
We rested for three days at the border of the territory before Yu came flying to the camp with a report, "There's a large mass of soldiers coming from within the territory, a thousand two hundred men in total."

"Marcus, Huantu, Netman get your units ready to retreat." I ordered quickly heading to the front, "I will hold up the rear."


"Now." Instilling my voice with qi there was no space for rebuttals.

Nodding they left barking out orders to their men preparing to retreat quickly, the heavily wounded being lead away first.

"Alias, go with them." I said coldly a vicious light shooting from my eyes over the plains below.

"I will stay with you." Alias replied evenly.

Those eyes.... it's just like back then when we first met.

He's willing to lose his life here.

"What's up with the outfit, by the way?" I suddenly asked curiously the tension I was holding dissipating quickly as I took a proper look at him.

"It's good right? Miss said that if I'm to be a proper butler than I have to act the part, and so I decided to pack this and wear it once we were almost at the capital, but seeing as we are being beset upon, I wanted to wear it at least once." Alias replied happily doing a few spins in his new outfit.

I must say he does look the part of a butler extremely well in that outfit, if only he could fix his personality a bit he would make the most excellent butler.

"Well, it looks good on you." I replied by now Huantu, Netman and Marcus should have lead their units out of the pass.

"They are almost here." Yu said frigidly, a corps of fairies up in the tree's all around.

"I know." I replied coldly unsheathing my sabers, in these days i've made some progress with the whole Qi thing, but I doubt I can take on a thousand people, though I will at least slaughter their leaders even if I have to die trying.

Raising a hand the fairies in the area that Yu had managed to gather into a corps influenced the floura and fauna causing several vine traps to fall down upon the soldiers below.

Infusing killing intent and qi into my voice I shouted at the soldiers below, "Who dares to come for me, the Scarlet Demon?!"

Embaressing but neccesasry, maybe they will run away after hearing of me.

"We do not come to do battle! I am Keneth Doroth! One of the knights given lands in the vast Durlivanian plains! We heard of your endevor to help wipe out the underground guilds in the capital and came to help gathering as many forces as we could!" Keneth Doroth? He is a land owner in the plains, I saw his village many times while patrolling.

Techniqually he is one of my knights, but, he and the other five knights within my lands have never come to my aid before or even come to introduce themselves wanting nothing to do with me.

"Why do you come to my aid now?" I walked forward my eyes displaying nothing but extreme hostility, the qi around me surging.

"I-I know that you do not like us, and probably see us as nothing but an eye sore and so never called upon us but, w-we also care about this land! And we can't continue to stand by like this, it is not right for us to benefit but never return it, even if you do not want our help, please accept it, along with our loyalty." Keneth said resolutely kneeling, at his signal the entire army kneeled as well.

"What do you mean that I see you as an eye sore? It was all of you who never came to introduce yourselves and essentially ignored me as the lord of this land to begin with." I replied looking down at him coldly.

"That is not so, lord." Keneth said nervously, "It is a custom in Carrien's noble circles to gather a council of vassals when a new owner to a land is decided, you never called upon us and we cannot approach one of a higher noble rank if we are not called, d-did you not know?"

"...." That was a thing?!?! Why did no one every tell me?! Damn ittttt!!!!!!

A sense of extreme frustration overtook me at that moment mixed with anger it turned into a burning rage.

"I was not aware of such a thing, I came from common blood and rose to become a baron as you know." I replied lightly easing up on them, "I never had time to study the ettqiuete of noble society due to the constant battles and catch up I had to do since taking up office, this is my fault."

"N-no! Lord it is our fault for not realizing the kind of stress you must have been under!" Keneth shook his head looking up, "We have been foolish with our assumptions."

"Then, let's forget about it and start again," I said evenly, "Rise."

At my words the knights rose with their aura's at ease, another new thing I have become more in tune with and capable of sensing.

"Once again, I am Keneth Doroth, fourth son of the Doroth counts family, at your service." He said calmly his previous nerves put to rest.

Several men stepped forward after.

"I am, Senal Kairel, fourth son of the Kairel baron's family, at your service."

"I am Baroli Mento, sixth son of the Mento baron's family, at your service."

"I am Clay Oleti, third son of the Oleti merchant's family, at your service."

"I am Anept Tepen, fifth son of the Tepen knights house, at your service."

"I am Satree Etari, eleventh son of the Etari estate, at your service."

Keneth Doroth, the disowned son of a counts family, having been disinherited he lost everything but his name due to his step mother, it was quite a scandal that even I had read about it in the documents left behind by Duke Loktre.

"I accept your loyalty, and offer my own promise to never misuse you or mistreat your peoples." I replied evenly tapping their shoulders with my sabers.

I'm certain that's how it's done.

"Lord, if I may ask, where are all your men?" Anept suddenly asked looking around, "I am of a knights house, and I have heard of many great men who travel alone or with light guard and are killed as such I cannot in good faith see your actions and not raise my voice."

Straight forward and military minded, as expected of a man of a knights house, though he does look a little young.

"Don't worry about that kiddo, his lordship is safe." Suddenly Marcus' voice broke the silence, the entirety of the wolf's teeth unit appearing from the woods surrounding them, "Sorry Lord, but, we were taught to never leave anyone behind by a certain someone."

"Indeed, isin't a bit too cruel ordering us to leave you behind?" Netman chipped in looking over the soldiers.

"It's best not to leave us out of all the fun." Huantu said with mild bloodlust.

Seriously, this is why my headaches will never go away.

"I spoke without thinking, it was my mistake." Anept said lightly bowing as he stepped back.

He is also quick to realize his mistakes and move accordingly.

"This is Alias, he's my butler and confidant, those three are from left to right, Marcus, Netman and Huantu, they are my aids and commanders." I introduced everyone and allowed Keneth and the others to introduce themselves.

Mutterings spread through their troops afterhearing their names, "Marcus the 'Manju', Netman of the 'Silent Death' and Hunatu the 'Bloodmare'....."

Due to the sudden addition of over a thousand men we were forced to take an extra day to reorganize our units as well as supply lines and formations, all of their soldiers are greenhorns in the very truest aspect, though they were trained by their respective lords, they have yet to see true battle.

All of that said, the more people we have the better, since tactics can overcome experience.

Making note that we need to build a proper fortification at this entrance we moved forward.

From this point forward Yu took the lead along with her small corp of fairies acting as scouts, due to this we no longer had any problems be it with wildlife or with bandits and underground guilds.

During this time as we marched to the capital we passed many villages and caravans, the closer we got to the capital the more the land looked to flourishing, untouched by the battles and slaughters outside.

Even the air feels more refreshing.

Once we got within sight of the city I dismissed Yu so she could go and gather information from the fairies that may be hiding around the area.

The city gate had closed by the time we got to it, all of the people around having escaped inside.


"Lord!" Keneth cut me off swiftly, "A lord does not introduce himself at the city gate, one of his retainers steps forward and announces their arrival, please, allow Senal this honor, his baron's family is known for their loud commanding voices."

"I see, then, Senal if you will." I gestured looking over at Senal who doesn't exactly look like the type to have a loud voice.

"Yes, lord." He replied in a deep voice almost as much as mine.... this is about to be loud.

As I was preparing for the impact of his voice he stepped forward taking a deep breath, "Baron Agashi Durlivan, General of the southern border has come at the behest of his Majesty the Prince, open the gates!"

Once he finished speaking the guards could be seen scarmbling around the gates slowly opening, Senal took several steps back standing behind me.

I see, he would be a great harold.

Glancing back I nodded to Senal, and also caught the sight of Huantu approaching while laughing even louder than Senal had spoken clapping him in the back, "You are loud for one so little! I am Huantu! It is a great thing to meet someone with such a magnificent voice!"

"Thank you." Senal replied coldly, I see, the serious type is it?

"Anytime, now you are my friend!" Huantu clapped his back again like a happy giant.

"....." Senal did not reply only nodding.

The sounds of the heavy gates opening broke the tension, a terrible screeching sound like the gates had not opened nor closed in several decades.

These people.....

"Prince." I bowed as Nova stepped out from the city the others following along and kneeling.

"Please, be at ease I have called you here after all." Nova said nicely with a big smile allowing everyone to rise.

"I am Lucio Kintra, the diplomat sent by Lancard here to discuss trade terms through the Earldom, though I do not see the young royalty with you?" Lucio Kintra, a middle aged man looked around trying to see over the soldiers.

"I'm Pitir Ranka, sent by Tensent, and I too am here to discuss trade with you, but I do not see the young royalty, did you perhaps leave them in Durlivan for safety while training?" Pitir Ranka took began to glance around strangely.

Could it be....?

Catching Nova's eyes I frowned slightly, I see, they over played their hands.

Thinking that there was no way I would refuse they sent diplomats in advance predicting the approximate time I'd arrive here, so these two are yet unaware of the change of situation.

That's fatal, but I'll leave it to Nova to do since I'm not too good at politics.

"Indeed the Tensent and Lancard royals are safe under my mens protection, let us talk of trade and such things inside then." I happily nodded much to their happiness both Lucio and Pitir seemingly trying to outdue one another in friendliness.

Disgusting but neccessary I guess.