
platinum energy coin

Gold energy coin

silver energy coin

bronze energy coin

These are special coins found in ancient time, naturally made by the four direction energy in the atmosphere and made into the universal currency, they each have there own special energy wavelength so there is no disguising one coin as another or faking them making it completely safe they are mines that produce them all over the world but not in large quantities.

1 platinum energy coin =1000 Gold energy coins.

1 gold energy coin =1000 silver energy coins.

1 silver energy coin =1000 bronze energy coins

the lowest currency is 1 bronze energy coin so a single bread would be 1 bronze energy coin.

a single night at the cheapest inn would be 5 bronze energy coin with some food.

1 silver is enough for an ordinary family of 5 to live comfortably for months and the annual salary of a ordinary family would be at most two silver.