Monster? Nay.

Word spread fast in the slums even if the people themselves were slow with illness.

The first to arrive looking for treatment screamed their voices out until not a sound dared leak from between their gritted teeth.

Some fainted, other's stayed awake.

All who came with broken bones or cut flesh left with fixed body parts.

At the same time, Agashi increased his intimacy with his Scarlet Qi and trained it's delicacy by passing it through and healing the bodies of others with it's wrathful fire.

Wood, Water, Fire.

All can heal, though to what degree, is the only difference.

In the case of the Scarlet Qi which was explosive and could go from a spark to a wildfire in a mere instant, it's qualities were closer to Fire, and thus it's method of healing was similarly explosive and fast but also tremendously painful as it felt like a fire snake was coiling through the bodies of the healed.

Soon enough, all of those brave people had stepped forward, the crippled becoming injured and in need of rest but capable of moving save for those with especially detrimental injuries such as those to the spine which required far more careful care which he simply could not give.

Though, most left happy if not a little scarred.

By the end of the day, everyone had been treated and Agashi felt like he had deceived himself.

I wanted a simple break! That's all... I swear that's all I wanted! And yet! I end up training like this... Gaaahhhhh!

As soon as the last one had been treated, Agashi vanished from the spot.

I will have my break! Just a little! I just want a small break!

Rushing off to the mountains, the shadows brushed through the city below like stars in the sky until it was nothing but the melancholy light of the setting sun overlooking the great forests along the mountains surrounding Durlivan.

He passed through the woods to a secluded place.

A familiar river.

Small lights flew around as though dancing through the dark, a close look at the night sky underneath the canopy.

As the fairies moved throughout, Agashi let loose a long breath.

Everything had felt like it was becoming too much, but, he was also not worried.

It's a strange feeling. I know I can keep going for a long time, but, I also feel like I can't. I know I'm capable of completing my tasks, but I don't know if... that's for the best.

I've killed countless people now either by my own hand or by my orders.

I've lost count at the mountain of death which continues to grow beneath my feet.

Am I doing the right thing? Is this... am I not... not turning into a real demon?

He looked back from the other side of the river, his vision enhanced by the Scarlet Qi blazing through his veins.

Lights illuminated his vision, stationary and constant save for the ever so slight flicker within his gaze as he looked at the city far away.


He remember the day no amount of water could wash it all away.


He remembered the day no amount of work could bury them all.


He remembered the day that scent lingered far past the battle.

I swore a long time ago, that no matter what I had to give, I would stand tall and eradicate those that came to inflict harm on Durlivan and those I care about but... is that really right?

If I hurt more people than I help through my actions... am I really following the right path?

Lancard and Tensent could be exterminated and a genocide launched by the Federation and Pilvor at any moment.

Dra is on the brink, with no support from the Carrien Elite, and the nobility at war with one another, there is no assistance and Nova's status as a prince is invalid and useless.

Kendogan and Rekarsus... should be clashing en masse in a far away field by now, hundreds of thousands will lay dead by the time the sun falls beneath the horizon and countless more will be dead by the time it rises.

Rape, murder, pillaging, slavery, fanatics, deities, religions, kingdoms, empires! All of it.

...I don't know if I should keep going.

Agashi let loose a terribly long breath which turned into a mist as it flew away through the branches of the tree's, passing far to a place even his sight could not follow.

"...I have chosen to live and die with you..." Shion's voice rang in his mind.

"...I should at least get some use out of this suit before I die..." Alias.

"...Boss..." Hardvar.

"...Lord..." Nefamiti.

"...Champion...?" Seramia.

Ahh... I can't just give up, can I?

But can I bear this burden? No...

...this sin.

If I'm to see this path till the end, I'll have to make up my heart.

No longer am I fighting for Durlivan and the few thousand within, nor for those I care about.

If I continue to walk this path, eventually, I will be faced against the world and charged with the safety of millions within our own lands.

If I continue to walk this path, the lands will be dyed red with the blood off the end of my sword and by the orders from my mouth.

If I continue to walk this path... If I continue...


Damn it.

"Fine!" Agashi screamed suddenly, his shout scaring the fairies who watched as a storm rose around him, the cold river waters turning into steam.

"I won't become a monster!" He screamed at the world as the steam turned his skin red.

A light drizzle fell from his body.

Tip... tap... tip... tap...

"I will take the name you've given me." His vague figure appeared within the mist, fairies watched on with apprehension as they dared no move under the pressure.

His eyes blazed crimson from behind the steam, his muscles bulging as he underwent a transformation.

"I will become a demon." His figure pierced the steam sending it sprawling in all directions revealing him within like a child breaking from it's egg.

"The Scarlet Demon who will lead Dra to it's future."

His body gave off tendrils of steam, his eyes blazing like torches within a powerful storm.

The saber on his side rang with a terrifying wolves howl knocking the leaves off the tree's and leaving horrifying marks along their trunks like the claws of a wolf.

Above him appeared an apparition of a Scarlet Wolf, tall and strong with a deep crimson fur.

It fell to earth fast yet landed soft as a feather.

He reached out and felt it's almost intangible fur.

The river shook and the land quaked.

Amidst the deep river, there came a shape which arose like an inevitable storm.

"Yu." Agashi reached out his hand.

"Master." Yu landed on his palm and bowed slightly.

She had grown larger and stronger.

The air around her rippled violently.

"I can summon you now?" He asked with a slight smile.

"We are connected." Yu replied with a soft smile, her new wings fidgeting slightly.

"A Curse Fairy?" He set her on his shoulder and began forward.

"Dual-Elemental." Yu replied with a bright smile kicking her legs, "I can use Curses and Death!"

A Juvenile for sure.

She isn't yet anywhere near as strong as that Death Elemental was, not even close.

I can tell that clearly.

She must still be in her infancy.

As for this... I can feel a deep connection with this wolf like it's an extension of myself.

This is my Scarlet Qi taking a form of it's own outside of my body.

I just know like one knows how to walk.

Similiar to a projection, but, it's come to life like Sir Clegane's snake.

...What's that?