Clean up

Following the battle there was much to be done.

With a large portion of Durlivan's population torn to pieces it was essential to first begn burying the people and doing the final rites lest disease ravage the city.

The corpses of the enemy soldiers however well.....

....The people took the corpses of the dead enemy and began impaling them in the fields to the north where the battle took place turning the field into one large warning sign, a field of rotting dead.

During that same time many people volunteered to help bury the dead soldiers through the Veru Church, Seramia doing burials everyday for a week after the battle.

As for Nefamiti and the Wolfs Teeth Unit, they worked seperately with Hardvar's help and that of the forest fairies to track down and slaughter every single enemy that may have escaped the battle chasing them into the no mans land between Carrien and Kendogan as well as Rekarsus.

In the end, of their army of a total of fourteen thousand or so, under a thousand men managed to escape our chase due to our lack of cavalry.

Of those who went out to chase each returned with a corpse or two in hand, the equipment on them and weapons all of good quality.

After washing the equipment every soldier in Durlivan recieved an equipment upgrade getting chainmail and leather armor along with decent swords.

It took a month of constant work from both the military and internal affairs department to clear out all of the corpses and the smell of death in the streets.

Reopening sevearal warehouses we managed to store away all of the extra equipment and weapons away safetly.

Of the thousands who joined the military during the one day war, all of them stayed.

A total of five thousand four hundred were left in Durlivan after the war with Warren's men and Trigo's men both going back to Kitar and Rafulnas respectively.

Warren and Trigo however stayed in Durlivan helping with the military and internal affairs respectively.

I myself, helped to comfort the people and train the troops, expanding the Wolfs Teeth Unit to a thousand man unit I placed it directly under my charge to act as the standing army whilst the remaining four thousand four hundred men were left to garrison the city.

Marcus, Huanto and Netman each became two hundred fifty man commanders while the remaining men were the elites placed under my direct command.

Many people were appointed as squad leaders and captains after the battle helping to further stabilize the army and fill the gaps left by the dead.

The people of Durlivan themselves showed a wide variety of emotions from happiness to untouchable rage.

Many of the people who had been receiving aid from the city in terms of food had also begun to go out seeking work in the fields, almost all of these people being the women of Durlivan since most of the young men had joined the army effectively splitting the people into two different spheres within the territory.

Internal affairs also received a considerable increase in personnel since they would now have to help with the management of Kitar, several of the close aids picked out by Warren were sent here boosting efficiency.

Trigo himself also brought several officials here to help him take care of Rafulnas from Durlivan.

Due to the two Lords coming to Durlivan and managing things from here the perception of Durlivan increased considerably, from a poor and crime-ridden place to a place filled with fiercesome but friendly enough people as long as one isn't a bandit or a criminal.

Caravan's from the capital, Kitar and Rafulnas as well as some from Otol began to trickle in to sell things here in Durlivan, the traffic of merchant's increasing greatly now that the first brave few confirmed that safety is assured.

Though many caravans also went right past Durlivan and towards Kendogan or Rekarsus without selling in Durlivan only coming through for safety reasons, however, that was fine too since they would pay a toll for coming through.

Mercenaries also began to take up residence in Durlivan following merchants from far away lands and sticking around looking for contracts with other passing merchants.

In total, Durlivan in half a year went from a desolate and dying place to a hub of commerce in the Dra Earldom as a place devoid of serious banditry and crime as well as low tolls and high security.

Of course, bandits would try and make camp away inside the no man's land to ambush the caravan's, but with the Wolf's Teeth Unit and Yu's precise insight to their locations they were swiftly executed or captured for labor.

Now sitting inside the war room with a bottle of light alcohol accompanied by Shion, Nefamiti, Alias and all of the commanders and major internal affairs officials we began the celebration.

"In these long months, we have managed to cripple the underworld guilds that dare to target Durlivan! We have brought prosperity to Durlivan! And for many years to come we will continue to bring further security and prosperity! Cheers!" I shouted raising my glass.

With hardly a word everyone downed their glasses before breaking into conversation, seems like a custom.

"We really almost died..." Alias said to Nefamiti, "But it's all over and we live and we won!"

"Yea, we won this!" Nefamiti smiled a rare smile, "It is our victory!"

Many such conversations flew about the room, the officials who had low tolerance spoke of their hardships to keep everything running while the commanders boasted of the deeds of their units.

Sitting back Shion approached sitting at my side and taking my hand.

"Agashi.... how do you feel?" She asked curiously.

"I feel.... relieved," I muttered, "It's been a long few months, first the prince spared me and my men, then we were thrown into desperate battle after desperate battle, dire situation to dire situation but now.... it's time to rest and I'm not sure what to do."

"Why don't you go and talk with your friends then?" Shion suggested gesturing over to Trigo, Nefamiti and the others who were glancing over.

"No they should enjoy themselves without me crippling their style--" I tried to say.

"Agashiiiiiii!!!!!!" Suddenly Alias jumped over, but I couldn't dodge in time sending me off my chair, "Come join us for wrestling in the courtyard! Everyone want's you to come but don't know how to ask so here I am!"

"How many times....!" I lifted Alias up onto my shoulder, ".... But fine, I'll come, though you are my first partner!"

"Nooooo~" His screams only served to fuel the laughter of those in the war room as we left.

The night passed merrily after that, I don't remember too much past that point but I awoke in bed pretty much dirty from head to toe having been wrestling in the mud all night.

Glancing about I found that Shion too was muddy, did she join in the wrestling? Maybe because she slept with me?

Hum. Oh well.

Standing up quietly I left the sleeping Shion in bed, heading for the regular stream alone.

Taking off my clothes I got in the stream as the cold water rushed over taking the mud out of my hair and cooling my mind.

The tattoo of the crimson wolf on my neck seems even more prominent than ever, many of the smaller scars have also disappeared since this thing took to my neck, however the bigger scars have stayed unyieldingly.

My hair which is black also seems to have gotten a terrible crimson tint into it along with a very dark blood red color arriving deep inside the pupil of my eyes.

This cape is seriously insane, it can heal and its defense goes up the more blood it devours.

"Human, there are strange people approaching in a carriage." Suddenly the voice of a fairy that was not Yu sounded out.

Nodding I got out of the water quickly putting on my clothes only to find that my shirt was missing.

Little imps.

Despite them no longer being shy towards me after the contract was made they had instead become mischievous messing with me whenever they got the chance, it seems I was too into bathing that I let them take my shirt.

I'll get it back eventually but for now, I need to go see what these strange people are.

Having left the cape at the estate this morning I had nothing to really protect my upper half instead tying the sabers to my back so the scabbards would at least provide a little protection.

Soon I arrived in the direction that the fairy pointed earlier, in a small clearing just below me a carriage with a noble insignia I had never seen was stopped, several guards all around looking at the woods sharply.

"Seems you are all nobles from somewhere, but why might you be coming to visit Durlivan? As far as I know that is not a sigil that belongs to any noble house here in the Dra Earldom." I said to the lady standing behind me with her foot raised about to kick me off the edge of the ridge.