"Roar! Burn-In Hell! Guardians of the Earth!" After launching the arrow rain, the Demon yelled again and then jumped directly from the ground of the gladiator arena and slammed into a sorcerer in the air.


The sorcerer who was targeted by the Demon waved his hands in a hurry to change the space structure around him and quickly left the attack position of the Demon. Although he avoided the attack, the sorcerer was obviously incapable of dealing with the sudden and powerful Demon.

"Not good! It really intends to come to earth completely!" Seeing that the Demon Image is getting more and more solid and now the Demon would be able to attack with more methods, a sorcerer shouted in worry.

They would have been able to solve the problem more easily if it was just a demon casting an imaginary shadow of itself and causing damage through the loopholes in the laws protecting the earth, but if the demon actually bring himself here, the Mirror Dimension alone would not be able to trap it and it would cause unpredictable damage to the earth.

In fact, there is no need for that sorcerer to give out this warning as the other sorcerers also understand that the current situation has reached an extremely serious situation. Moreover, two of their companions were injured in Arrow Rain's attack just now. Facing an increasingly powerful Demon, the six sorcerers with limited strength are no longer its opponent.



Under the attacks of the crazy Demon, several sorcerers can only continuously avoid the attacks relying on their control of the Mirror Dimension. For a while, the entire Mirror Dimension was spinning like a giant kaleidoscope, and the Demon trapped in the center of the kaleidoscope was trying to destroy the various rotating buildings around him.

However, looking at the solid body of the Demon, this Mirror Dimension can't hold him for long. In such a situation, Harry possessed by the Demon had already shed blood all over his body. The whole person already looked like a blood man, and no one knows how long he will last.

If the real Demon really comes to this dimension, it wouldn't need to be attached to earth creatures, so now the Demon doesn't care about Harry's life and death, squeezing his lifeforce as much as possible.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just when the Demon in the gladiatorial arena in the center of Mirror Dimension came out, Tony at the edge of the Mirror Dimension finally flew towards Mirage Knight.

"According to what you just said, this guy is from another world and it should not be the opponent of these sorcerers. However, why does the situation looks a little bad now." The Iron Man fell beside Mirage Knight and Tony opened the helmet and looked at Mirage Knight.

Tony could see that the situation was bad and Mirage Knight could also see it. Moreover, Mirage Knight could see more clearly than Tony. Because of his physical strengthening, Mirage Knight could see Harry's situation as he was wrapped in the Demon's shadow at this moment. So, Mirage Knight is more worried now.

"Although I know that there are such a group of mysterious people on the earth but I have never contacted them, and I did not expect that they will not be able to deal with this guy. However, there should be a powerful person coming soon!" Staring worriedly at the battlefield situation, Mirage Knight said seriously.

The more powerful person Mirage Knight is talking about is obviously the Ancient One. As the leader of the Earth's Sorcerers, the strength of the Ancient One is much better than these ordinary sorcerers.

"I hope you are right. If these magical sorcerers can't deal with that guy, we wouldn't be able to escape it either." Tony could only comfort himself when he heard Mirage Knight's words.

Although Tony still has two Iron Man around him, he also knows that it is not easy to deal with things that are not from earth. Maybe Arc Reactor's self-destruct can do some harm to it, but it will still be useless if it can't destroy that black hole.

"No! This can't go on! Even if they can trap this guy, Harry can't hold out!" Mirage Knight finally breaks down when he sees Harry looking miserable. With a cry, Mirage Knight rushes out.


However, Mirage Knight was only able to take a step out before he gets stopped by Tony who is watching the situation. Two Iron Men Armors stand in front of him, left and right. Tony will not let Mirage Knight go there to die now.

"Mirage Knight, don't be impulsive. It won't help if you go up there. Their rules are not in accordance with the rules of physics. You can't even intervene." Stopping Mirage Knight, Tony says in a serious voice.

Although the Mirror Dimension is a projection of the real world, the rules are entirely subject to the sorcerer's changes. Even if Iron Man flew into the battlefield, he could only fly along with the constantly changing ground and sky. Science could not work well without the basic rules of physics.

"But I can't watch Harry dying like that! That's not happening!" Mirage Knight said with some anger in his voice but he finally stopped.

"Okay, let's do it together, but we can't get close to the most central area!" Knowing that even if he stopped Mirage Knight, he would run over, Tony finally compromised.

"Yes! Let's attack that black hole together! I think that's the energy source of that big guy. If we destroy it, we should be able to get out of this crisis." After agreeing with Tony's suggestion, Mirage Knight said seriously.

"Well, I think so too. But, do you have a long-range attack?" Tony nodded and asked again.

Although he knew that Mirage Knight could attack with his blade through strange energy but he could not attack a target that is too far. But they want to remain unaffected by the weird rules that are happening in the center, they must hide a hundred meters away.

"Yes! But I need some help from the Iron Man Armor!" Mirage Knight answered when he heard Tony's words.

"What help?"

"Energize me!" Mirage Knight had already pulled out his Thunder Blade as he replied.

One minute later, Mirage Knight had taken the Thunder Blade that absorbed the entire Arc Reactor energy and Tony slowly approached the central battlefield and finally stopped at a position of 100 meters away from it. This is the closest place they can get without getting affected by those magics. If they move forward, they will fall into the kaleidoscope that is constantly rotating.

"Are you ready?" Looking at Mirage Knight beside him, Tony asked earnestly. Tony was surprised when the Thunder Blade fully absorbed the entire energy in Arc Reactor just now as he did not expect that such a seemingly ordinary Blade had such ability. However, the size of the attack depends on the strength of the user.

"Ready!" Using all the internal energy in his body, Mirage Knight slowly raised the sword to the top of his head with both hands and then replied.

"So, let's get started! Three ~ two ~ one ~ J.A.R.V.I.S, Fire the cannon with 100% power!"

"Let's go! Thunder Strike!"



As Tony and Mirage Knight shouted, two lights, one purple and one white flashed from the side of the battlefield at the same time. Then, a white laser beam and a purple Thunder power rushed into the center of the battlefield in an instant!