I will come there now

Old Mr Jin locked himself in the room and went into deep thought, until his subordinate Li came to knock at his door. When Old man Li saw his master contemplating and asked about what he was thinking and the later just let out a sigh and looked at him.

"Do you think i made a wrong decision, afterall they trusted me and gave a big resposibility, but I defailed them not only by losing my family also their trust" asked with a melochony in his eyes.

"Master , I think you tried your best also even now you are protecting, sorry to speak against you, but even you tried everything to stop you couldnot" Old Man Li said and waited for his master to speak.

"You know Li sometimes you are my friend than as a subordinate to me, I too hope my son and daughter in law forgive me for not protecting Yue 'er" said Old Mr Jin with a bitter smile. "Master I just think they might already predicted that something is going to happen to them, else why would they leave the letter to you about Young Miss and handing her to you" said Old man Li.

"Hmmm... why did you come to me?" asked Old Man Jin concentrating to the pressing matters. "Xu family called for a meeting, but preffered just only you, they said you know about the reason" with a slight pause "I think they know about Young Miss Yue s return" said Old Man Li asked what he should do.

"Yeah.. we have to do this soon before they find out about Yue'er" I must protect her no matter what left these words untold. "Ask them to meet me at Pride Tea house tomorrow morning by 11" with that said Old Mr Jin dismissed his subordinate.


At NS Tech Building There was a drop dead silence engulfed in the meeting room, the presenter stood at the place like a student who was ready to get a beating from the principal, Mike who sat at the head seat looked through the quiet room by throwing daggers.

Nobody dared to speak as they were afraid of awake the devil, while everyone was looking at each other as to break the silence but they heard Mike's raspy cold voice "I asked for the new proposal, do you think this proposal 'd be fine, I want a new one within two hours by now. Else get your salary for this month and get lost. The company dont want someone who could not even do the proposal"

With that said, Mike walked out from the meeting room to his office which is in the top floor, when he reached the elevator his mobile vibrated through his suit pocket.

Mike took the mobile and looked at the message 'Meeting fixed' 'Pride Tea House, 11 in the morning tomorrow' after reading the message he shoved the mobile into his suit pocket, one could never find what's he thinking in his mind.


At Zhu Mansion Shan and Zhu Ling after meeting with their parents, they planned to visit their friends, Zhu Ling called Zian for the dinner to make an announcement about their marriage. Likewise Shan called Yue to tell.

But she couldn't contact her so she tried to contact through the landline of thier home, "Uncle Che help me wake up Yue, she probably might be in her dreams" asked Shan. "But Miss Shan Young Madam is not here, she s went morning but didn't say where she s going" said Uncle Che.

When Zhu Ling noticed her restlessness asked what happened, "Yue is not picking her phone, I feel something might happen. She won't usually go out unless me or Mike 's there, but now She didn't inform Uncle Che where she is going" Shan started to ramble on her own.

Zian on the other line with Zhu Ling heard the name Yue and asked what happened to her, Zhu Ling said what Shan has said. He could clearly the chill from the phone. "Ask what happened, I will send my team to search for her, no I am coming there now" said Zian with serious voice.

When Zhu Ling heard what his friend was saying pressed his thin lips and calmed his friend "Zian bro wait don't come to conclusion now, maybe she will be in her office" and also Shan. "Baby have you tried calling Mike may be Yue will be with him" he persuaded and make her to call her asap.

But Shan said "Yue wont go to office if there s no emergency" mumbled to herself and called Mike. "Mike Did you see Yue no I mean did she call you" Mike could feel her anxious voice. His body stiffened when he heard Yue could not be found.

"I look into her you don't get panic calm down" with that said he checked his mobile to call Yue s mobile but the call didn't get through. So he immediately checked her location in his mobile, where he made her wear the bracelet with tracking chip to find her location if anything unexpected happens.

It showed his office floor exactly his office,

"Yue is in my office here, get her new set dress" with that he cut the call. Shan relevied and told Zhu Ling she needs to go Mike s office since Yue was there. Zhu Ling offered he will come with her too, she accepted readily.

Zhu Ling told Zian once he heard where Yue is, and he was going there with Shan and asked him to meet at the dinner. "Send me her pic when once you see her" with that Zian cut the call.