Part 2

11: 30 pm

??: "Did he really say that?! That bastard!! How dare he?!" The guy sitting beside y/n spoke after hearing the whole story of what Jungkook did to y/n.

Y/n: "Ikr?! I didn't even believe my own ears?" Y/n answered with her weak voice. She has been crying since she left Jungkook and came to her best friend's house.

After what Jungkook said to her, she couldn't stay a minute with him.

She grabbed her stuff and left the house. He tried to stop her, but she was determined on leaving him. He hurt and he has to face the consequences.

??: "And what did you do to him girl? Don't tell you didn't teach him a lesson!"

Y/n: "I s-slapped him Justin! I told him that I h-hated him." Y/n answered looking towards her friend.

Justin: "That's my girl. You did great, don't worry. He deserves it." Justin assured y/n that she did well.

Justin sighed after taking a look at y/n's miserable condition. He took a deep breath after wards preparing himself to say some nice words to y/n to make her feel better. Clearing his throat, he shouted, making y/n flinch in her seat. "I have Ramen. Come on, let's eat ramen."

Y/n: "Yah!! Don't yell!" Y/n said smacking him on his shoulder.

Justin: "fine, fine!! Just let's eat. Your story made me feel hungry. And don't ask how because I don't know." Justin stated as he walked into the kitchen.

Just as y/n was about to get up from the couch she heard the door bell ring.

Y/n: "Are you waiting for someone" y/n said getting up from the couch

Justin: "No! Just open the door and see who is it." justin's voice came muffled due to his mouth being full. 

Y/n just shook her head as she walked towards the front door.

Justin: " What! I am just eating a banana." Justin announced from the kitchen.

The door bell kept ringing and ringing which pissed y/n off.

Y/n: "fine fine! I am coming" she yelled opening the door.

Jungkook: "Hey babe!" Jungkook greeted a big smile on his face.

Y/n's expression changed from an angry one to a shook one, and than again to an angry one. (What a beautiful description author-nim 😎)

Y/n: "You! What the heck you are doing here!" Y/n yelled looking at him deep in the eyes.

Jungkook: "Is this how you greet your husband." Jungkook replied a smirk on his face.

Y/n was about to say something to Jungkook when suddenly she heard Justin's voice behind her.

Justin: "Y/n who is it?" he asked grabbing y/n from her waist. Jungkook's gaze quickly moved to where Justin's hand landed. He poked the inside of his mouth trying to hold his anger.

Justin: "Oh hey boss!! Come in!!" Justin said pulling y/n to the side allowing Jungkook to enter.

Jungkook entered inside grabbing y/n's hand on his way dragging her behind him.

He took a seat on the couch pulling y/n to sit beside him. Y/n pushed Jungkook's hand, standing up and walking straight to the other couch placed opposite to the one Jungkook sitting on.

She took a seat beside Justin her gaze never leaving Jungkook's facial expressions. He did look angry.

Justin looked at both of them and sensed the murderous atmosphere between them.

Justin: "Why are here boss?" Justin asked trying to ease the atmosphere a little.

Jungkook: "What do you think? I came to waste some of my precious time with my secretary."

Justin: "Oh my god! Thank you! I really appreciate it. I didn't think that you care about me lik-" Justin's words were cut off by Jungkook's harsh voice.

Jungkook: "I came to take my wife to where she belongs. NEAR HER HUSBAND!" Jungkook emphasizes his last sentence. His eyes felt as if they are shooting fire balls towards Justin.

Justin: " I am sorry but your Wife is not here." Justin stupidity answered back, his gaze moving around as if they are searching for Jungkook's "wife"

Jungkook: "Y/n! Y/n is my wife! Y/n let's go!!" Jungkook harshly affirmed, getting up from the couch.

Justin: "As long as I know. Y/n is not your wife." Justin stated making Jungkook turn towards him with his eyes wide open.

Jungkook: "Did you tell what happened between us to this bastard!" Jungkook asked his gaze moving towards y/n.

Y/n: "Yes" y/n finally spoke nonchalantly.

Jungkook: "I can't believe you!" Jungkook said his expression turning sad.

Y/n: "Same here!" Y/n said remarking what happened few hours ago.

Justin: "That's my girl!" He said hugging y/n from the side as he placed a kiss on her left cheek.

Jungkook balled his hands into fists upon seeing y/n blushing due to what Justin did to her.

He gulped trying to calm the burning sensation that rose in his chest.  But he failed.

Jungkook: " I break them for you." Jungkook barked as he grabbed y/n from her arm and pulled her towards himself.

Justin: "Calm down man! Look I took them off of her and listen I will leave you with her for few minutes to try to solve what you did. If you do anything to her I am gonna kill you even if you are my boss." Justin threatened Jungkook as his face expression suddenly turned into a  serious one.

Jungkook: "She is my wife. I will never hurt her." Jungkook said back looking directly into his eyes.

Justin: " But you did. And I am giving you a chance to fix what you did." Justin said walking his way upstairs.

Y/n: "Justin! No, don-" Y/n quickly said but was cut off by Justin saying, "Give him one more chance Y/n. He should explain what has been going on with him." And with that Justin left the living room.

Nothing was heard in the room other than  Jungkook's heavy breathing.

He took a place beside y/n on the couch, grabbing her right hand between his owns.

Jungkook: " I feel like I am getting sick." Jungkook said placing his head on Y/n's shoulders.

Y/n dodged hi face off her shoulders and scooted away from him. Jungkook quickly pulled her back placing her hand on his forehead.

Jungkook: " Look! I am burning" Jungkook said looking at y/n in the eye.

Y/n: " You are!" Y/n said her eyes softening open touching his burning forehead. "But I don't care," y/n further stated moving her hand away from his forehead.

Jungkook: "You will regret this if I die from the coronavirus." Jungkook stated a small smile on his face.

Y/n: " What heck! No, don't say that!" Y/n answered looking at him in the eyes.

A small chuckle escaped Jungkook's mouth as he saw how y/n still cared about his health.

Jungkook: "I missed you!!" Jungkook suddenly exclaimed grabbing one strand of y/n's hair between his fingers.

Y/n: "I didn't!" Y/n stated turning her face to the side.

Jungkook: "Don't be harsh. You are breaking my heart." He said turning y/n head to his side again.

Y/n: "Good! Like you did to me." Y/n answered smacking his hand away from her chin.

Jungkook: " I am sorry. I really didn't mean it." Jungkook said dropping his head on Y/n's shoulder.

Jungkook: "Just give me a chance to explain to you what have been going on with me. Just once, please!" Jungkook begged as his arms went behind y/n back pulling her in a tight hug.

Y/n: "I am listening" y/n said after thinking for few minutes.

Jungkook: " That night. Our wedding night. I-I told that I got and important call. Right?!" Jungkook started his explanation his head still on y/n's shoulder.

Jungkook: "It was from our family doctor. At first I thought he is going to tell me about my father's condition. As you know he was sick at that time. I actually didn't want to leave you at that time, but I had to. The whole ride to the clinic my mind was with you and I has planing the whole night in my head for the tenth time." Jungkook giggled as he lifted his head.

He looked into y/n's eyes as he continued, "as soon as I arrived to the clinic I run to the doctors office. He told to take a seat and to calm down. I quickly thought that there is something wrong with my dad but the doctor assured that he was fine and that what he is about to tell is about me not my dad." Jungkook paused a little bit taking a deep breath. "He...He told me that.... that I am s-sterile.... I-I can't have a b-baby." Y/n eyes widened upon hearing what Jungkook said. She felt her heart pounding against her chest as if it wants to break free from her thoracic cage.

Jungkook: "I left the clinic all broken. I didn't want to go back home to you. The fact of not being able to have my own child was killing me. I went to the park and stayed there for hours and hours. I was thinking of how am I supposed to tell you. And then an idea came to my mind. Not coming near you, ignoring you, not touching you. I thought of divorcing but I knew that I can't  leave without you. I was so in love with you and still I am to the point that I wanted you to stay with me. I didn't tell that I can't have a baby because I know how much you love children and I didn't want you to leave me. I am sorry!! I know I am selfish. And believe me I will try to leave you if you want a divorce. I understand." Jungkook was sobbing the whole time and y/n too. Her hands went towards Jungkook's cheek wiping his tears away.

Y/n: "You should of told me" y/n said pulling Jungkook into a tight hug.

Jungkook: " You would of left me." Jungkook answered hugging y/n back.

Y/n: "I would never leave you. I do love children but not as much as I love you." Y/n stated, kissing Jungkook on the forehead.

Jungkook: "You told me you hated me few hours ago." Jungkook said giggling.

Y/n: "Shut up. We are talking serious over here." Y/n said pushing Jungkook away.

Jungkook: "Does this mean you forgave me? I swear I am gonna take medicine every single day." Jungkook asked as his hand caressed  y/n's cheek and his eyes looked lovingly at her.

Y/n: "Hmmm" she said a burning sensation spreading up into her cheeks.

Jungkook: "I hated!!" Jungkook suddenly declared as the tone of his voice become serious.

Y/n: "What?!" Y/n asked dumbfounded.

Jungkook: "That Justin guy made you blush. And I hated. I have been trying to keep you away from him but you keep sticking to him. I told you to not come to company just to not see you with and you still find you own ways to meet him."

Jungkook said crossing his arms on his chest as he pouted.

Y/n: "Are you serious?! He is my best friend ."

Jungkook: "Best friends don't touch each other like that. He keeps looking at you as if he loves you. You can't see what I see in his eyes. He is-"

Y/n: "Gay!! He is gay. And I really don't know what the heck you mean by he looks me as if he loves me."

Jungkook: "W-what?!"  A shocked expression took over Jungkook's face.

Justin: "Hahahaha!!!!" Justin suddenly came to the living room laughing hard to the point that tears were visible in his eyes.

Justin: "I can't believe you! I have been you secretary for years and you still don't know that I am gay?!" Justin asked still laughing

Jungkook: "Shut up! I better waste my time on works other than reading stuff about you." Jungkook yelled angrily.

Justin: "Calm down boss don't get mad or angry. When you were angry few moments ago you looked sexy as fuck man! I barely hold myself because of y/n"

Jungkook: " You are fired!"

Justin: "W-what!! Why?!"

Jungkook: "The way you talk scares me!"

Y/n: "Jungkook!! Don't!!" Y/n said looking at Jungkook with puppy eyes.

Jungkook: "Are you serious?! He is flirting with your husband." Jungkook pointed towards Justin as y/n laughed at what Jungkook said.

Justin: "No boss!! I swear I want say anything like that anymore." Justin spoke still a smile on his face.

Jungkook: "I don't understand why I haven't noticed that he was gay before. I look stupid like come on it is so obvious."

Y/n: "Because you are stupid!!"

Jungkook: "Oh yes!! That's right. I need to fix this problem."

Justin: "Boss you first have to think about how to make children and then think about how stop being stupid." Justin and y/n laughed looking towards Jungkook.

Jungkook: "Shut up!!! I swear I am gonna kill you!! You are really fired now!"
