Please read!

I would like to convey thanks to all the doctors, nurses, police officers and health department around the world, who are running everywhere, leaving their families and friends and looking after the people's illness due to the recent virus, that attacked a lot of people around the world.

All we need to follow is basic things:

•Washing hands with soap and especially washing before eating and after using the restroom.

•Wear mask if you're going out. Any one person can go out and buy the basic necessities. Other than that no need to go out.

•Have at least 6-7 feet distance between one another. Don't stay in the same room for a long time.

Please stay at home. Reduce in people outside, reduce in spread of disease!

After reading this message, I want you guys to stand and close your eyes for few minutes and pray for the people, pray for the ones who left us, pray for the doctors, nurses, police officers, health department and everyone who are standing out there and saving many lives, who are hard working and isolating themselves to keep others uninfected.

May their souls rest in peace. Pray for your health, your family, your country, a world you're part of.

As a citizen of this world, I would like each of you to do this.

Thanks for reading. And do share this message. Let's stay home for the people working hard to save our lives.