
Leaving the two bodies outside I led Nova and the other nobility into the estate.

"Word will soon spread of what took place today and each of you will likely become targets of the underground guilds, so it's best if you all come to the capital and work from there." Nova spoke first glancing around the room calmly.

"I will stay here in Durlivan for the time being as there are still a few things I need to take care of." I said lightly, "I will go to the capital once those things are sorted out."

"I will stay with Agashi." Shion said calmly.

"And the rest of you?" Nova glanced over.

"I must wipe out the underground guilds influence in my territory, with this visit I believe it can be done." Trigo said evenly, "For this I ask for your help Prince Surnova."

"Of course, I will wipe them out wherever they may be so long as they dare to step foot in my territory I will make sure they pay dearly for every step." Nova replied a mixture of his regular cold and bloodlust mixed into his words.

"I too wish to wipe them out of these lands." Warren said next glancing at both myself and Nova.

"So do I." Another noble said.

All of the lower nobles who are like Warren understandably do not want any of those guilds influence in their lands now that they have basically declared war against them, they are, regardless of previous dealings or reservations now forced to wipe them out lest they get killed instead for their actions against them.

A windfall of a total of thirty land owners spoke, each of them at the noble rank of knight being a land owner over a village, the remaining two major barons, Getta and Irea declining the help stating that they will do it themselves glancing my way.

"It would appear that you have incited a fire in them." Yu muttered boredly from atop my head, "We are going to war now right? just that this time its in a different territory."

I mean, it can't really be called a war.

Here in Durlivan it should have been the worst, the only place that maybe is comparable is Getta's port city but even then it is likely not very close due to being a port city they would not suffer as badly as Durlivan whose trade other than illegal was completely cut off.

"Then, the Kitar and Wantrest territories will be taken under my command for the time being until a suitable lord can be found." Nova said, "Unless one of you have a candidate in mind?"

"I would like to recomend Warren," I said lightly, "His territory from what I've understood is a lot smaller than most though he is young and fearless stepping out first to declare himself, as such I believe he is suitable for the Kitar territory to the west of my lands, there he can truly flourish, as for his previous territories they should be linked to Kitar being to the north west."

"Warren is it?" Nova looked over at the youngest in the room thoughtfully the silence sweat inducing, "Then, I will allow him to take up the title of Lord of Kitar, however only if you manage his lands and train him until he reaches adulthood in two years."

Wait a hot minute. I just said he should take office because he seems brave, not because I want to manage those lands! It's too much work! When will I ever have time for myself?! What about retirement?!

"Only if Warren is fine with having me as his guardian will I take up this role." I replied calmly.

"Of course I will accept you as my Guardian, I wished to form an alliance with you since we first met!" Warren replied happily.

See, of course he wouldn't want to with someone he just.... met....

"Wait, are you sure? You just met me didn't you?" I asked seriously, releasing a small amount of bloodlust to scare him, "This is a decision that will influence the rest of your life and could get you killed."

"Even so! My father told me that with some people you can immediately get a feel for what kind of person they are, I feel like you are a good person and will make me strong!" Warren said enthusiastically as though he couldn't feel my bloodlust.

What a kid.

"Alright then, If you are so adament I will take you under my wing as my battle attendant." I said lightly, "You will learn swordplay, tactics and politics on the field."

"Yes!" Warren replied bowing at a ninety degree angle, apperantly that type of bow is a custom in Carrien where ones bow to their better's such as a noble to their king, a student to a teacher and in this case a child to their guardian is always at ninety degree's.

"Then, by my name as Prince of Carrien and Earl of Dra I hereby declare with all of you as my witness that for the next two years Warren Locost and his lands of Kitar and Locost will be put under the charge of Baron Agashi Durlivan." Nova said with a regal look.

Looking around I found that no one had anything to say at all simply nodding along with thoughtful looks.

"As for Wantrest territory, I will take it under my supervision if there are no further candidates?" Nova glanced around no one stepping forward.

Nodding silently Nova stood up the atmosphere turning solemn as he took to the center of the room addressing everyone.

"From today onward, we of this Earldom are at war with these syndicates whose power is enough to topple entire kingdoms, likely after the spectacle today we will all suffer from their attacks, with deep pockets they will attack our lands using bandits and mercenaries, for this the three southern territories facing the two great empires will be united into a unified front with Baron Agashi Durlivan taking charge as the general of the south." Nova said solemnly.

Um, Nova, your giving me too many things right now you know? I-, Will I ever get a chance to even glimpse my peaceful life?

"Those of you with families will have them put under protection of my own royal guards letting them live in the capital of Dra." He continued calmly, "The storm will be fierce, and the lands may be dyed with blood, but I swear that the bodies which litter the lands will never be those of our loved ones."

"Ouuu!!!" I shouted raising my fist giving rise to a wave of cheers, most of them disheartened thinking of the coming storm.


Like this all of the nobles left, the maids of the house leading them off to their rooms in the estate leaving only myself, Shion, Warren and Nova in the main room.

"Tell me the truth, Nova, exactly how bad is this gonna get?" I said in a tired voice sitting back on the couch.

"N-nova?!" Warren half screamed swallowing it instantly.

"Since you are now his charge, you will be with him every moment of the day except for when it is time to sleep, therfor you will become privy to many things, do not be surprised by something like this." Shion whispered patting his head, "Now be a good boy and just watch."

Nodding nervously Warren stood straight as a spear.

"Aga." Nova stared into my eyes for a few moments, "I won't lie to you, the number of bandits that once inhabited these mountains will look like a snack in comparison to the number that the underground guilds will likely send, lucky for us it seems that they will only send the cheapest mercenaries and bandit groups for now only their number great."

"Why? If all they do is increase the number then they will just be throwing money away won't they?" I replied curiously.

"Because, on the bigger scale, the Carrien Royal family is connected with the underworld and the underground guilds rooted here in Carrien never liked that the other empires guilds were trying to put their hands on us, and so now that Dra has become Carrien land their presence is restraining any activity from the major guilds as neither kingdoms underground elites are willing to pool a large amount of rescourses to deal with Carrien's underground elites who are funded by the empire." He replied nonchalantly.

However, in a certain corner of the room a certain young boy felt like his mind was melting hearing all these state secrets.

"Then, the titan called the Carrien Elite is restraining Kendogan and Rekardus' Elites from making moves due to the three way dead lock, anyone makes a move and the third person will reap the greatest benefits." I muttered, "Then only the small time guilds are currently moving against us, likely a syndicate of small guilds pooling together their rescourses trying to re-open the gold mine that is called Durlivan."

"Indeed, a man called Kreyan Loijon seems to have taken control of various of the smaller guilds through force several months ago becoming a medium sized power just as Durlivan began turning into the air tight city it is now, with the loss of Durlivan he took a big hit and word is he is gathering the support of other small to medium sized guilds to fund this new movements demise." Nova said shortly, "Your demise."

"Is that so? Then, you said I am to be appointed as the General of these fronts what does that mean exactly?"

"You will have the ability to forcefully marshall the troops of the three territories you are tasked with protecting and are allowed to form a border army of up to fifty thousand soldiers, though the most you can likely gather is five thousand, due to the slave trades affect not only Durlivan but all of Dra's former territories are severly lacking in population."

"I see, then, I'd like to appoint Trigo as my Lieutenant, he will handle logistics, and I would also like to assign a few people as commanders, am I free to do so?"

"That's all fine." He replied evenly.

"Then, all we have to do now is dry out this Kreyan, correct?" I said smilingly, "The more he attacks and loses the more he will be drained until he is no longer able to maintain the war effort and capitulates."

"Indeed, after the burning stunt it is likely that they will begin attacking in a few days at most." Nova replied thinking for a moment, "There are several small patches of land owners around here with the noble rank of Knight, they will likely try and get achievments through bandit hunting, what do you want to do about that?"

"If they get in my way, I will slaughter them, in this war even a single flaw can cause a flood that could kill thousands if not tens of thousands." I replied mercilessly, "There is nothing bad with wanting to increase ones prospects in life, but to do so at the change of your allies lives is the mark of a fool and I will not condon it."

"Those nobles will be a hastle to corral, so good luck."

"Thank you but what I am more worried about is how to defend Rafulnas and Kitar, with Durlivan there are three ways in with one secret way in the mountains, but Kitar is a foreign land and Rafulnas equally so with little to no natural defenses." I said thoughfully.

"Do not worry too much about that, Durlivan is the only territory with any real threat against it, Kitar is far to the west and is not borders with either of the great empires instead facing the Federation which is a coalition of large duchies working on a council system and the Gulf Kingdoms." Taking a breath Nova thought for a moment.

"Rafulnas on the other hand is indeed borders with Rekarsus however due to the Luminos Republic built on the lands in the center of the great Luminos lake it is protected by their influence from these attacks since they would never stand for it, attacking Rafulnas would be same as attacking the Republics profits since they are the first inland territory after the port city of Otol and so no one dares to do so."

"So, I can marshall the troops of both territories without too much worry?" I thought aloud, "I won't need to, my Durlivan will be enough to withstand these guilds."

"Even so, likely hearing of your appointment to the position of General and the oncoming war many fortune seeking young men may come to enlist as well as mercenaries." Shion chipped in, "We should set aside some money and weapons for these people who come to join."

As the one who is typically looking over documents just as much as myself Shion has a great grasp of the economic postion of Durlivan.

"Do not worry, I will help to secure funds." Nova said seriously, "This is not just for my Earldom but also for Carrien, repelling invaders be they from other nations or by other guilds is the responsibility of the nation and all it's subjects, as such I will send a message to the capital asking for funds, until then I will assist with the funds and send some troops."