
My gaze wandered past those around me and into the trenches. A slight nostalgia struck me like rain hits cement.

I feel like I've been gone for a long time. Like time has sat still. Sir Clegane's word's still ring my ears.

Those with a hard past grow wing's huh... It feels like such a long time since I thought of it, my past.

Living so much in the present is a blessing but... have I gotten complacent?

Have I fallen into a loop? The Loijon Syndicate, the succession war that will certainly come when the emperor dies, being a champion... all of this... have I become arrogant?

Hero they call me.

Lord they call me.

Champion they call.

Scarlet Demon of Durlivan they fear me.

Watching these marked flounder in the trenches and Sir Cleganes words, I understand.

I mustn't forget my roots.

Look to the future but never forget your past.

Growing past trouble doesn't mean you forget it, it simply becomes a part of you that strengthens you.

I must not be consumed by hubris nor arrogance.

I am Agashi. No more, No less.

"Lord...?" Alias looked at my stoic face and asked worriedly.

I waved my hand with a light sigh, "We've come a long way since those days... haven't we? Old friend."

He froze, his eyes wide, surprised that I said that, are you? What have I become in you're eyes?

What have I become?

He smiled, "It's only been a year, Agashi, there will be many more and through all of them I will walk by you're side, I swear it."

He bowed a gentlemen's bow.

It feels like a story written in time. How many have come to this point before me? How many have crossed this divide in their minds?

How many... have failed here...?

I smile. There's no need to worry.

My gaze washes over Alias, Keneth and Seramia.

My mind wanders far to places unknown, names and faces flash by my eyes.

That's right... there is no need to worry as long as I have them with me.

Monster or Man. I will strive for the top and once there, I will live peacefully with no one to disrupt me and my dream.

Just peace.

Keneth, Alias, Seramia, and even Lord Otol once I got back to camp looked surprised at my gaze, at my stature.

Night came at a midsummer's pace. It's getting colder but not cold. The breeze is just enough to give you goosebumps but not enough to make you shiver.

"The crown's inquisitors will be arriving at Durlivan soon to inspect the city. You should be prepared instead of gazing off like some sort of old man." Sir Clegane appeared in my tent as I sat playing with my qi.

"It's gotten quite tenacious, you know?" I smiled and looked him in the eye, "Would you like to spar?"

Sir Clegane smiled, "You've grown, but now, let's see if it's in arrogance or true strength."

I grabbed my sabers. I don't want to wait. I can't wait.

I must never become complacent.

Sir Clegane's smile deepened and a mysterious mist rolled up from the ground... his concealment.

I spread out my qi in a dome around me. Should he get close, it will trip the sensors.

I smile, 'It's simple... when fighting a master, to win you must not strike first, but let them become impatient and be ready for their strike instead...'

After a long time, I came up with the solution.

I closed my eyes. My mind sank into my qi becoming once. Like a river flowing down from a mountain my consciousness flooded the tent.

Ting! ting! ting!

Three flashes of light. Three destroyed fine dinning knives.

A light clapping from all over the tent accompanied by a laugh, "So you've managed to not only learn Primal Projection but even how to your Kyid."

Kyid? He means the barrier? So a qi trap like this is called a Kyid.

"Three meters in all directions, it's a strong Kyid, however..."


Earth shattered. Dust flew. The tent was torn apart.

"...Mine is much, much stronger." Sir Clegane stood eerily with a pitch-black reverse scale snake coiling all around him.

The soldiers all started running over at once.

In under three seconds they'd formed around the tent area.

I open my eyes and look into his.

Behind me a primal howl fires off high into the sky. I feel hot but not burning despite the breeze being cold.

"One strike." I lift my sabers.

Sir Clegane flared his hands and the snake hissed.

"What's going on?!" Alias shouted.

As he broke the line of soldiers his face paled, "Don't-!"

Neither of us heard him.

The chilly freeze pushed over my skin. A light chill ran up my spine.

We struck.

It was only a single second. Though for the two of us it felt like an eternity.

My saber's struck the top of his snakes head. In return I was whipped by it's tail as I passed it.

Now on opposite sides Seramia screamed, "You're side!"

I felt warmth trickle down from my mouth.

I looked down and blood-smeared my hands. The tail cut a deep gash into me. My internal organs are shaken.

"It's my loss," Sir Clegane frowned and came to me, "I used a high-level Primal Projection art to counter you're strike. Had we been on the same level, I would have lost."

He put a hand on my back.

Alias rushed forward, sword flared and falling fast towards him.

His snake hissed and from sheer force of his qi pressure flattened Alias down. But he didn't kneel.

He stay on his feet watching with bloodshot eyes as Sir Clegane put his hand on my back.

I smile, "It's... okay..."

If I die here... it's alright... I got complacent.

I got... arrogant.

"You don't get to die here, so stop looking so satisfied it's disgusting." Sir Clegane's qi pierced my body and overpowered my own qi, "Besides, you're about to be a married man and I didn't get my disciple a present so he could die and never use it."

My injuries sealed over. Like poison his qi burned my body but also made it stronger both inside and out.

I beckon my qi to follow his example and together my injuries turn from fatal to faring.

I won't die from this. But Shion might kill me if anyone tells her what I just tried...


What was I thinking?

You can't stop. You must continue. But that doesn't mean to run yourself into the ground looking for improvements.

Take it at a pace faster than others but not death-defyingly fast.

I have my whole life ahead of me. I don't need to rush right now.

I lost consciousness.

"You're insane, you know that?" Voice-chan huh...

"...I know." I said sighingly, "But, I couldn't shake the feeling of being... useless?"

A fierce aura slowly spread out towards me like the gentle lapping of lava slow but unstoppable.

"Useless? Have some respect for the people you've killed, kid." Suddenly a light appeared in front of me, in there I can see it.

The bodies of those I've killed. Their souls... I've killed a lot by now... haven't I...?


"That's nothing." Voice-chan scoffed, "Now, go back and stop moping around... you're going to need some confidence for what comes next."


Light. Blinding light broke as my eyes opened.

I slowly look down. It's hard. My neck is in pain though the rest of my body feels fine.

"Shion...?" My voice leaks out unintentionally.

"Mmm.... Agashi....?" Crap. If she wakes up now she'll definitely be mad.

I swiftly close my eyes and lay back.

I can sense her moving around. Her qi has gotten much stronger in the time I haven't seen her. It hasn't been that long.

It feels like a fearsome beast is moving around yet... she is so gentle in her aura.

Qi of beasts, Aura of gentility.

What a strange combination, especially considering how ruthless she can be at times.

"Why won't you wake up...? When will you... wake up...?" Shion's voice cracked tearfully, "Will you wake up... please..."

'Damn it.' I thought angrily, 'What am I doing?'

I open my eyes and shoot up. Her eyes widen like quals eggs and before she can react I scoop her up into a hug.

As my warmth transfers to her I feel my shoulder get wet.

She's crying but not sniffling.

I'm a bastard.

What have I been doing?

"It's okay... I'm alive." I rubbed her back gently, "Everything's all right."

Suddenly her aura exploded, the gentility gone.

Her eyes met mine and I shivered... maybe I- maybe I should have stayed asleep...


She crashed a fist into my chest like a train into a wall. My body didn't move but the vibrations hurt like hell.

I grunt.

She frowns and puts a hand over where she struck, "Why did you fight him to the end like that? You knew you couldn't win."

I can't very well say it was because I worried that I was getting too weak to protect her, can I? That would just make her feel worse.

"I wanted to test myself and how far I'd come." I smiled sadly, "I lost. I'm not strong enough-"

"Of course you lost!!! He's a Second-Tier Inquisitor of the crown! His strength is equivalent to an army of hundreds! He is the Iron Blood Inquisitor! Snake of the North!" Shion hit me again, "Don't ever go and fight in suicidal battles like that again!"

I slowly nod, "I promise... so what's the situation now?"

The crown's inquisitors should be arriving any moment now. Not to mention the work I left unfinished by Lord Otol's territory.

Hah... when will it end? Will I ever get to retire?

Her eyes sharpened, "Do you know how long you've been unconscious?"

I shook my head, "Maybe a week? The inquisitors should be arriving soon, the purge should also be about to hit Luncur territory."

She sighed, "Two weeks."


"You've been unconscious for two. weeks." She pressed her forehead to mine threatening to gouge out my soul with her eyes, "The entire territory has been in disarray while you've been away. The people sick with worry! Not to mention the influx of refugee's from Kendogan and Rekarsus' war! Or the influx of acolytes into Seramia's Order! Or the caravan's from the Republic which you passed out before telling me anything about!... do you understand?"

I gulped as quietly as possible though in the deathly silent room it sounded like the clap of thunder, "I get it, I get it. So... what's there to be done now?"

She sighed and leaned back in her chair, "I've taken care of the escort duties for the caravans. Anept wished to start a new knights order specifically for our house. He said that and I quote, 'Durlivan has no house of knights! What will other visiting lords think?! I must get funds to start an order!'"

Her voice comically deep and stringent she ended with a heavy sigh.

Looks like they've really been putting her through the ringer while I was away, "Sorry..."

"Tch." She looked away, "Don't apologize. I can't stay mad at you if you do that."

I smiled and gently took her hand, "What did Trigo have to say on the part of funds?"

She peeked back at me and spoke in a soft but oddly scary tone, "The caravan's have not arrived yet. A letter arrived ahead of them denoting the agreement. They'll be here in two weeks after which they will arrive on a weekly basis. Until then we have no funds for a new knight order, let alone all of the other expenses for refugees and... and the crown's inquisition."

Her voice changed slightly at the mention of them, a sigh leaking out, "Those inquisitors... Sir Clegane has been keeping them ever busy and away from you, stating your injuries, but they wish to come and personally check you for the influence of evil deities. I think they're plotting something."


My mind flickered back to what I did to the Sercan houses second son and the deal I made with Sitrick Pasiam.

...perhaps... perhaps I've jumped into some hot water?

If they're influencing the inquisitions then it's possible that they will brand me as a heretic and have me killed on the spot before it can be disproven.

If not, and I escape, I will be hunted until proven innocent, though I can't exactly escape alone, making it nigh impossible to keep everyone safe if I decide on that route.

What a pain...

"I... I may have killed a few sons of nobility..." I muttered lightly taking a peek up at her.

Ooops... I caught her eye.

"You... you killed sons of nobility? What next? Did you offend a duke?...Oh my lord, you offended a duke didn't you?!" She took her hand out of mine and started rubbing her temples, "It's Duke Sercan whose on the border with us isn't it?"

I nod slowly like a kid caught in trouble.

Her eyes threatened to pop out but at the last moment she became calm. Her beauty returning after that instant of horrific rage passed her features.

"So." She put her hands in her lap, "You killed a few barons sons, some counts sons, offended a dukes son and... don't tell me... wait, those companies are under the Pasiam house... did you make a deal with House Pasiam? Is that... you... I take my eyes off you for an instant and you go offending half of Carrien's elite along with making an under the table trade deal with a ducal house across the sea!"

"It's for the best! I did it all with the best intentions." I defend myself starkly, "That trade agreement will bring in all the funds that we need!"

"If I can figure out who you went through to trade with those companies, others will also be able to connect the dots on that you sold out Duke Sercan to House Pasiam for it," She tapped her finger on the chair, "What were you thinking?"

I looked her in the eye, "I was thinking of you."

Her gaze cracked and she sighed.

I smiled, "Our funds are secured. Besides, Duke Sercan was out for us already. He'd been securing his border as if he was still the Duke of the border. It's clear that he wants to starve us out to force us to join the fourth prince's faction."

She gazed at me for a few moments before opening her mouth, "Sorry for getting mad, I was just shocked. Since those funds will come in, I'll let Trigo know so he can clear the recruitment of a knight order under Anept."

I nod, "It's okay, I understand. What about these refugees?"

She stood and walked to the window beckoning me to follow.

I got up and swiftly arrived behind her, I'm a good head taller so I can see right over her.

"You can actually see people in the streets..." I feel my mouth threatening to fall, "...exactly how many are...?"

"Six." Her gaze never left the city below, "Six thousand have arrived from the warring empires. Each day their number increases. Not to mention those that were saved by Seramia now make their homes here in Durlivan further increasing the population by eight thousand. It's a huge increase in population, one that our internal affairs department isn't equipped to handle all at once. The people are anxious and scared."

Fourteen thousand extra residents? Six thousand are refugees...

"The war in Kendogan and Rekarsus... exactly how bad has it gotten?" I felt my blood run cold.

How could so many people be forced out? Have those empires no compassion for their citizens?

Shion sighed, "It's a stalemate right now. Small skirmishes are occurring all over the two empires borders, though reports from the external affairs department suggest that a large scale operation is brewing on both sides. Hardvar is currently in Linchwood about three weeks ride from here, his last report told of a massive convoy of soldiers heading for the border."

Hardvar's gone so deep into Kendogan?

I've really been away for too long.

"What about the operation for the purging? Has that been solved?" My eyes caught sight of the top of Seramia's church.

"Yes, all of the locations on the map provided have been trenched, however, we were too late in some areas and the marked died in large droves due to starvation." Shion said sadly, "They were left out to dry in the sun by those... those monsters..."

Her shoulders trembled, "They were people too... they deserved a chance...!"

I wrapped my arms around her tightly, she held onto my arms. I can feel her nails digging into me, "They deserved to live... I can't help but feel like we failed them!"

I brought her deeper into my embrace and spoke lightly, "In war, there are no winners, only survivors. We did our best to save them. So don't think of those we've lost, look out into the city, and be happy for those we saved."