Chapter seven

They walked for awhile planting bombs before they reached and entered a hangar. They saw a covered space ship, opened it and found a dismantled space ship different from the alien ships looking like it's from earth with an incredible speed. They came out and walked a few steps when they heard the crashing of tools coming from the door they just passed. They went back, opened the first door and entered then it closed afterwards nitrogen is been sucked out. Holland stood on the left and the captain on the right side of the inner door then pissed in from the little glass on the door and saw two aliens in their armour and nitrogen mask, one electrocuting a wary looking man in his mid sixties to pickup his tools which he did with tiredness and the other pointing it's gun to the remaining six people inside to continue working. Holland wanted to save the man and looked at the captain who nodded his head in agreement with Holland as though he knew his thoughts, Holland brought out his equipment and connected it to the security system on the door while the captain loaded his double barreled gun with electric explosive bullets after words they both count to three, Holland pressed a button, the door opened and the captain rushed in shooting at the aliens before they realized what was going on and fell to the ground death. The old man unable to get on his feet got confused along with his crew who came to help him along with the captain as to why an alien would come to his rescue. Holland also runs in removing the oxygen mask since the room had oxygen and switching off the little device on his ear so as to look like himself again in other to follow them help the man get on his feet . Holland was more shocked than ever when he saw his father, Mr.. James Stark alive and well in the hands of the also shocked alien looking like captain, the old man also sees him and recognized his little boy who is now a man as Holland moved closer in shock and they both went into an embrace with tears flowing down their eyes even though they tried controlling themselves.

Holland and his father finally let go of each other after minutes of tight embrace and immediately he asked his father how it is possible for him and his crew to still be alive as he recognized some of them in their older age after they had helped him seat and the captain went out for lookout. My crew and I time travelled to 1700 A.D while testing the first ever space ship that was faster than the speed of light and arrived outside the earth. On seeing that we have finally unraveled the mystery of time travel and travelled through it, we decided to come back breaking every record ever made, we then flew with light speed and was about time traveling back to our time but the ship systems suddenly got scrambled and we lost control so instead of time traveling we found ourselves in deep space and tried to reboot the systems, when Kepler-1b appeared above us and started sucking us in. We tried everything to fly out but the more we tried the more the ship got damaged. Our ship got totally damaged and we got sucked in then Kroon, a bigger and more dreadful different machine like alien With telepathic abilities appeared to us from the tower. He saw through our memories and tried to hypnotize us but he couldn't because of how complex our brains are and instead placed us in this room and made us build laser guns, armors and ships with light speed for his soldiers. Holland looking kind of surprised asked. if you are been captured in 1700 AD how is it possible that you are still alive and looking like you are in your mid sixties? When you are now over 400 years old. His father answered. On earth we will be over 400 years but not here at Kepler-1b or Zon as Kroon called it, time works differently here so it is on every planet. We may have been gone for over 400 years on earth but we have been in Zon for just 20 years.

The old man looked at the little family photo of him, little Holland and Holland's mother with excitement as he now asked the question he had been dying to ask since he saw Holland. How is your mother, my Queen?. Holland bowed his head and told him she was fine when he left earth but doesn't know if she is still alright , his father asked him what's wrong and Holland told him that the earth is been destroyed by a machine and the aliens who are capturing humans and turning them into aliens of the same kind. His father then realized why Kroon made them make more and more weapons and ships because he is expanding his rule by capturing more begins and turning them to creatures with a linear brain so he can control and make them his slaves then take them to a planet filled with life where he will rule with fear. Holland told him how they were able to sneak into the planet to deactivate the destructive part of the machine and activate the part that can recreate the destroyed part. His father looked him like it's hopeless and suicidal to try and deactivate the machine. He then said. Here at Zon every system is been connected to one place and it's the one place you wouldn't want to go... Holland asked where that was and his father told him that it's the tower that produces the red energy field and is the home of KROON and Holland told him he is ready to take the risk if that's the only way to save earth and his father nodded his head in agreement proud of how brave his little boy has grown up to be.

Holland asked his father and crew to go with him and the captain so they can be safe but his father refused saying they won't because they can't stop Kroon outside the room they are in now but told him to help them plant a device on their dismantled ship which he brought out from his desk and Holland promised to come back for then after all the humans are been set free. His father gave him the device and both of them hugged again before he left switching on the device on his ear to look like to an alien again, he met the captain standing guard and the both of them walked hurrying back to the allay after Holland tossed the device to the ship and holographic electrons ran on its surface. An hologram of the ship showed behind Holland's father and his crew as they now put the death aliens into a cupboard in the room, they noticed it and Holland's father gave a smirk after turning to the direction of the hologram as his crew members can closer and he said.Lets get this baby up and flying again!. Then one of the crew members switched on a hologram that made it look like the aliens were still in the room to make sure they are working and they are still creating machine parts.

Holland and the captain arrived in the alley as the other soldiers waited and they all presented their discoveries just then there is a loud alarm and soldiers matching Into the Mine city, screams coming from the city are heard and they came out to see soldiers forcefully collecting the gold found in the mine in order to be used as fuel and brutally punished those who did not have the required quantity. The soldiers wanted to rescue the oppressed aliens but held themselves so as not to get exposed. Two alien machines flew in from the sky and reflected lights that show an hologram of a dark place and all the aliens fell to the ground screaming in pains as the alien soldiers stood motionless and mindless, Holland and the soldiers moved to the back of a vehicle to have a closer look at what was was going on. From the darkness Kroon's dreadful face showed coming out from what looked like veins to give his message of fear in an alien language to the aliens and the hologram ended with him looking like he perceived something from behind the vehicle Holland and the soldiers stood. After the message, the soldiers started moving again and the screaming stopped, the alien soldiers loaded their vehicles with gold and when filled they entered and it flew to a large pit beside the tower, Holland and the soldiers also entered one of the vehicles after secretly hiding the box with their weapons and gadget in the space behind the vehicle as it was about to fly into the sky.