Chapter 9: A loyal friend


I smiled as I read through his letter once more. He was something only seen every few hundred years in Monrovia, a true Hero. Not like his sister as the nobles claimed, or like his brother as the soldiers championed. No, he was the real Hero because he so clearly saw the issues and did what he could to fix them.

It was a shame he was a man, the nobles and those with power would look down upon him for it. Perhaps in Verdan or Azeria it would have been different? I'd heard that the men there hold power instead of women. But it was my fortune I suppose…

I smiled as I clutched the letter to my chest. I could picture his handsome blue eyes sparkling as he praised me already. It made me excited just thinking about it. It certainly made me odd, looking up to a man as I was. But he was just that special, he was nothing like the men of Monrovia, his feminine attitude and charm was something to behold when he winked and smiled.

"Lady Isz," the servant called my voice softly. I drew my attention back to my work as he passed me some more documents I needed to take care of. I tried to focus but I kept finding myself comparing the man before me with David.

I believed the servant's name was Alex? He embodied what the Monrovian man was supposed to be. Masculine, soft spoken, and supportive. He was certainly pleasing upon the eyes, and I certainly noticed his attempts to ignite my interest, but I wasn't who I had been. He could be little more than a fling, something to satiate me for a night.

I paused and started to question myself. Was I a lesbian? I bit my lip, recalling how I'd treated several of them myself and felt sick. No… surely not… even though the great Hero Bianca, the first Queen of Monrovia had been a lesbian… I felt a sour taste in my mouth. No…

I dismissed Alex and looked out the window of my office. There was no way… I touched my lips, looking at the hint of red that coated my fingertips. Maybe David was just my type? That I wanted a feminine man?

At some point I found myself wandering the manor. Not at all sure where I was going. After some time I found myself sitting in an alcove near David's room. There was a vase of roses on the window sill and the velvet drapes made the little spot seem far more romantic than it was.

I sighed as I looked at my wavy reflection in the glass. I liked men? Was I a lesbian? What a sick joke that would be. I still remembered the day my best friend confessed to me. Elia… she blushed as she handed me a dandelion.

'I love you Isz!' She'd blurted out.

I smiled forlornly. Remembering how naive I'd been at the time. We had only been thirteen… 'I love you too.' I'd replied, unaware of what Elia really meant. For five months I'd been unaware, until she kissed me under the oak tree.

"Reminiscing?" A soft voice asked, "space for another?"

I looked over to see the branch manager of the smithing guild. I hadn't realized how beautiful she was until the moonlight caught her hair. "Of course." I muttered.

She sat across from me, barely a foot apart. I became aware of the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed as we looked into each other's eyes. "Can you help me with something?" I blurted as I caught sight of her beautiful lips, highlighted with black paint.

"Of course." She replied, taking on a business attitude.

I bit my lip as I looked at her. Was I really going to do this? I had to know! Her eyes widened as I pressed my lips against hers. Those few seconds seemed to last an eternity as I kissed her. She tasted of apples, but it didn't feel right. I stopped and leaned back, feeling a bit relieved now that I had my answer.

"Isz… I'm not into women." She said with a flushed face. "I'm flattered…"

"I just needed to confirm I wasn't. I'm sorry about that." I replied with a strained smile.

"What?" She looked at me in confusion.

"It's that Lord Fulton is so feminine…" I looked out of the window. "I don't find other men attractive anymore." I whispered. When I looked at the branch manager she was grinning widely.

"I thought I was the only one!" She clasped my hands within hers.

"You, you too?" I asked stunned.

"Of course! Such a cutie like him? I'm sure you have your hands full keeping the desperate baroness off him." She smiled as I nodded. It was getting harder to screen his mail now that he was growing accustomed to the traditions of this land. But I was managing.

"It's such a hassle. The fact they disrespect him too!" I huffed.

"I know! I've been giving him guild rates but no supplier will give us our normal rate when it's discovered the materials are used for him! I've cleaned out a third of the guild due to bad practice!"

"That's atrocious!" I said with horror, "just because he's a man?"

She nodded gravely. "It's a shame he doesn't get my hints though…" she glanced at me with a sly grin. "Perhaps we could help each other?"

"What do you want?" I asked, suddenly cautious.

"A fair contest for his love is all." She replied. "I'll help him with the guilds behind the scenes and you keep all the pesky suitors away!"

I bit my lip. I wanted to be the only one helping David! He's mine. But… surely there's no harm in letting her help. I can just manipulate a few things so that it looks like it was me.

"I don't see a problem with it. Actually I have someone who was slandering lord Fulton recently…" I said with a knowing smile.

"I'll let you teach them then. I'm not one for torture." She replied with a strained smile.

She paused for a moment. "There are probably more of us… we should find them and band together." She said with a fiery passion in her eyes. I balked, it would be harder to control information if it was coming from more than one person.

"I'll use my contacts and find them, you should probably head this unofficial guild…" she murmured.

Oh… I could use some spies, maybe some assassins… "that's a wonderful idea. I'll see what I can set up!"

She hugged me tightly. "For a fair battle of love." She whispered before getting up and leaving. I smiled. This was going to help my David, I could already imagine the look on his face!