
"Do you have some strange fetish for death?" Voice-chan? What are you-?

"Because that's what it looks like. If you had both been on the same level, you would have been crushed into meat paste." Ahh... that.

"Yes, that. Do you understand the crimes you've committed?" Interrupting your regularly scheduled programming?

"Exactly. Now, you will rest for a day here. Fool."

Aye aye, will do.


That was so bloody rough I can feel my soul aching all over.

"Ahhh..." A thinly veiled scream came from far away, as I looked over, Veru was standing there in her child form walking over, her eyes like small suns, "Here. A boon, for building up the religion to a higher degree, your blessing could use some maintenance anyway."

What?? Maintenance? Wait what are you-?!


Son of bitch!

What the hell is this?!

I can't--!?


A long while later, Agashi awoke in his bed in a cold sweat.

Scarlet qi flowed like a strong river through his veins, the sounds of barely disguised howling rang out from within.

His face was pale.

Voice-chan... you! I won't send you gifts anymore!

You delayed the powers that were supposed to go to my blessing because you wanted to watch me struggle and then blame me when I get hurt?! And even flood me randomly with that power now?! After everything important is done, now you do it!

No more gifts! I'm going to ban your worship for a week!

Huffing angrily, he stood up from his bed and looked around at the familiar room.

Light shined through the window past the barely closed silken curtains which made him feel more than a little pretentious to have.

The same desk was within the room, the same bookshelves albeit it a bit changed around.

His brains still scrambled somewhat due to the horrific soul-rending pain from earlier, he slowly walked forward and wrestled a sash around his waist and put on his boots, stuffing the ends of his pants into them.

Foregoing a shirt, he strapped his only remaining saber to his back and stepped out, leaving the broken saber on the desk.

"You really broke one of my claws on the scales of that snake. You need more training rather than just swinging that saber around." Dratan appeared and spoke coldly, "How could you break my claw on that thing."

Ah? Well, it's basically a creature on your level isn't it? Also, those scales were hidden underneath that club! And, it's a Wyrm, not a bloody snake! You told me it would be a snake and it was a dragon species!

That claw breaking is your fault too!

"Bah! A snake is a snake is a snake. That Sariel is a snake, began as a snake and will always be, a snake." Dratan floated around me talking like an old man, "And you, your blessing finally increased in strength! That stingy Veru! I was wondering why it wasn't becoming stronger despite the increase in followers!"

...maybe your not that bad. Definitely have to ban the worship of Veru for a week or else she'll take me as a pushover!

"Huh? Are you mad? If you ban her worship for a week, your blessing will lose it's power, of course, you'll still have all of it's current effects, but, it'll probably be crippled by the sudden drop of divine connection." Dratan looked at me like I was crazy and snorted, "Don't be a fool. We cannot win against the deities."

No sooner had he said so, than Seramia appeared from around the corner huffing and puffing clearly having run some distance to reach the doors of the mansion.

"Champion! You aren't going to ban the worship of Veru are you?!" At first, she was shocked because of his awake condition, but then, she was dealing with more pressing matters.

She had gotten an off-handed revelation that maybe she should create an underground worship center out of Agashi's sight.

Immediately running her, she assumed the worst.

Agashi was still for a moment and then looked at the sky.

He calmly replied, "I'm taking a break for a while after all of this. Soon, I'll turn this whole show into a retirement simulator. I swear it."

"Wha-, what?" Seramia said in bewilderment.

"Don't worry, I won't ban worship." He passed her on one side arriving outside to an empty courtyard.

Usually, one could find Anept training his recruit knights here.

Strange. Where is everyone?

"Ah, they are all out on assignments. Currently, I have been left with Sir Trigo and Madam Shion to work within Durlivan," Seramia said lightly her priestess aura gradually returning after her fear resided, "The lady went out and is currently in the grassland challenging the Mazkata tribes best warriors."

Ahh... I see.

Everyone is hard at work.

"How long was I out?" I wonder, days pass differently in that space and real-time, last time she said I would rest for a day and I ended up resting for three.

"A week."

"Pardon?" I almost cursed.

"A week. You would have woken up a day later, though, between your blessing increasing in strength so suddenly, and the exhaustion of being on edge for a few weeks already, your body likely just gave out." Don't look at me like that! Don't look at with me pity!

This isn't my fault!

I rested properly out in the gulf! Shion made sure of it.

This is Voice-chan's fault! It's her fault not mine! No! Don't pity me!



No time to panic.

A week is a long time, but it's workable.

First, I need to go out and get a feel for the situation.

Let's think.

Huantu, Netman and Marcus should be leading their respective battalions out in the waste's as well as providing support to Warren in Kitar.

Nefamiti wasn't mentioned by Seramia to be in the city so he's likely out doing the final pieces of training for the newest recruits out in the mountains.

Hardvar is likely organizing a disgusting amount of information up in the newly named Dead Snow Fort alongside Leyalt.

Alias is likely helping Shion, Trigo and Seramia working hard somewhere.

This leaves Kenneth and the others who are more than likely suring up defenses along the wastes and manning the palisades out in the pass connecting to the wastes.


"...I was wrong," I briefly turned around seeing a familiar face, "Alias, what are you doing hiding there?"

In less than a second, he shot out from the shadows towards me.

I swiftly leaned away and he ate nothing but dirt.

"Damn it Alias, how many times!" I grabbed him by the collar lifting him out of the dirt.

"Agashi!" Alias immediately shouted, "I've been waiting for you to get up!"

"Why? Aren't there better things to do?" Is he trying to get out of work by using me as an excuse?

Alias turned his head confusedly, "I'm your butler? Where else would I be if not waiting for your command?"

"Ah," ...damn good answer, "Good job."

He smiled grandly.

In a few seconds, he had cleaned away all of the small rocks and dirt which had gotten on his clothing using some form of qi, a dark strain.

It's likely the same that Hardvar and Leyalt train in, though, it looks a little special likely due to it being weaker.

Fair enough.

"I'm heading out to take a look at the surroundings," I slicked my hair back, gathering it in a low, short pony tail using a small amount of my scarlet qi to tie it up, "Coming?"

"Of course!" Alias straightened out his outfit taking out a very neatly folded set of cloaks from the inside of his suit.

Karlin stepped out from the mansion with a pair of straw hats.

Huh. Haven't seen that little guy in quite a while, he's a pair with the other child under Hardvar with the multi-colored eyes.

Good to see they seem much better than when we found them up in the mountains.


Very good.

"Thank you, Karlin." I took the straw hats and nodded.

Karlin quickly bowed and replied evenly, "I don't deserve such praise."

Agashi put a hand on his head and messed up his well-done hair with a broad smile.

"Children shouldn't have to be so humble, take pride in whatever you do." I stepped away donning the cloak and hat, repositioning the saber to my waist where it would be more easily accessible now that it was only one, we stepped out of the grounds.

Leaving Karlin staring at them, Agashi and Alias vanished almost as soon as they had passed the manor's gates, vanishing into the city full of people.