Who burns?

Once the introductions were done we all headed outside where several men could be seen lying down, Marcus in all his crusty haired glory eating a snack using them as his seat.

"Prince, Lords." Immediately as he saw us he stuffed what was left in his mouth bowing quickly getting several looking of disgust and disapporval though Nova half smiled clearly finding the situation funny.

"Good work, Marcus." I said lightly then whispering as we passed him, "Don't snack on the job next time."

"Lord!" Marcus shouted standing up and disappearing.

As we walked through the streets, a small garrison of guards following us I felt like the atmosphere in the city had begun to shift slightly.

"Why don't you all disperse your guards, I swear on my name as Lord of Durlivan that no harm will befall you all as long as I am here." I said calmly, many of the surrounding people looking over anxiously.

Catching my meaning Prince Surnova nodded, "Let your guards off for the day, they should enjoy the festival as well."

"I was just thinking the same." Lord Tars said waving his hand, his half dead guards leaving.

Like this a wave of guards disappeared. Kakakaka. They will certainly get lost. No doubt in this dreaded maze of a city.

Good thing I dispersed Marcus' unit.

The people are looking much more relaxed now as well, they don't quite trust soldiers that aren't theirs, having had bad experiences with outside forces, to put it mildly.

"I must say, Durlivan is much different from how I remember it." Irea suddenly said with a hint of shock in her voice.

"You've been here before?" I replied curiously.

"When it was first conquered, I was witness to the battle between you and the prince, I held the reins to his horse as you battled." She replied lightly.

"It was like a ghost town back then, even my men were shocked by how few people were here despite how massive of a city it is." Prince Surnova chipped in, "Yet now it feels full of life in only four months, the people can be seen and the atmosphere isn't filled with death."

"You praise me too highly, it was a surprisingly simple job," I replied humbly.

"H-how did you do it? I too have problems with bandits in my territory though not as bad as here." Warren said curiously suddenly going pale, "Sorry, I don't mean to insult Durlivan at all I just-"

"Don't mention it, it is true that here in Durlivan the people have suffered greatly due to the high amounts of crime, be it smuggling, human trafficking or banditry, all have suffered in some way, as for your question it is quite simple," I said evenly, "If you make the territory inhospitable for bandits, then they will refuse to make their homes here."

"Inhospitable?" Getta Otol said strangely, "Do you mean to say that you keep the territory poor to make them leave?"

Glancing over him I replied with a smile, "No, not at all Lord Otol, make the people rich, make them filthy rich and the bandits will have no place to call home here, especially here in Durlivan where everyone who has survived here has suffered, give someone who once had nothing something that belongs solely to them and you will see how quickly they turn vicious towards anything and anyone trying to take it."

"I still don't understand." Warren said scratching his chest, "So, you give your people things so that they feel like protecting them and then bandits won't come? But that doesn't work does it? Bandits will still come as long as their are things to take, right?"

"That would be the case with normal people but take a look around, look into the eyes of those with stalls here, you can easily tell who lives here and who does not." I replied gesturing around as I stopped at a stall getting some candies from a merchant from the capital handing one to Shion and Nova.

Looking around the nobles faces changed slightly, seeing this I spoke, "Tell me, young Lord Warren, what do you see?"

"Well fed wolves." Warren muttered suddenly feeling everyone looking at him strangely he continued, "In Locost where hunting is the main source of income we come across wolves all the time, and one get's good at telling everything from a glance at the eyes, and the eyes of these people are like those of well fed wolves defending their things, even though they are selling wares they still look to be on full alert defending them at all times, what a terrifying people."

"Indeed, when I arrived they were like hungry wolves scraping and clawing for anything and everything defending whatever little they got with their lives," I said glancing at Nova, "I put a bounty on the head of every bandit killed, that way they would have a reason to put their lives on the line not just for themselves but also so they can have more, then I gave them a sense of stability by getting money flowing through these bounties as well as recruiting officials from the people and teaching them how to read and write."

"Like this, the territory turns from people who are already willing to risk their lives for what little they have into a people hopeful for a better future through giving them a light to follow, and finally you make the land inhospitable by giving these hungry wolves an education and training, basically turning all of Durlivan in an executioners platform for any bandit or criminal." Getta sighed turning it over in his head.

"Give a hungry wolf hope and it will tear everything in it's way apart to reach it or die trying." Shion said lightly, "The people of the Dra Earldom will always at heart have the values of the wolf, Dra, and that is to never give in completely even under the direst circumstances."

"Well said!" Nova smiled, "Eliminate banditry by turning everyone into fiercesome wolves and the bandits into the prey."

"Could that not become dangerous?" Lord Tars suddenly said smugly, "What if these people end up turning against you? You will have battle hardened people used to fighting for every scrap running down your door."

"That's right, something like this is a double-edged sword." Lord Kleiol chipped in, "A fiercesome people is good during times of war and strife but how will they fair in peace?"

Glancing over at them I smiled deeply, "Look around you, despite constantly fighting, they still come out to celebrate, they still try and sell what they have for the hope of a brighter future, they have tasted peace after the long strife, I doubt these would be a people easily stirred to conflict, especially a conflict that would destroy their current way of life where they no longer have to battle just to see the next day."

"Even so." Lord Tars muttered.

"Enough." Nove said coldly, "If you continue to act like this towards our host, I will take measures."

Lord Tars and Lord Kleiol immediately went mute, though their faces looked unhappy.

For the rest of the day there was no more talk of politics nor strategies, instead we enjoyed ourselves as I showed them all around Durlivan, save for Lord Tars and Lord Kleiol who each seemed to have eaten something bad and departed along the way.

As night fell I took all of them up onto the city ramparts from which the entirety of the plains could easily be seen all the way to the horizon.

Below at the gate of the city a large crowd of people gathered together their eyes happy and expectant as they looked up.

"You who have paid off your crimes from this day forward are forgiven! You may do whatever you wish from now on! You are free!" I shouted raising my sword high.

"UOOO!!!!!" They let out an earth shattering yell, during these months these men had all put on a lot of muscle and weight, their lungs turning into drums as they shouted.

"Enjoy yourselves on this day of harvest!" Another round of cheers sounded as they were allowed into the city which had by now been completely ready and immersed into the atmosphere, many of the merchants welcoming these once criminal turned civilians in with open arms.

"So, not only did you make this place inhospitable for crime, but you also won the hearts of your captives?" Nova said impressed, "How did you manage?"

"Actually it was not me that won their hearts, though I played a part the real person behind it is Shion." I said smilingly bringing her forward.

"How did you do it?" Nova asked curiously gathering the attention of the rest of the nobles.

"You put too much praise on me, due to Agashi's reputation none of the prisoner's dared to try and escape, but he also chose to feed and give them wages for working in the fields, telling them they could leave once they had worked off their sentence, I simply went down every now and again to help with the food delivery and religious services," Shion replied to my shock.

You've really changed these past few months Shion! Didn't you use to hate religion? What am I missing here?

"Agashi, she used to go into the church every day and pray for you, you know." A small whisper reached my ears, it's Yu.

How do you know?

"I overheard some of the women in the church talking about her while you were speaking with Seramia." Yu said practically reading my mind.

I see. And yet I've made her think I don't love her.

What a cruel man I am.

"Lord Durlivan, I will be taking my leave now to the fields, the ceremony will likely be starting soon and I wish to get a good seat as to watch this miracle of Veru." Nova said seemingly noticing the look on my face.

At his word the nobles all turned and left. Literally, no one waits for a reply. Ever. That's not important right now though.

"Um, Shion." I said nervously turning to her.

"Yes?" She replied anxiously now that it was just us.

"I, I didn't know what fairies meant, Seramia recently told me about its meaning, I also found out about you praying for my safety every day, I'm sorry for making you feel unloved," I said lightly.

Reaching out a hand I quickly put it back down. Did I ruin this? Why is she not saying anything?

"Um, I do love you, a lot." I said as the anxiety continued to pool deep in my gut, "I-"

"I shouldn't have gotten upset, I'm sorry." Shion cut me off saying anxiously, "I knew that you probably didn't know what it meant but I still got mad at you and didn't let you speak, do, do you hate me now?"

"Do I hate you? How could I hate you?" I replied lightly as she stepped right into my chest.

"Then prove you don't hate me." She said anxiously gripping my shirt.

My heart feels so full right now. What's going on?

Ah, I'm moving on my own. I understand.

My arms already almost around her I stopped hesitating and brought her into a tight hug.

At this point Yu revealed herself, those with affinity can see through their disguise but those without can also see them if they choose to reveal themselves.

"With Yu and Voice-chan as my witness, Shion Dra, I will ask again, will you be my wife?" My voice crossed the small space from my lips to her ears caressed by the wind.

"Of course I will, of course...!" She replied happily looking up.

Plop. I gave her a kiss. I couldn't help it, she was being too cute.

"Hmph!" She glanced at my lips and took one from me.

"With this, it's sealed." I said lightly, "On new years we will hold our wedding, and I will say these words once more, Shion Dra I love you and only you."

"Then, Agashi Durlivan, I too will say this once more on our wedding night, I love you with all my heart." Shion replied stealing yet another kiss-off of me.

"Ehem." A light cough resounded through the ramparts as Hardvar appeared along with Leyalt who pointed downwards with one hand and covered his eyes with the other, inside of the city most people on the street had seen them and few heard them.

Immediately Shion went completely red but did not hide this time instead turning to the people of the city, "Tonight is the Harvest festival! I declare it to be a night of love and passion for life and a better future for Durlivan!"

"Ouu!!!!!" They responded shouting loudly a few whistling.

Oh my god. This is embaressing. Let's just sneak away from here.

Grabbing Shion's hand I spoke, "To a great Harvest Festival!" whispering, "Let's go."

Nodding Shion held on to my arm tightly.

"So what are you two here for, Hardvar, Leyalt?" I asked turning serious.

"Several people were captured attempting to set fires to the fields, a few died and all others were captured," Leyalt said nervously.

"Then execute them.... is that I would normally say, but why do you two look so uncomfortable?"

A few moments of silence passed before Hardvar stepped forward.

"Boss, the people found bear the crest of both the Tars House and Kleiol House, a few are dead and their lords have been apprehended trying to leave the city, Marcus' men who trailed them found their gathering place." Hardvar said gruffly, "We can't kill them without causing a war against the two lord's to break out."

I see.

Oh. That might be an interesting idea.