Secrets and lies IX

Silence penetrated the room while all eyes were focused on a single individual. One might find it hard to breathe under the intense stares, but she did not. At the head of the long wooden table she sat in an elegant manner. Fingers interlocked, legs crossed and head held high.

To her left sat six figures, all dressed in a black and white maid uniform - the same as her own. On her right were another six, also dressed in the same outfit.

Behind her was a young teen, light blue eyes and tender brown hair with a hint of red. The front was parted to the side as it tended to get in the way of his sight. The difference between him and the rest of them was that in his hand was a brown bowl filled with soup.

In front of each of the maids seated at the table was nothing but wood. No food was served yet.

With a snap of her finger, the maid at the head of the long wooden table summoned two butlers. One old, the other young but still quite aged.

"It is time to serve the food."

Her voice was oddly calm as if she was not bothered by the silence at all.

None of the maids could tell if anything was bothering the head maid. Maybe she was upset that they were eating later than usual, which threw her schedule off. Or, it could be due to an entirely different reason altogether.

The head maid always had a temper, one that was easy to trigger.

Both butlers headed her command and fetched the food off the counter. Still fresh as it barely sat for a minute.

Their movements were swift as they grabbed multiple plates at once and sat them down on the table. One plate per person.

Four thick slices of meat with brown gravy, along with cheese shreds sprinkled on top. Soft homemade bread on the side and a small amount of greens to top it off.

All the maids were surprised by the meal in front of them. It was more than they normally received.

"What is with all the food? What is the occasion?"

One maid could not help but ask.

Sad to say, she received no reply. The head maid got her portion of the food, grabbed a knife and fork while she started to eat.

For the maids seated at the table, they did not touch their food. Instead, they gazed at the head maid seeing what sort of face she would make.

Feeling their heated stares, she raised her head and glanced at each of them.

"What are you staring at me for? Do you not want to eat dinner?"

After saying those words, she glanced towards a long brown-haired woman who was almost twice her age.

"The food is delicious Mary, you should share your skills with the others."

Smiling, she praised Mary for her delicate touch while preparing the meal.

Mary, hearing those words of praise smiled but quickly her face changed to one in pain. The woman to her left pinched her white thigh.

"You did mix it in right?"

The woman whispered in a low tone before placing a piece of meat in her mouth. It tasted a bit sour at first, but as she chewed she found the flavor exquisite, enough to make her mouth water.

What was she going to say about Mary's cooking? It was not bad, but that did not mean it was as good as the head maid was making it out to be.

Mary rubbed her thigh while she nodded her head without letting the others notice.

"Of course, I'm not dumb Barbara."

Mary responded.

Barbara glanced over towards the head maid from the corner of her eye. She was still eating her meal.

"Maybe it takes a while…"

Barbara muttered to herself as she hoped her brother did not lie to her. Still, even if that was not the case the head maid was still eating horse shit. Something that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

Jacob who stood behind Diana watched as things played out.

Diana did not inform him of what would occur at dinner, she only mentioned it would be worth watching. So far, things were calm on the surface but that did not mean they would stay that way.

His eyes landed on one maid who was not touching her plate.

Jacob warned her beforehand to be wary during dinner. It was his way of getting into her good graces. If something did happen she may have dodged a bullet thanks to him. If not, then she could just eat her food cold.

As all the maids were enjoying their meals, he was savoring the taste of the soup Rolf gave him. Small beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, but every fiber in his body was burning with excitement.

Rolf did not tell him what the soup did but the more he ate, the better he felt. It was as if his muscles were never sore to begin with.

Minutes went by and before he knew it, his bowl was empty. Majority of the maids finished their meals as well.

Diana whipped her small pink lips with a cloth.

The attention was back focused on her but soon shifted towards another maid.

Jacob was not sure who she was based on her looks. Yet from the stares, she was getting he had a feeling she was the mastermind behind this plot, Barbara.

She had a long pointed nose, curly black hair along with dark black eyes to match. At first glance, one could fall in love with her looks, but then you double back for a second look to see her blemishes. A harelip along with a big mole on the side of her long nose and a square chin - almost like a males.

Diana rested her elbow on the table as she leaned her head against her palm. Four of her slender fingers tapped on the table in a soothing rhythm. It seemed as if she was bored and had nothing better to do.

Suddenly, her eyebrows jumped.

"Oh Barbara, was there any leftover silver from when you went out?"

Diana asked.

Barbara shook her head.

"No, I brought back two large sacks that cost me all ten silver."

Barbara stated as if what she said was true. Even the look on her face showed no signs of her telling a lie.

She did spend all ten silver, but not on what she mentioned she would.

It was no secret that Barbara splurged on her money. Spending it as soon as she got it.

Inside her mind, Barbara could not help but grin at the fact she got Diana to pay for her own humiliation. Sadly no effects were shown.

"A pity there is none left over. I would have let you keep it seeing as you no longer work here."

Those words stunned Barbara to the core.

"I'm sorry, what did you say? I must have misheard you."

Barbara had to ask again thinking that Diana was joking around with her.

"Do I look like I am playing around here. I can care less for your gossip, but I hate it when people lie to me for their own satisfaction and try to plot my demise."

Barbara's face turned ugly as she glanced at Mary who was just as lost as she was. She needed to fix this and fast.

Diana raised her hand to stop Barbara from speaking.

"The next time you whisper your dirty little secrets to make a plan, be sure to remember that the wall has ears. As for the rest of you, you can consider this your only warning. Next time i'll make you eat more than just shit."

Like a revelation, it hit all the maids at once. That sour tangy taste was not part of the meal, it was actual shit. She fed them real shit.

One maid threw up everything she had in her stomach. It was a nasty sight to see as it landed not only on the table but splattered on those next to her.

That seemed to be the beginning of a domino effect as some other maids felt their stomach howl in pain while churning. Quickly, they hopped up from their seats and ran to the nearest bathroom.

However, they found the door to be sealed tight. No matter how much they pushed or pulled, it did not budge.

Diana grinned as she slapped a ring of keys on the table.

"I'll make this real simple, you have two options. One you can rush to the guard's barracks and hope you make it to the bathroom in time, but I doubt it. Or two…"

Diana did not finish her sentence, she only looked at Barbara who was holding her stomach while bending over slightly.

Barbara's heartbeat sped up as she felt those fiendish eyes stare at her. Each one ready to pounce without a moment's notice.

Jacob gulped as he watched the scene play out in front of him. His eyes landed on Diana as he felt a chill run down his spine.

It was not long ago that he told her of the plot, yet she managed to outplay Barbara at her own game. Jacob was not sure how she did it, but she has done it.

He slowly made his way out of the kitchen. What was going to happen next was not something he wanted to see or smell.

Diana was a step behind him.

Hugging his back, she squeezed him tight into her embrace.

Jacob was not prepared for this, the bowl in his hands fell to the ground. Luckily, it was empty and wooden so it did not break.

"You saved me a lifetime of humiliation. It pains me to say, but I'm lucky you were around, without you here the situation would have been different."

Jacob's ears twitched as Diana's voice was soft-spoken, but he could feel the heat of her breath as she spoke. Her face was close, and he knew if he were to turn his head he may be able to kiss her subtle lips.

Even so, he stayed still with his head looking forward.

"I doubt it. I'm positive you would have felt something was amiss and dealt with it. Your thanks is not needed."

Resting her head on his shoulders, Diana could not thank him enough. Being highly capable as she was, she would never have managed to free herself from this scheme. His warning helped her in more than one way.

With it, she managed to get rid of a thorn in her side as well as establish her dominance over the maids without Renold's presence being needed. Now they would forever remember what happened today and think before they act.

"Do not be so humble and let me repay you. How about the next time I go into town I take you with me. Maybe buy you something to eat while I'm at it."

"Sure, then it's a date."

Diana was silent and Jacob spoke no more. She just kept him in her arms for a bit longer before she released him.

For Jacob, it was his first experience at seeing how someone in this world dealt with those who meant them harm.

For Diana, she knew there would be no more secrets and lies kept from her.