the avalon treats me like a god damned king

as I launched in the defiant X I had akito prepare the necessary information as we neared the avalon we were hailed

"this is the battleship avalon to unidentified mobile suit and shuttle identify yourselves or we will open fire" a man said over comms

"this is the defiance gundam I am sending you data now to confirm my identity" I said sending the data akito prepared

"we are sorry for our rudeness you and your party are welcome aboard the avalon" the man said and his voice became really respectful all of a sudden but we did come aboard although we had to ditch the shuttle it can't be helped we were however welcomed aboard

"I'm am lieutenant McAllister former captain of the avalon" the lieutenant said

"tetsuya matsumoto" I said

"welcome aboard captain tetsuya" he said

"wait I'm the captain" I said

"yes sir whoever becomes the defiances pilot becomes the captain of this ship" the lieutenant said

"well then my first and second officer will be akame seiei and daisuke masubori and our chief mechanic besides myself will be tsukasa soritoru" I said

"yes captain" the lieutenant said

he then gave us a tour of the ship before taking us to our retrospective quarter's and I was out the moment I hit the bed much to the obvious pleasure of akame who started sleeping with me a month beforehand

as time passed literally every crew member treated me like I was king of the universe and I'm not really sure why we did fight a few battles with federation ships becoming in essence pirates as we disabled their vessels and stole what we needed from them but we only did that to military vessels not civilian ships in fact we became known to protect civilian ships if they were in the area and we became hero's to many individuals

"captain we are picking up a distress call from the archangel v6" an ensign said

"aren't they another resistance ship" I asked

"yes sir" was the reply from the ensign

"plot a course and prepare our mobile suits for sortie lets help them out" I said

"YES SIR" came the reply from the entire bridge of the ship