I am Vulcan V

Blinking his eyes multiple times, Vulcan could not believe where he was. He's never heard of a pool before, but for Jacob that is essentially what this place was. Whitestone floor with four pillars at each corner of the oversized bathtub. Two statues of some sort of fish he was not too familiar with were pouring water constantly into the pool. He could even make out the small steam rise letting him know the bath was already hot.

The young maid walked over towards the oversized tub, taking off her long white glove she stretched her hand into the water to check its temperature. Nodding in satisfaction, she glanced back over towards Vulcan.

A slight frown appeared across her face.

There was no telling what sort of diseases Vulcan was carrying with him, so she needed to be very cautious when helping him wash. That, and she hated cleaning the tub out. The work was daunting and with all the filth that accumulated on Vulcan's body, she already knew how much of a deep cleaning the tub would need after he was finished with it.

"Take it off."

She told him as she walked towards a shelf made of glass that held various soaps, along with a basket for clothing.

Vulcan looked like a young child to her, and she had no interest in children. To her, seeing him undress was nothing as she had to deal with serving others in the bathroom. It was one of her duties that solidified her position in the mansion.

Although she may not think much of it, Vulcan was still a young boy in his early teens. While he may not fully understand the happenings of man and woman, he did know a few things.

His body always reacted to pretty women or ones with nice bodies. Controlling it was never going to happen and he knew that from his prior experiences. It was pretty embarrassing for him having to hold down a boner when a lovely woman in her mid to early forties gave him some coin. She leaned over allowing him to get a full view of her cleavage, and as she came closer the amount he saw also increased.

While he was not scared of much, he did know to fear some things and people. He could not tell if the woman was a noble due to the way she dressed before, but if she was he could not allow her to see his boner. That would be considered disrespectful and Vulcan would never see the light of day ever again.

Luckily for him, the woman paid him little attention down there so he got away scot-free.

Still, having to expose himself in front of a young pretty woman like the maid… he did not have the courage to do such a thing. Her perky breast was in full view while she was in her maid outfit, and with the way it clung to her body, he got more than what he asked for. So far, no one managed to see that he had a hard-on upon being introduced to the woman and it did manage to go down as time passed.

Vulcan glanced over in her direction and noticed she was deciding which soap to use. If there was ever a time to move, it was now.

Quickly he removed the tattered wool shirt and ran towards the oversized tub.

Forget shoes, he's never recalled a time he had a pair. The only object that covered his feet were two pieces of cloth that he found. He just wrapped it around his feet and tied it so it wouldn't come undone. However, over time they always degraded until they were falling off all the time. Eventually leading to him having bare feet.

As for the concept of underwear, Vulcan did not know what that was. Jacob on the other hand did, and now he could understand why he felt a bit of a chill down there. Who hasn't freeballed at least once in their life? But doing it every day? It pained him.

With a large splash, Vulcan submerged himself into the hot water. It wasn't hot enough to scold him, instead, it made his muscles relax. This was heaven or the closest thing to it.

Hearing the splash, the young maid swiftly turned her head around and saw Vulcan in the tub. She nearly pulled her hair out.

She specifically told him to undress, not do anything else! There was an order to washing up, and he already started off all wrong.

He needed to be drenched first with a bucket of water, to let his body get used to the temperature while also getting off most of the filth. Secondly, he should wash that nasty hair of his that may be filled with ticks. Only after he was scrubbed a decent amount should he enter the tub for a relaxing time.

'Calm down Diana, how could that simple-minded fool know? That just means… more cleaning later… no big deal.'

Diana told herself as she almost screamed out and told Vulcan off.

Instead, she just grabbed a bar of soap not even caring what fragrance it was anymore and just tossed it to him.

Vulcan saw something was thrown in the water and wondered what it was, when he grabbed hold of it, it was a small slippery object that was light blue in color.

"It's called soap, you use it to wash with. Scrub every nook and cranny of your body, and don't forget to wash behind your ears!"

Diana looked down towards Vulcan with her arms crossed.

If this was another person, she would have to attend to their washing for them but Vulcan did not know that. She shuttered just picturing herself in the same tub as this guy. Her body was clean, while his… there was not even a need to say.

Vulcan smelled the soap and couldn't even begin to describe the fragrance, he just knew it was girly.

Tossing it to the side, he dived back under the water.

"What are you doing? Pick it up right this instant!"

Although she was yelling at him, Vulcan was busy enjoying himself in the water. Scrubbing himself and letting the water do all the work.

Needless to say, after ten minutes of watching Vulcan play in the water 'cleaning' himself, Diana prayed to Mother Nessa.

'Please, Mother Nessa do not let my holy body be tainted by this vermin.'

Diana cried inwardly as she started to undress.

If she did not hop into the bath with Vulcan to give him a proper cleaning, then they would spend ages here until he was cleansed of all dirt. Renold told her to make sure to clean him and bring him to the study. For that, he could not enter it with the way he was washing.

The water was already beginning to change color a bit due to all the dust and dirt on Vulcan's body. Entering that… she never wanted to experience such a situation in her life.

As Diana's naked body entered the water, Vulcan froze as if someone caused his entire body to be encased in ice.

His head turned awkwardly as he saw Diana work her way in his direction. She was… naked. He could not fully see all of her assets, but he was sure if he were to dive under right now they would be in full view without any hindrances in the way.

His little brother slowly started to awake, but Vulcan was petrified. Diana soon made it to him with a bar of soap in her hands.

Vulcan gulped hard while Diana prayed.

Both wished to be out of this situation immediately.