It didn't take him long to recognize his brother as one of those two. It also didn't surprise him, because Rias, for some reason, saw the fate of the Hyoudou siblings firsthand. If she knew about Takeshi, then perhaps, she also knew about his younger brother.
Everything was getting more interesting.
"Good morning, Yuuto-kun~"
Akeno instantly saluted the unknown blonde guy, since there was no other person there that could have such name. The sudden call alerted the duo of their presence, and they spun around to greet them.
Blondie's face lit up a little at the sight of the young woman.
"Good morning to you, Akeno," he instantly told her politely.
Issei's mouth hanged open at the sight of the raven-haired pest. It was obvious he was still processing the idea of a woman getting close to him without the intention of beating him up. What a sad thought.
"Close your mouth, Issei. You're spreading germs."
And, just as easily, his older brother's voice snapped him from his daze.
"You too? Man, this day is getting weirder and weirder." He got closer to him, as if he was allowed to. "Do you know why we are here? Today I got called by a drop-dead gorgeous senior to this place, and I had to be accompanied by pretty boy over there. Are we in trouble? I could only focus on how good Gremory-senpai looked~"
"That's all you can think of? Your drop-dead gorgeous senior?" Takeshi said. Of course, he could have told him to use his brain, but that would be a little unfair. Issei didn't have as much insight to consider his death as real.
"Well, duh, of course," he mockingly told him back. "It's a man's duty to show interest for the opposite sex, you dunce! Everything else is only second to the love one feels for the female body."
He said it so proudly, so confidently. It was truly sad.
"We're still here, Takeshi-kun~"
The young woman called them.
Issei started stuttering. He composed himself before speaking.
"My name is Issei Hyoudou!" His presentation was followed by a quick, prominent bow. "Nice to meet you, Himejima-senpai! I'm a second year student, so you probably don't know me. You can call me Ise!"
It didn't escape from the brunet's perception that his little brother was trying to ogle at certain parts of Akeno's body as he introduced himself. His lecherous grin was there to confirm it.
"My, oh my. Such a cute and well-mannered little boy~" She praised him with a delighted smirk. "Of course, it's a pleasure for me to meet you directly. My name is Akeno Himejima, but you can call me however it suits your fancy."
She giggled before giving Takeshi a sneaky look.
"See, Takeshi-kun? You should follow Ise's example a little. You could make lots of friends if you were kinder and sweeter~"
He stared at her with pure disdain.
Takeshi himself wasn't devoid of attention, though. He felt the eyes of that other guy, Kiba, staring at him.
"Don't forget about me, either," Kiba told him with the same friendly manner and smile. "Kiba Yuuto. Nice meeting you."
He stretched a hand towards him. A handshake.
Takeshi considered, for a moment, cutting his own hands off. He just didn't want to casually touch anyone, even for a simple handshake. It was tiring, it was uncalled for, and he found it just annoying to do every single time he met someone.
"Uh-hu. It's not as nice for me to meet you, but you can think I am glad of it." He didn't extend his hand.
"I-Is that so…" muttered the blond with a confused smile, retracting his hand. "Well, I hope we can be in good terms. It seems we'll see each other more often, given the circumstances."
"I wouldn't think so hastily of our relationship, Kiba."
A girly humming was heard.
"Try to be nice with him, Kiba. He's really a shy person, bordering on the verbally violent spectrum~"
And just like that, Akeno interfered in his affairs again, giving another stranger the wrong impression of his person. Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
"Anyway," said Kiba, "This is where we part ways for now. I'm sure we will talk more in the future."
Then, with a smiley face, he simply left them to their own matters.
With everyone acquainted to each other and the greetings out of the way, Akeno was the one who took the initiative for the matters at hand.
"So, I believe we should step in once and for all."
Acknowledging her suggestion, everyone mechanically made their way inside the Occult Research Club's territory.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
They finally entered in the place.
The group didn't take too much time to reach the main office. In contrast with the worn down appearance of the building seen from outside, the interior was just the same as a western-styled manor only a rich person could afford.
It was a nice and cozy place. There was a mid-sized wooden table in the middle of the room, with 2 brownish-red sofas across from each opposite side, and one more just in front of the entrance to the room. Beautiful furniture also decorated the place, and gave it a royalty-like air. In the far end of the room was a professionally built desk made of dark wood, with its respective chair behind it.
Standing right in the middle, before the desk, was Rias herself.
Rias smiled at the visitors.
"Perfect! Everyone is finally here." She clasped her hands together. "Please take a seat, but you may also stand if you desire."
And they did as she said. Takeshi sat on the couch closest to the entrance, with Issei doing the same. Akeno sat on an empty couch.
As silence became apparent, the red-haired girl started speaking.
"Well then. Thank you for coming, Issei, and Takeshi" she said to them first. "As you might be aware, I am Rias Gremory, president of the Occult Research Club. Akeno Himejima is the vice-president, and my best friend."
The aforementioned woman waved with a silent smile.
Then, the girls' eyes finally fell on the forms of the siblings.
"Uhmm…" started speaking Issei. "I-I'm Issei. Issei Hyoudou. But, eh, I think you already know that. Just call me Ise."
And consequently, Takeshi was the one being stared at.
"…Takeshi Hyoudou. It's not a pleasure to be here at all, but whatever."
Once and for all, each individual was aware of the others' identities. There was no need to be tense with introductions anymore.
"Get on with it, Gremory. I'm falling asleep here." Takeshi was finally getting impatient after so many hindrances and decided to push her. She coughed in her hand, and cleared her throat in response.
"As you wish, Hyoudou-san. Just in case, and to be sure we're all on the same wavelength, do you know why you are here?"
Issei appeared unsure as to how respond, which was to be expected. He couldn't simply connect the dots of something he might as well have labeled as a simple nightmare. But Takeshi knew better, which explained his composure and tranquility.
"Oh, I know that one," he instantly said. "We're here because we died, and you're going to explain why."
The word 'died' resonated heavily throughout the room. Issei stared at him, not really managing to fake his increasing confusion. The others weren't exactly baffled at Takeshi's choice of words, but that didn't stop them from looking uncomfortable.
"Eh? W-What do you mean by that, Takeshi?" Issei asked him nervously. "I don't really understand what's happening anymore. What do you mean by 'died'? Is this some kind of joke or prank?"
The older brother locked eyes with him.
"Issei, cut the act. I know, and most importantly, you know what happened yesterday. I was also there. I saw it myself."
He shifted on his spot, diverting his eyes to another direction.
"…I… I just went on a date with my girlfriend…"
"You did," confirmed Takeshi, "but what happened in the end Issei? Did you even give her a goodbye kiss? Or something else occurred?"
He was mouthing incoherent words without actually saying them aloud. He couldn't speak or respond.
Takeshi couldn't really blame him. Issei was just a normal teenager that, for all his faults, was just happy to have a girlfriend. The older sibling was moderately incompetent when it came to understanding or even handling feelings, simply because he didn't feel that strongly.
However, it didn't take a super emotional person to know what deception and disappointment feel like.
"That woman isn't human, Issei. Yuuma Amano might not even be her real name." He crossed his arms. "She killed you, and then she killed me. And, unless we discover what's going on, we may just find ourselves in the same situation again."
An incredibly dense silence was felt in the room. Issei wasn't even trying to find another excuse.
His face was down, obscured, and his hands seemed deliberately weak and frail.
"…I understand it may be hard for you to take in all of this, Issei," Rias interfered, "which is why I'll try to explain as best as I can. But, if you need some time for yourself, I don't mind-"
"No, no… It's okay," Issei interrupted immediately. "I already have bad luck with women. Just because this one killed me doesn't mean I'll just give up and start mopping around! I wouldn't be the glorious Issei Hyoudou if that was the case!"
He puffed his chest out with sudden dignity and a prideful demeanor, before sporting a serious face that could rarely be seen on him. Everyone's attention was ultimately given to him, and everyone was equally surprised at his rapid acceptance.
"Besides, crying isn't going to solve anything. Yuu- That woman, she may be trying to hurt others while we're here talking." The look in his eyes hardened a little as the words flowed. "I'm not sure what's happening yet, but… I won't back down. I promise."
Sincere and direct. Those weren't the words of a coward who was too scared for something he didn't comprehend, or believed it wasn't real. If anything, he was confidently saying he wanted to involve himself with something risky just for others.
Rias herself smiled upon hearing Issei's little speech.
"Thanks for being strong, Issei. I promise I will make it up to you two."
With that said, she walked behind Akeno's couch, arms crossed. The other girl didn't react.
"As you may conclude from your encounter with this woman named Yuuma, in this world, there are things that a lot believe to be false. Existences that are mistaken for simple legends, myths, or fairy tales," she began saying. "Ghosts, spirits, ancient heroes, and things like those."
She uncrossed her arms.
"Humanity has done well in hiding these existences from common knowledge, because involving the public in affairs of beings that far surpass them is truly dangerous. These legends, these stories that others just think off as non-existent… Well, they are indeed real."
Issei perked, getting more and more openly amazed at the prospect of a fantastic world hidden beneath humans' noses, and with reason. Takeshi found himself captivated by the idea, but the implications of powerful individuals operating from the shadows irked him a bit.
"To put it in broad terms, there's a gigantic power struggle in this world between 3 principal factions which have been around since the beginning of time, all curiously stemming from the same faith, and all trying to expand their influence just to fulfill their own objectives. I will assume you are already acquainted with Christian beliefs or relatives, right?"
Takeshi's dull eyes lighted up for a moment, understanding such implications. If he took Yuuma's black wings as definite proof, then…
"…So, what you're trying to say is that the woman that killed us is some kind of Angel?"
She nodded in confirmation immediately.
"It's exactly as you said. Yuuma Amano is part of the Fallen Angels, one of the 3 factions I mentioned. They are Angels who lost their grace thanks to carrying out impure actions during their lifetimes, and because of this, they were banished from Heaven. Their black wings signal their previous alignment."
Takeshi caught sight of Akeno shifting in a weird manner on her couch. Her face seemed blank for a moment, unsmiling, as if she had suddenly lost all interest in the conversation. She crossed her well-shaped legs one over another, and then started looking at her nails without care. He dismissed the gesture.
Rias looked at Akeno for a fleeting moment, and she decided to stroll back to the center of the room.
"Angels are the opposite. They're pure beings created from nothingness by someone higher, and they're considered to be embodiments of power. Heaven is, obviously, their current residence, as it has always been."
Issei particularly perked up at that part, and dumbfounded, he asked, "Wait, if Angels exists, then that means that Go-"
Rias raised her voice before Issei had time to finish his sentence, interrupting him. She and Akeno appeared jumpy, too, which Takeshi found curious.
The redheaded girl coughed in her hand, calming down.
"Don't say His name, please. We…" She stopped her speech for an amount of seconds, looking in another direction.
"We just don't really like that word, Ise. Just leave it as it is." Akeno responded in Rias' behalf. "But yes, that person does exist. Right now he must be watching us from the clouds~"
…She was lying through her teeth. It was obvious that saying the creator's name provoked in her something more than just disgust. Rias wouldn't have reacted so surprised if that was the case.
'It seems they don't react well to the word 'God',' he mussed inwardly. 'That would discard the idea of them as Angels, probably.'
But that wasn't important. Takeshi understood about Angels and their fallen counterparts. However, she didn't mention anything about demons.
"And what about the third faction?" said Takeshi. "Aren't Fallen Angels the same as demons? And if that isn't the case, then what else there is?"
She raised her hand with one finger up.
"Firstly, Fallen Angels aren't demons. In scriptures the words are interchangeable, but there's a clear distinction in real life."
Another finger went up.
"Secondly, the demons you speak of are actually called Devils. That is the third faction, in this case. Devils are creatures of darkness, which have always lived in a different dimensional plane called the Underworld. They're not directly related to Angels or Fallen Angels, but that doesn't mean there's no conflict between them."
A third finger did the same.
"A demon isn't a race or something. It's a simple title, an honor, given to the 4 Demon Lords of ancient that ruled over the Underworld as supreme leaders. It is common belief that Devils are direct descendants of the Demon Lords. You Japanese people would know them as 'Maou'."
Takeshi listened attentively, pushing a corner of his lips upwards with a thumb.
Yes… It seemed everything was just going to be more entertaining than he expected.
His paralyzed left arm twitched ever so slightly.
"Well, that explains the context of this situation more or less," spoke Takeshi as matter of fact. "But aren't you forgetting something?"
Issei was snapped from his stupor, and finished his brother's thought. "Oh, yes. That Fallen Angel woman… why did she attack us in the first place? It's not like me and bro here are that special. We're just normal guys!"
At that, everyone fell silent. Issei looked around, trying to find someone who agreed with him.
"W-What? Why are you so silent?"
A hum was heard alongside Issei, which drew his attention.
Takeshi tapped the side of his head with a finger, thinking. "If I remember correctly, before losing consciousness, Yuuma mentioned something. She said that she got orders to get rid of us, because we may have a Sacred Gear inside of us."
He proceeded to extend his open hand towards Rias, signaling her to speak.
"Could you explain that to me, Gremory?"
There was clear surprise painted on her facial features at the mention of a Sacred Gear. She appeared unsure at first, but she quickly composed herself.
"…A Sacred Gear is a powerful and archaic type of artifact, created a long time ago by Him. There are many different Sacred Gears in the world, each one capable of granting its user with immensely powerful or useful abilities. Sacred Gears are incredibly precious and rare, and for that reason, many supernatural beings try to take ahold of at least one of them by force…"
Rias gave the brothers a weird look, before continuing.
"And, quite unfortunately, only humans are able to inherit Sacred Gears naturally. From the moment a new soul is born, it may or may not have a Sacred Gear, and for this reason, humans are seen as easy targets."
Takeshi massaged his chin, thinking about her explanation.
Sacred Gears were weapons of some sort created by God, then, known for their predisposition to be held by humans even though they themselves could be unaware of this.
By the way Rias phrased it, it was hard to find a Sacred Gear at first glance.
"…Wait a second," called Issei. "Does that mean we actually have one of those?"
The redhead diverted her eyes, and then shrugged.
"Issei probably does, but I'm not sure about Hyoudou-san," she said nonchalantly. "But there's only one way of finding it out."
She raised a hand, opening it slowly.
A red mist-like energy began to emanate from her fingertips.
Seconds passed, and the humanly impossible occurred. Some kind of luminous stylized mark appeared in thin air, right above Rias' hand. After a moment, it disappeared, and the red mist began to form into a uniform red sphere made of ethereal power.
It was the same thing she tried to hurt Takeshi with.
"This is magic, basically," demonstrated Rias. "It's the practical application of someone's magical energy in the material plane. Said magical energy is called Seele, and it's a byproduct of the soul itself."
She bounced the ball of energy a few times, as if testing its existence.
"Everyone who uses magic has a soul, but not everyone who has a soul is able to use magic. It requires training, and sometimes, even genetic and spiritual affinity to certain magic arts is needed."
The girl moved the hand in front of her face, illuminating herself with a crimson red light as bright as her hair.
"There are different types of magic, given that everyone has a different type of soul. But what's important is that, the stronger the soul is-"
With a quick closure of her hand, the sphere disappeared completely.
"-The stronger the magic will be."
Issei had seen the event with incredulity and bewilderment. His older sibling did the same, absentmindedly looking at the magic that had put an end to his life a night before.
"Humans, unfortunately, aren't able to tap into their magic power so easily. They need years of training, and an incredible mathematical and alchemic knowledge to even perform the most basic of spells."
The young woman walked around the couches, almost ignoring the still silent members of the ORC. She then put herself behind Takeshi and Issei.
"However, Sacred Gears are an exception. They are inherently independent from magic, and can produce their own power, being magic artifacts themselves. While they do become stronger through its use, a human doesn't need to draw out Seele from their bodies to manifest a Sacred Gear, let alone use it."
Takeshi felt a weight on his shoulder. Issei felt the same.
"And how does one activate it? As long as you have some potential, strong emotions could trigger a Sacred Gear's manifestation."
Rias got in the middle, and began speaking in a whispery voice.
"We're going to try. Now, I want you to close your eyes, and think about something that makes you feel strongly. Anything goes, but it has to be something deeply related to your person."
So, closing his eyes and make-pretend it was easy for him to feel something would work? It surely had to be a joke. Takeshi willingly was trying to involve himself in this predicament because he had problems feeling anything at all in the first place.
Either way, he wasn't going to be nitpicky now of all times.