Wolfs Teeth

In the main plaza where the executions once took place a large crowd had gathered due to what had been spread around the city three days prior.

"Join the guard! On top of the regular salary you will gain an extra two copper for every bandit you kill!" Standing over this large crowd of well over three hundred people, both men and woman looked at me seriously, "The guard is based on merit, the more achievments you rack up the higher you can rise!"

Many cheered, raising knives and pitch forks up in the air, but I am not done, "Those of you who are not inclined to battle, you too are in luck! With the formation of this territory just recently I have need for those willing to serve me as officials! You will taught how to read and write and will be given a fair salary for your efforts, with the ability to rise through the ranks based upon merit as well!" Many of the older generation cheered as well.

"Nefamiti is the head of the guard, those who wish to join the guard will follow him! Trigo is the head of finance and those who wish to become officials will follow him!" I shouted pointing left and right, quickly the crowd parted.

"Follow me." Nefamiti said coldly, radiating a refined kind of aura, the battles daily had in turn sharpened him.

"Stay within my sight!" Trigo said gesturing for them to follow, it seems on the other hand these ghost like people of mine have traumatized Trigo.

Heading back to the estate I sat down inside the study reading over the documents of business' and the family register's.

"Why did you do that? Don't you know we will be coming extremely close to red because of that?" Shion said curiously, "Two copper coins per head is nothing to scoff at, there are at least a thousand bandits in these mountains maybe more."

Glancing up from the financial papers I nodded, "Until now the people had no reason to fight back against the bandits, they could have been killed by them after all and they had nothing to lose so they suffered the injustice silently, however," I paused looking into her eyes, "If they can accrue wealth then they will have something to protect, something to fight back for, they will also have something that gives them courage to fight, like for example, the opportunity to not only get back at the bandits that have harassed them but to get a much better quality of life."

"A people with nothing to live for is the same as a dead people, with nothing to protect and no reason to live or look forward to things they would simply rot away dying of hunger, thirst and other things, but now they will fight, and they will fight mercilessly since the moment they feel what it's like to have something, some sort of stability, they will never allow anyone to take it away, people like those are the scariest because their morale is near unbreakable since they have already seen the bottom and know what awaits if they retreat." I looked back down at the finances leaving a speechless Shion staring.

"I say this from experience, so do not worry, it is not a gamble at all." I muttered lightly.

A moment later Shion smiled and gave me a big hug. What is going through her mind?

Currently, the city is bustling, or what can be called bustling for a place like this, basically a ghost town.

I never realized the full scale of this city even now after near a month living here, the city is meant to hold two hundred fifty thousand residents including space for fifty thousand soldiers that would protect the border, but right now less than fifteen thousand are present including soldiers.

I guess I never realized exactly how deserted this city is until now because usually you can't see anyone to begin with.

Over the next few days Nefamiti settled the recruits into the barracks while Trigo found an abandoned area near the estate settling the new officals there, turning it into the internal affairs department, either by design or coincidence it lays directly opposite the barracks.

The basic training lasted for a week.

"Agashi, I would like permission to bring the new recruits out to be blooded." Nefamiti asked smilingly.

"Sure, let me get ready." I replied, it's about time I stretch my legs, a week looking over accounts and reading of the affairs of this place has nearly driven me insane if not for Shion helping me.

"You're coming?" He replied curiously glancing over my shoulder, "Don't you have work to do?"

"Hahahaha, Of course not, it's all done!" It's not all done. So let's get out of here quickly.

Grabbing a random pair of swords lying around the study and putting on the cool looking white fur cape I left the estate in a hurry.

"We will soon be in front of the new recruits." Nefamiti said just outside of a massive courtyard.

I see. Then, let's go for that kind of impression.

Releasing a freezing aura I walked methodically out onto the courtyard taking a deep breath before the recruits who slouched around the field to Nefamiti's great embaressment, "Line up!"

My shout infused with a small bit of murderous intent sent the recruits into flight or fight mode, yet once they saw me they seemed to realize that they could neither fight nor run and so sprinted to line up.

"You call that a line?! Where did you all learn to stand?!" I shouted, my deep voice booming over the courtyard as the recruits straightened out once more to Nefamiti's embaressment.

"I will allow this kind of behaviour to go today, due to you all being new, but should even a single one of you be caught slouching again, all of you will be punished!" I shouted coldly, "You three hundred and fifty men will be what comprises the first unit! Get to know each other as you will breathing the same air and sharing the same food for a long time after today!"

Oh? Silent is it?

"You will reply with, 'Yes, Sir!' when spoken to!" I shouted, most of the men shouting in response, yet several did not reply looking smug hiding inside the group, "All of you! Run around the courtyard for ten laps!"


"Twenty laps!" I cut off all complaints eyeing them down releasing a full blast of bloodlust, "I will run with all of you as your failures are my own as well, now run!"

One can only lead properly by example. Taking off at a light jog fixed my breathing setting a pace for everyone behind me.

Looking over at the field a few people began to slack falling behind, "For every person I pass, we will all run five more laps!"

Instantly the recruits began pushing, because of this several of them began to weaken and fall behind being passed by me, "Come on! You can do it! Men of Durlivan, have you not fought everyday to survive? Are you not the toughest of all men who battle for the right to even breath?! Come! Set a breathing pattern, pace yourselves, you do not need to pass me, you need only not fall behind!"

With that shout a fire was lit beneath them as they slowed a bit, but their running stayed constant, those that fell behind were helped by the other recruits either due to comradery or simply not wanting more laps added on.

In the end, we ran sixty laps, none of them capable of keeping up with me, though they certainly did their best pushing to the end.

"Line up!" Walking to the front of the courtyard a panting Nefamiti beside me I shouted once more.

This time all of the recruits ran to attention lining up semi neatly, several despite being extremely tired still standing up with the help of those beside them.

"Yes, Sir!" This time all of them spoke, some shouting others barely mumbling, but every single one spoke.

"Good! Now rest. We march in fifteen minutes!" I shouted, like a wave the recruits fell back panting hard, their armor killing them as they fell back forcing them to rest standing lest they burn under the sun.

"You know, your quite the monster, Agashi." Nefamiti muttered between breaths.

"A monster? No. Anyone can reach this place I am, real monster's are way above this." I replied thinking of the dojo instructor whose battle capability took down four armed robbers one day disabling all four in a few breaths.

Even if I had eyes all over my head I wouldn't be able to survive being surrounded by four armed men, two hands cannot battle eight when one cannot even see all eight hands.

Fifteen minutes passed by quickly, "Line up!" I shouted, an assortment of groans coming out in reply as they moved into position slowly.

Releasing my killing intent once more I stared them down causing any complaints to die in their throats as they lined up quickly holding their spears tightly.

"Today, I will be leading you out on your first campaign! We will destroy ten bandit camps out in the mountains! Until those ten are destroyed we will not rest nor return!" I shouted coldly.

"Yes, sir!" They shouted.

"Then, march!" I replied walking away.

Outside the barracks Shion stood with Alias right behind her his head hanging down instantly as I looked over at him.

"Agashi! How could you try and leave without telling me!" Shion said angrily, "Don't get hurt, and remember to not take more than two days or else work will pile up too much!"

"Did you all hear? We will destroy those camps in two days and be back here before the third day!" I shouted back down the line getting an assortment of groans accompanied by the affirmation of the troops.

"Really, take care!" Shion said worriedly handing me a necklace that she normally always wears, a wolf tooth necklace.

"Don't worry, I'll be back within two days." I whispered in her ear, "Keep the bed warm."

"Y-you!" Shion replied blushing, a nap with a hug is the best thing after a battle.

Adult life is some great stuff!

"March!" I ordered taking point with Nefamiti beside me.

As we approached the gate several people stood on both sides calling out names, many wore rags for clothing, most of which were children and young women, the recruits smiled yelling back boasting of their future achievements as we passed under the gates.

Passing through the farming area Trigo's archer captain, Lucas, met me handing over several of the more excellent archers that he had trained among the first batch of prisoner farmers who had volunteered and been screened.

In total the archer corps for the first unit comprised of thirty-five archers lead by Marsh, the previous vice-captain of Hardvar's bandit group.

From there the march took two hours to reach outside of the safe area where our elites patrolled, elites being the original guards from before the war that had been spared.

"From this point on, death could be anywhere, so be careful." I said lightly, my words travelling all the way down the lines the men tensing.

After three hours of marching we arrived at the outskirts of a large camp, the scouts that had been tailing bandits as they flee after night raids had discovered many such camps all over the mountains and marked them.