Hungry Wolves

Standing in front of the commander's tent along with the rest of the army and it's nobles come lords truly felt like a battlefield as everyone has a clear distance from one another, no one wanting anything to do with the other, only eyeing one another's armies.

Huh. Mines really the smallest, and by a lot too, I have about a hundred men while the next lowest has near two hundred men, that's a bit much of a gap.

At this point Surnova walked out of the commander's tent in full armor, polished and shiny, "The campaign for the rite of princes is a success! The rewards have been handed out! The men have rested and are prepared, so go now! This war is over!"

"Ouuuu!!!!!!" All the men raised a cry so loud you'd think they were starting a new war, though I guess they are in a way.

Bowing deeply to Surnova I then began leaving with Shion's help as I didn't know the way back only having a general sense of direction having seen the map.

"Hungry wolves indeed." I muttered half a day out from the camp, it seems we are being followed by quite a large warband over two hundred strong, the battle intent basically spilling out, "Everyone, form a square."

These men who followed me from Durlivan knew what I wanted immediately forming up quickly and efficiently.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?" I called out to the armies head who rode a white horse.

"I am Trigo Rafulnas, your neighbour to the north, my lands are smaller than yours and yet I have so many men, so I was hoping you could allow my army to have some of your provisions." Trigo said calmly, his hair is brown with green eyes? That's a bit creepy isin't it? Well unique at least.

"Sorry but we have no supplies to spare, it is quite unfortunate though I do not mind if you walk with my army." I replied steadily, I have two people above me, Surnova and the emporer there is no need to bow to anyone else, he told me that himself.

"I see, then, have safe travels, Agashi Durlivan." Trigo said lightly going back to his own men, doesn't even wait for my reply, is it an epedemic in the empire?

Turning back I continued to lead my army but switched out the marching formation with thirty well trained men walking in the woods to the east side of the column, since Trigo went to the west if he attacked it would be west ward as well.

Should he attack he will be encircled.

The day passed peacefully however, an attack did not come and night fell.

Suddenly as the winds calmed slightly arrows whistled through the darkness of the night several flaming arrows mixed in landing on tents setting them ablaze.

"Go now! Massacre them!" A familiar voice, so it's Trigo leading? What a bold guy.

From the woods my men spread out into five groups of twenty encircling our camp and by extension Trigo's men who were now trapped in a burning camp.

"Massacre everyone outside the camp and let the ones inside burn, kill anyone who tries to leave, I will take care of Trigo." I said charging down the sides of the forest in silence alongside my men.

Not a single war cry could be heard, "There's no one here--!" As a soldier shouted he was immediately beheaded by Nefamiti who procceeded to kill two other's caught unaware taking control of the camps eastern entrance.

All around battle erupted as I put into place the same strategy Surnova used at Durlivan, divide and conquer, with a large portion of their forces stuck inside the camp my own forces began to massacre those outside with minimal effort, completely outnumbering and overpowering them.

"Trigo, we meet again, what a coincidence that you have appeared here during a bandit attack." I said walking towards Trigo who had become docile upon his horse, he is only a young man, perhaps sixteen or seventeen, "Why don't we have a chat?"

"I must look like some sort of demon right now, battle raging all around, fires dancing and blades ringing yet I am interested in none of it, I only have one prey and that is you Trigo, so be afraid and dismount now before I cleave the head off your horse and replace it with your own." I said lightly taking a few steps forward.

Without any hesitation Trigo got off his horse coming before me, "Now stand next to me Trigo and burn this sight into your eyes, the sight of bandits that ran amok being killed, you wouldn't happen to be a bandit would you, Trigo?" Despite the flames Trigo felt a chill run through his body.

"I am not a bandit, definitely not a bandit." Trigo stuttered his stature turning smaller by the second, many of the mercenaries outside had surrendered by now, whilst those inside died either by fire or by arrow as my own men picked up the bows and fired inside haphazardly.

"I see, so I assume you simply came here to make sure I was doing well then?" I replied evenly.

"O-of course! I was just looking for, for, looking out for your safety!" Hoh. What a guy lying through his teeth, well I might as well get to the point.

"Then, since you care about me so much, why not become one of my retainers and live in Durlivan with me? You can run Rafulnas from there while also assissting me, of course there will be many benefits, what do you think?" Using him as an arm rest I looked down and asked, he did not meet my eye as he spoke.

"I will gladly serve Lord Durlivan! Of course I will! It was my intent from the start!" Trigo said pleadingly, what a disgusting guy willing to do anything to save his own skin.

Raising one hand all the men stopped battling immediately, the army of Trigo has been reduced to fifty men from two hundred, my own casualties? I couldn't see any.

"Men! Let those you were fighting go and welcome them instead! Give Trigo here a big welcome as well! We will merge our camps!" I shouted cheers erupting from all over the battlefield.

The morale of both Trigo and the mercenaries had been thoroughly trampled, there would be no retaliation even if I fell asleep in the middle of all of them.

"Then, do lead us to your camp." Patting Trigo's back he began walking towards the woods in the east, barely twenty minutes away he had set up a large camp fit for two hundred men with enough supplies to last them a month, "Wanted some provisions was it?"

"No no, it was a simple jest, a jest!" Trigo replied quickly.

Finding the main tent was like finding a treasure trove, inside was a full chest of gold coins, something I did not get because I got Shion, who has proven to be worth more than a chest of gold.

"The night is long, we will be taking up residence here." I said laying down on the bed with Shion glaring at Trigo who quickly scurried away.

Everything within a hundred meters was taken by my soldiers as a preventive measure on the extremely off chance that they attack as we sleep.

What a bloody day. And ending it off with Shion in my bed with a hug. Anytime. I'd do this anytime for the hug at the end.

Speaking of my hug, where is it? Looking up I found that Shion is standing over the bedside blushing furiously, "Aren't you coming?" I said sadly, could it be she doesn't want to?

"I am." Shion replied steam almost coming out from her ears as she slowly got onto the bed, grabbing her up like a doll I pulled her right into me giving a big tight hug, perfect.

Lying on my back she laid on my chest taking away all of my exhaustion. Slowly my vision blurred another day having finished.

Morning came much too quickly as it always does, Nefamiti and Alias stood in front of the my tent with all our men while Trigo stood aside with his ragtag group of men who had dropped to fifteen after a night of desertions.

"Alias, Nefamiti and Trigo, you three are my retainers, take care to remember this." I said lightly, "Get along and treat eachother well, you will one day be covering each other's backs."

"Yes, Lord Durlivan." Trigo immediately replied while Nefamiti and Alias exchanged glances and nodded, "How dare you two be so rude to--"

"It's fine, they are like brothers to me, all of them having been willing to lay down their lives for me." I cut off Trigo catching a look of jealousy in the eyes of his men, seems they wish they could join, it's too bad.

Trigo himself looked shocked for a moment, before looking confused and then gradually calming down, "I apologize."

"Mm. Now, we march." Taking the lead I had Shion ride the horse as her legs had been aching the previous day from the walking.

For the next day and a half nothing serious happened, a few small bandit raids of twenty men or less, but they were all killed, Trigo's men that were left were all archers their aim superb combined with my own men who are experienced in encirclement it was a massacre.

Several bands of bandits had surrendered turning into a large train of prisoners near a hundred strong, we had been feeding them and allowing them to interact with our own soldiers fostering a nice atmosphere.

"So, he is the new Lord of Durlivan, he seems like a great lord, I pity him being given Durlivan though," Hardvar a scarred bandit captain had said sadly, "Hopefully he doesn't become corrupted by that devils city."

"It is a hard place to live but, I believe in our lord, he will make it prosper!" Alias said seriously many of the other men nodding confidently even Trigo's mercenaries who overheard nodded seriously believing it to be true.

"He is a great tactician, leads his men with confidence, but we have yet to see his actual ability to rule a land, his prowess on the battlefield is undeniable but what about in the field of politics? As a former nobles guard I must warn that the field called the court is much more vicious than any battlefield, your life and that off all your people can be decided by a single word." Hardvar's eyes trembled slightly as though remembering some horrible past.

"Politic's is just as terrifying as war and anyone who says other wise is a fool or is being used like one." Hardvar said lightly, "I think I'll turn in for tonight."

Standing up he rebound himself and headed off to sleep at the prisoners quarters which were basically the soldiers quarters.

We treat them like humans, not like criminals, after all blood only begets blood and wiping out all bandits would be an extremely high cost in blood, and would make them desperate, so if there is no need to corner them that badly but instead get them to give it up nicely, I wouldn't mind that route instead, after all fighting a cornered beast means casualties become inevitable.

Night passed and the final day came as Durlivan could be seen on the horizon, but so too could a large crowd of what looked like a mix of bandits, thugs, soldiers, knights and officials.

From afar Durlivan certainly does live up to it's reputation as a border city, it's defenses look solid and the mountain pass it is at is certainly easily defendable without any major ridges at either side making it the highest elevated place.

"Are you the new lord of Durlivan?" As we approached an old man walked forward asking courteously.

"Indeed, I am Agashi Durlivan appointed this fief by Prince Surnova on account of my merits of killing the traitorous Duke." I replied calmly, a murmur spreading through the crowd.

"I see, I am Mars the butler of the previous Durlivan lords estate, I have come here as a representative of the Four syndicates and five gangs, to say that we do not recognize you as our Lord, and as such will not allow you to take office." Mars said kindly as the entire crowd suddenly became violent drawing all manner of weapons.

"Cut the bandits loose and prepare for battle." I replied looking at Mars who now walked back into the city alongside several tens of bandits and thugs.

"Yes, lord." Alias said sending the order back, the bandits who were cut loose quickly ran into the city yipping and whooping.

"Damn ungrateful bastards, we should have killed them when we had the chance, now they will join the garrison and fight us again," Trigo said angrily his face going red as it seemed he would soon order his archers to loose.

"Don't worry, Trigo, I have a plan, if it works than this will be a simple siege, I will take Durlivan in a single day." I said with a big smile sending a chill down Trigo's spine, "For now, let's get out of their archer's range."