The attack

Desiree had gone to school, for Michael the house was empty but for Desi, the lecture was boring. It had been a long day, for her. Her mind was here and there. She thought of her life with Michael. Was it something she had wanted for herself?

Years back, she wouldn't have envisioned herself being the young Madame Kingston. She worried about her family, her brother who had gone missing and her Father who had been in jail. Of course Michael had the ability to free him using his strong connections in the country. But then, her Father would always be tagged a criminal, and she would forever be known as the daughter of a criminal.

Yes, she planned on making thorough use of her connection with Michael, but she wasn't going to let it be her main tool for getting her revenge on her Uncle. She was called the National Goddess but the National Goddess felt empty. This was one of the deep inner secrets she didn't want to expose. She didn't want people to see her as weak but deep down there was a storm brewing.

"Miss Legrande" she heard. She realized she had been in the lecture room all these while and she completely zoned out. The lecturer not ready to pick an offense went ahead to continue the lecture after drawing her attention.

Instead of following the chauffeur she had requested to take the public transport, either the train or the bus. She wanted to feel the world as it was she missed her life before. Where she was just a little girl who grew up in a home not one who's Dad was arrested. She wanted to eat the street food once more, walking hand in hand with her elder brother. Getting soaked in the rain and getting scolded by their parents.

Were they grown past that stage now? Her brother would be Michael's age if he was still alive. Still alive….. that made her cringe.

People were looking at her from here and there. She had forgotten she had been a model so she had quite the looks. Her skin wasn't average, it was perfect. Her height was also outstanding. She quickly took her shades from her bag and covered her eyes. That way most people wouldn't recognize her.

As Michael didn't go to the office, he suddenly felt like he should go pick up the Madame. His madame…. the sound of that soothed his mind. He had called the chauffeur who had gone to the school with her but surprisingly he had said madame wanted to use the public transport.

Michael suddenly felt that things were not as it was meant to be, something must be wrong. Was she feeling moody? He quickly got dressed and took his car, he asked the driver the route she had taken when she walked off, he told her and he started driving slowly from him. His mind had told him she would be walking.

Desiree was walked by a store and suddenly perceived the aroma of a grilled meat at the same time her stomach grumbled. She quickly went in and asked for grilled chicken. The owner was surprised to see such a pretty young lady in her shabby store. She asked how many servings and Desi suddenly couldn't decide. If she said seven, would she be looked at like a pig? As she saw the chicken it made her mouth water even more. She was going to have eleven servings. She didn't know when she blotted "make it 12 servings ma'am, and is there a more conserved area I can sit" the owner was totally short of words.

She had been wrong about this good looking lady, she thought.

They had followed the target, the strange looking men in a suspicious car thought. They just saw her enter a restaurant so they had to wait till she was out. They were surprised she wasn't with a chauffeur and she looked unguarded they were still grateful tho. It was going to make their work easier.

But how long did they have to wait?

Soon Desi was done with the chicken and just the bones could be seen on her table. She was really full. She suddenly felt the need to get into a vehicle. Her stomach was heavy but she really loved the meat. She made her way to the restroom to clean herself up. When she was done she paid and stepped out of the restaurant.

The card swerved sharply made a U-turn and was heading to the place Desi had been. Feeling scared Desi dashed out of the road but the vehicle didn't move to hit her. She just noticed a liquid that was thrown from the car heading towards her. Why were they throwing water on her? Before her brain could work properly a firm body embraced her sharply and time stood still.

Desi looked up to see the handsome but familiar looking face on her. What was he doing here? She looked at his face and it was red, like he just stepped out of a hot room. Then it occurred to Desi, that wasn't water! She thought and quickly freed herself from the embrace and ran to Michael's back.

The black Armani suit has been damaged by the acid. It ate deep into his inner clothing. She removed the jacket immediately. Searched around and found his car. She dragged him to the car and started speeding to the hospital. Her mind was yet to process everything that just happened. She just wanted to get Michael to the hospital. She wouldn't forgive anyone if anything really happened to him.

Michael hasn't said one word because he was enduring the pain. His face was red, Desi saw herself tearing up. She silently prayed. Soon they got to the hospital and the Emergency unit took him and rushed him to the SR. A nurse approached Desi for documentation while Michael was being operated on.

Miss, May I know your relationship with the patient? He's my husband Desi said.