not a chapter but very important for you to read

so two things first I am currently trying to figure out which direction I want this story to go as I haven't decided yet so if you have any idea's please send them my way via comment

secondly I have decided to right a story with in two different universes those being ibo and U.C. narrative timeline my MC with a bit of crossbone and a bit of captain harlock as I plan to use the arcadia as basis for my ship which I have decided to name the defiant as for what crossbone will be adding well my main mobile suits will be the crossbone x1 full and x2 respectively and i will be adding a version of sakura but she will now be yukino McFarland don't worry I will give a basic synopsis of both my MC and so don't worry by the way the last name should be familiar to those who have read other stories of mine as I really like the name McFarland almost as much as I like the name Thomas jerrison but that is another story unfortunately I am not sure where my story will go as I will be writing after the retrospective show/movie has ended so I will be kinda making my own story although the major opponent of said story will be Gjallarhorn since my MC is a pirate he will be pissing off Gjallarhorn quite a bit sound familiar I have gotten this story idea from somewhere else and I am curious how long it will take you to figure that out

now as I have stated this does not mean I have dropped gundam the great rewakening I just have no ideas of how to continue at the moment so the story I am about to start writing is to those who want a gundam story that isn't gundam ulter cause I'm going to be honest that story is confusing also how does his world work my world takes place so far into the future that the various stories and protagonists have died out but in his story they are still kicking and I will laugh hysterically if someone rights a story where they are all in the same room and setsuna and mikazuki stare at kira as if he is an idiot for being a goddamn mary sue and to much of a pessimist hell i want him to be in the same room as lelouch vi britannia he is the ultimate example of what to do in war but I am getting off topic here anyway I hope you enjoy it and piece out y'all


p.s. bonus points to those who got my ending from