Fortification and Harvest

"Lord Durlivan!" Alias yelled diving at me, though I swiftly dodged so he get nothing but dirt.

"Alias, how many times...!" I replied lifting him up by the collar, everytime he sees me when there isin't too many people around he dives at me.

"Agashi, what is it?" Nefamiti cut in asking curiously, the officials in the back looking puzzled and slightly scared.

"Nefamiti, I want you to begin training the recruits up here in the mountains, it will be harder to run and they can get used to the terrain of the mountains." I said calmly.

"That works fine, I was thinking that training was too light recently." Nefamiti smiled remembering the embaressment he suffered months ago, the faces of the officials paling slightly, I guess he is quite the brutal instructor that the poor officials next door have been having nightmares from just the sounds of their training.

"As for the officials, I'd like for you to move stations here to Desdon Fort, take care of it's finances and report to me if any caravans or such come through here, you will be under Hardvar who will be the commander of this fort." I said back to the officials who seemed to relax after hearing Nefamiti would not be the one taking up office.

"Lastly, Alias, I want you to help Hardvar with his work here in Desdon Fort for a month, as well as train with Nefamiti up here for that same month." I looked over at Alias who now looked like a scared puppy, the image of the brave young man who stood in front of the prince and declared his intent to die no where to be seen.

"C-could that wait until after the harvest?" Alias said meekly.

"The harvest?" I muttered before breaking in a shout startling everyone, "Wait, that's right! It's been three almost four months now! The harvest!"

"We should hold a festival for the first harvest and the release of the prisoner farmers from servitude, make it known that we will hold a festival in three days time to welcome the harvest and tell other prisoners that they may too join the festival, but do warn them that to make trouble is to court death." I said into the dark where Hardvar appeared from.

"No worries, Boss." He said walking right past the officials who began to sweat, that's right, Nefamiti and Hardvar are two sides of a coin and are just as terrifying as the other.

That same day we arrived back at Durlivan, no one died in the final engagement, they broke quickly and the elites took point so the bandits could not break past the spear wall.

A crowd much larger than any before formed all around the streets as the people cheered for the return of their young men.

"May Veru bless you!" They shouted.

"Long live Lord Durlivan! Long Live Veru's Champion!"

How embaressing, but they have earned this, we all have.

Once we reached the barracks the men immediately settled in line at the courtyard, some of the newer recruits moving more sloppily only to be scolded badly by the veterans.

"Line up!" I shouted, all of them freezing at attention.

"In three days time, the first great harvest that Durlivan has seen in years shall take place, and at that time we will hold a harvest festival, in recognition of your services these last few months, you of the first unit will paid your wages in advance and be allowed time off for the festival this year! Enjoy yourselves! You've earned it!" I shouted as they raised a happy cry.

Not very military like, but I'll let it slide today.

"Your finally back." Shion appeared behind me she has not seen me in three whole months.

Giving her a tight hug I felt her anger but also felt so immeasurably happy to see her again so I couldn't help but happily whisper, "Why don't we get married officially soon?"

"Hmph! It took you long enough!" She replied angrily hitting me all over, "You! should! have! written! or! visited!"

"I'm sorry, we could not rest for long nor stay in one place for too long, so I just didn't have enough time to write a letter capable of explaining how much I longed for you." I replied softly.

"Hmph!.... Hmph! A few sweet words won't make me happy you should have found a way!" Shion replied burying her head in my chest.

Using the cape I covered her wrapping myself around her, lowering my head I whispered, "The soldiers are looking."

"What?" She raised her head and in that instant I stole a kiss off her unguarded lips.

Her face went completely red as the men hollered and heckled, "Anymore and I'll have you all running laps till your legs fall off!" Surprisingly Shion yelled before I could causing a round of laughter as men whistled.

"You've got quite the lady, lord! Make sure to invite us to the wedding!" One brave man shouted, "I bless you two with all my heart!"

Many others whistled and stomped in agreement, looking back down she had already buried herself into my chest again.

"Right! Get out of here! Go to your families I'm sure they miss you!" I shouted dismissing them from the courtyard.

Taking the ever blushing Shion away I felt a warm feeling through my body. It kind of feels like I've been stabbed, but there is no pain? It's only really warm and kind of really comfortable?

"Is this love?" I muttered causing Shion to flick her head up her eyes wide like a deer in headlights.

"Is what love?" She asked strangely.

I explained how I felt and she began to tear up. D-did I do something wrong?

"Don't do that, it makes this warm feeling hurt like I've really been stabbed." I said lightly as we arrived at the estate.

At these words she only cried more, "Come here." She said bringing my head down.

"I love you too." She said giving me a kiss.... on my unguarded lips is it.

She learns fast.

A big smile erupted onto my face as I picked her up.

Bringing her up stairs I jumped into bed giving her a big bear hug.

So this is love? It's warm like being stabbed but without the pain and all the adrenaline.

I see, so that really wasn't love back then. This is love, it can't be anything else, I love Shion.

"I love you, Shion." I said happily burying her in my arms, I never want to let her go.

Ah, I'm falling asleep.

There I go.

Morning came swiftly, Shion for the first time, not missing from my arms in the morning.

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

"Yu?" I whispered, "Report."

I dared not stand up and call of Hardvar lest Shion's sleep be disturbed.

"Yes, Hardvar is currently in Desdon Fort using a large portion of the new prisoners as laborers to fix the condition of the run down fort as well as to help in the building of secret bases around the mountains with Desdon as the brain, Alias has also begun his studies helping the new officials to settle in, the three commanders, Marcus, Huantu and Netman have each headed out with their respective units on patrol under Nefamiti's command keeping the farms air tight, no new sources of trouble have appeared in the territory as of yet either." Yu replied lightly sitting on Shion's shoulder and holding her head up with one hand, "So, when are you going to have the ceremony?"

Ceremony? I don't even know what to do for a ceremony like that though? Besides, it should be on a special day! Maybe today? But there isin't enough time for invitations and set up today. Nova has to come for sure, so does Trigo and Nefamiti and Alias.... so many people have to come, the venue will need to be huge.


"New years? We will have nine months to prepare." I replied lightly, "Oh and feel free to invite all of your fairy friends to the wedding as well."

"Fairies?" Shion's crystal clear voice rang out, looking down her eyes were devoid of sleepiness and sharp as a hawks.

"Hm, yes, fairies." I replied nonchalantly standing up, "I met one while out several months ago and became good friends with her, she helped with the bandit extermination, so I thought I'd invite her and her friends to our wedding."

Keep it cool. Yea, smooth as hell.

"So, you met a fairy and didn't tell me?" Shion replied, what's that undertone?

"I didn't think it was a big deal? Her name is Yu, she's about this big and a fairy born of the battlefield." I said putting on some casual clothing.

"You didn't think it was a big deal to tell me you found a fairy?" Shion replied, seriously what is does that undertone mean?

"It just didn't come to mind is all." I replied putting on my cape, "I'll be back soon, I'll just be checking on the festival prep."

"I see, then, have a good time." Shion replied sitting back into the bed.

The day passed calmly, but I could not shake a weird feeling from that interaction. What is going with her? Is she alright? Maybe it's a fever?

With these thoughts I couldn't keep my cool, immediately going to check on her upon returning.

"....yes you may bless the fields before harvest, I'll clear it." Shion's voice wandered out from the main study a smiling Seramia walking out shortly after.

"Ah, Champion, good day." Seramia said happily walking off without a moments notice.

"...good day....?" Since when does she say good day??

"Shion, how are you? I thought you were acting a little weird this morning, do you have a fever?" I asked worriedly putting my hand to her head only to have it promptly swatted away.

"I do not have a fever." She replied evenly, "I am doing some work right now, so please wait a while."

Seriously what is going on today?!

"I see, well then, I guess I'll just wait here then." I replied taking a seat.

Several hours went by, the atmosphere stifling, but it's really not that bad, I've dealt with much worse airs to sit through.

Though I guess she hasn't seeing as eyebrows seem to want to hug one another, or perhaps go to war?

Setting down her pen calmly she looked up at me, "Could you please wait elsewhere? I find myself unable to focus with your presence."


"Please." She said once more, she cut me off?

"What's wrong? Why are you being this way?" I replied worriedly, is she actually hurt and trying to hide it? What is going on??

As I stood up she too stood up frowning, in a matter of moments I had been pushed out of the office the door closing tightly behind me.

"What just happened?" Did, did she just kick me out?


"Uhm, did I do something wrong?" I asked nervously through the door, I'm not too used to this love thing, maybe I did something wrong?? Does she hate me now?

"No." Came the crisp reply.

"D-do..." Do you hate me now? I can't ask that.

What if she says yes?

I wouldn't be able to bear it, that's what my gut is telling me, I know it.


Not gonna deal with that kind of stress.

I just have to find a solution.