
Morning broke before I did waking me up with a blinding glow. Feeling my arms empty I did not move.

"Are you dressed?" I called out nervously, don't want another sword thrown at me.

"Yes, I am." Shion's reply came quickly, She's reading documents? That's right this is the previous lords room, of course there are all kinds of incriminating documents. Just one small problem. I can't read.

Perfect! Great.

"Shion, what are you reading there?" I asked curiously, though I can't read she can, and so I'll be relying on you, Shion-chan.

"It's an account book showing all of the dirty deals and trades that the previous lord had made through Duke Loktre." Shion said disgusted, "There are thousands of names dating back years."

What a bastard. I who only knows how to swing my sword, is still better than him.

"Lord Durvilan, there is matters you must come oversee." Hardvar said opening the door.

"When it's in private just call me casually." I replied, "What is it?"

"Then, Boss, there is the executions, the people have come forward to testify and they will begin soon, you should be there to overlook them as the Lord of Durlivan it is your responsibility to see it through to the end." Hardvar replied evenly, Boss huh? I like it, sounds cool.

Getting dressed and putting on my cape I walked out of the estate, just outside of the estate there is a large place that can only be the city square! Yes! This must be it! It's too large to not be a city square! In front of me fifty two men are in line for execution, the people below are silent as they watch these men with hatred in their eyes.

Through the silence I can feel their hatred, not even a cheer sounded in the plaza as these people solely wanted to see these men dead.

"I am Agashi Durlivan, the new lord of Durlivan, I killed Duke Loktre who the previous lord of Durlivan dealt with selling off your husbands, wives and children, extorting you and killing you, many gangs were formed to protect you all but many of them were all corrupt with time, these men represent the end of that age, I swear now that never again will a child be seperated from their parents sold to faraway lands, that never again will a mother weep for a child lost to the underworld, that no father will ever fall helplessly to their knee's unable to save their family from forces unseen, Durlivan will be born anew! The spirit of the people of Dra will never die, honor to Durlivan!" As my hand clenched the first heads flew as the people cheered.

The screams of the men on the podium only served to increase the cheers of the crowd, many cheering through tears falling to their knees and wailing.

With these men dead, the city will temporarily be at peace, however not much had changed except for fifty two newly dead men on top of the two hundred from yesterday. I'm sure right now many resent me for killing them.

There is nothing to be done about that. I can only continue moving forward through the blood and bone laid out before me.

"Durlivan will rise!" I shouted hyping up the crowd further.

As the last head rolled the people began to disperse quickly, their suspicious and paranoid sides coming back as their instincts told them to leave the crowd. In an instant the streets became empty save for a few wandering wisps of dust.

The people here know the city so well that they can disapear in the blink of an eye. Seriously. Who planned this city? I can't tell if it's genius or just.... stupid.

"Hardvar, I wish to appoint you as my intelligence agent." I turned to Hardvar speaking calmly.

Turning his head shocked Hardvar stammered for a moment, "W-well, I can certainly take up that role, I am experienced with the underworld."

Perfect, that settles the intelligence side of governance.

"Nefamiti, I would like to appoint you as the Head of the Garrison." I turned the other way speaking lightly.

"It is an honor, Agashi." He replied with a half bow. No matter how much I dislike it he will never stop doing that will he?

Glancing over at Alias I see that he is quite excited a big smile on his face, "Alias."

"Yes!" He cut me off this brat.

"You will asisst me directly as a guide and butler." Oh? He dares to look disapointed? "Would you rather be taking care of horses?"

"No! I like this role!" He quickly perked up nodding the whole way, what a quirky lad.

"Trigo, I would like you to take care of doing a general survey of the city, populations, number of families, business' all of it." I said then looking at Hardvar, "Try and help him with this."

"No problem." Hardvar nodded already giving orders to his subordinates, Trigo following suit.

"Thank you for this role, Lord Durlivan." Trigo said with a noblemans bow, that's a first, he's never done that before!

"Trigo, I really hate it when you don't act like youself around me, so don't hold back, be yourself." I said leaving, It seems I've picked up some bad habits of not waiting for the replies of people.

Walking back to the estate I can feel the stares of all the people from the shadows of alleys and homes, there are so many buildings but almost no people. The scary part about Durlivan is not the underworld but the people who appear and disappear like ghosts in the fog.

How terrifying.

Once I arrived back at the estate I found that Shion is still reading the documents and account books her frown and general aura of disgust having deepened extremely.

She hasn't noticed me. Perfect.

Sneaky sneaking inbound..... "Hey!" Getting right by her ear I spoke.

"Ahh!" She screamed documents flying all over the room, "Don't do that! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Are you okay?" Heart attacks are pretty serious, maybe it's one of those things in this world, kill someone by speaking behind them?

"I'm.... fine!" She said wrenching herself from my hug from behind standing up with red eyes, "The previous lord he, he destroyed this place, so many lives destroyed...!"

I see. She was once the princess of this land after all, seeing all of these documents and finding out what was happening right beneath her nose must be painful, that must have been why she was so quiet last night.

"You couldn't have done anything to stop it, so don't cry." I said embracing her tightly as she did me before, "It's okay."

Sniffling her upturned eyes caught mine and she pinched my side, "Don't take my lines!"

Splitting up while laughing she continued to look me in the eye.

"Uh. What should I say? I can't say that her eyes are extremely pretty right now right? She was just crying after all. But what do I say? I want to hug her but she parted didn't she?" What do i do?

"You give me a hug anyway!" Suddenly Shion spoke tackling me onto the bed. Oh. I spoke outloud didn't I? Hmm. She's so cute and soft. This works fine.