impersonating her.

Fourth was to make sure her that the prince could not notice her movements or doubt Jin Mu.

As she done the two out of four, now it was the turn of the third preparation.

She was angered as the woman had not given Jin Mu the basic reputation in morning and now she was badmouthing her. She took out her whip and hit the maid out of nowhere.

" You! how dare you!", Butler looked at the maid who had died in an instance from the single hit of the whip.

Yeah that stupid maid had become a corpse. Guess what ? Where was she hit that she died ?

She was hit under mouth as her jaw broke.

" How can you kill my friend ?", another stupid cane forward. So the whip also came as it twisted the girl's neck completely.

Everyone was shocked. They looked at the young Maud girl covered in veil who had killed two people in stance was standing there like a death fairy.

" This is illegal. You can not kill people. ", Butler Tu voiced his thoughts.

At this time, Jin MI's tea had finished so she kept the cup on the table and said in high tone, " Where is this written that a master can not beat his servant to death ? When does it become illegal ?"

Butler Tu and others stared the woman sitting there. She had right. A master could beat his servant. But they still could not loose themselves to this bitch.

" Firstly, you are not the master of this house. Secondly, it is her who has killed people not our master. ", The man who was working as head chef pointed towards Ling Siyue.

Ling Siyue remembered that this was the man who stopped the little chef to send her some soup. So she hit the hand which was pointing towards her.


Cracking of the bones were heard as the head chef screamed in pain. His hand was whipped by that woman.

" You say I am not you master..... huh... correct.... I am really not your master.", Jin My held her chin as she was thinking, but soon her next words made them realize the harsh reality.

" But I am your mistress who has equal status and powers as the master has. Am I wrong in this matter? As being the madam of this household, I have the he right to teach the servants a lesson for their lack of manners. ", Jin Mu said.

She roared, " Throw the corpse outside the mansion. " Two men in black came forward and picked the two corpse.

The people who saw this scene remembered that high status people have hidden guards. In addition Princess Consort of the second prince was a great status as a result, she was gifted some guards by the emperor, who would not save her in cases in which could not die but listen to her such commands as she was their master. It was made clear in the edict which had gotten two days ago before the marriage.

The corpse had vanished from the sight but people had some things in their minds. If did not last long as they were thrown our of the mansion.

" You... you... the person with mole... that one... and that... sell them to prostitute house. If others don't listen and continue to bother, just sell them too. ", Ling Siyue pointed at some people.

Two were the moles of Noble Consorts and rest were the moles put by Gao and He families. There were others but she could not make the other party more vigilant just in the start.

The guard hesitated so Jin Mu roared to sell them. They followed her command. The rest shrank in back as they did not want to be sold to such a place.

JinMu and Ling Siyue left the hall filled with shocked people who were white full of shocks. They hurriedly left to tell their masters about this development but they had to be more careful as not to be caught.