Chapter 10

On Earth, Holland's mother and the other survivors with her came out from an underground tunnel to a partly destroyed Washington DC with alien ships still flying around. They sneaked through several streets and was just few more streets from the harbour of the underwater city ship, the ground vibrated as the underwater city ship engine was started from the harbour by the survivors that were inside and it alerted the aliens close by and as they drove closer they detected the life signature of Holland's mother and those with her and they split into two, one going after the underwater city and the other after them. Holland's mother and those with her ran a little distance but stopped running including the aliens both the ones that chased them and the ones that went after the underwater city when the strong movement of water was heard, soon water started busting out from the tunnels going high up into the sky and water with the hight of a mighty ocean carrying submarines and cargo ships with particles from destroyed houses and other particles flowed toward them from a very far distance. The aliens all forgot about them and space jumped with their vehicles to their ships and it flew away out of Earth. Holland's mother and the rest had no choice but to run toward the underwater city with everything they have as the ground started breaking and water bursting out from different tunnels and one raising a parked car high up into the sky and it landed behind them. Water started rushing into the harbour the underwater city is as the people inside waited to see if any more survivors would show up.

In Zon Mr.. Stark and his colleagues had almost finished their work when the alien soldiers came back for the remaining machine parts. They carried the parts and almost left when the same pictures of the event that they saw before happened again and it caught the attention of the alien soldier behind who had come with the first set, it turned and looked at what was happening carefully. All the crew members looked at Mr.. Stark in fear as it walked to the center of the room but Mr.. Stark signaled them to continue working since they had almost finished their work. The alien saw the images change back to what it saw when it came in the second time and roared in rage when he saw the hand of one of the aliens that were put inside the cupboard show outside hologram and started shooting at the whole room just has Holland's father and his crew finished their work and activated the ship and the systems started booting, the hologram died off to show the now damaged room and Mr. Stark with his crew bending down with their ears covered with their hands. The alien stopped shooting and they surrendered as the ship's system had almost fully booted, the alien walked toward Mr. Stark in anger with the intention of hitting him with his gun, the part of the heavy half damaged ceiling that got damaged from the alien shooting fell on it and it fell unconsciously, Mr. Stark and his crew looked at themselves in relive when the ship's systems fully booted and switched on with the lights coming on in the hangar the aliens kept it.

In Kroon's layer. Holland asked KROON. what are you putting into them? . KROON turned his attention to him and answered. The king's virus, made by the first lord of my planet from the blood of a creature that has the ability to make people lose their minds and become controllable by it. The virus turns your brain from been complex to linear and makes you to breath nitrogen and change form. And is what the lords of my planet used to keep peace, rule and keep order in my planet for millenniums. one of the soldier asked if there was any antidote for the virus and KROON answered.There are only two quantity of the cure and my father used one to uplift the virus from the people of my planet and turned them back to their original form. And now there is only one left and is hidden in this layer. Earth is different!".The last soldier said to KROON. KROON gave out a deadly smirk and spoke.Earth different in what way? I have studied earth ever since I encountered Mr. Stark and all I have seen is a planet filled with greedy and self centered beings blinded by their love and desire for power and money. Begins who see their own fellow beings from other tribes and religions as lesser beings and so show no love to them. The first, second, and third world war along with the numerous civil wars are evidence that man is heading for doom in the next century. So I tell you earth isn't different it's only much younger.... The captain interrupted saying.we can't let you destroy Earth!. who said anything like destroying Earth, it is only been rebuilt to a more perfect shape and planet. You should be proud your planet is part of an evolution that will lead to the greater good of the universe. But too bad I don't have any plans of keeping you all alive to see it happen". KROON answered. The veins wrapped them really tight and lift them up again strangling them and squeezing the life out of them.

One of Mr. Stark's crew member wearing an oxygen mask peeped outside the door and when no one was coming signaled the rest of the crew and they all rushed to the room nearest to their door and peeped through the door if their ship was inside and when didn't see it moved to the other. One of the members spotted the room the ship was and called the others, they rushed inside and hide behind the ship as alien soldiers now walked pass. They entered inside and began to turn on the flight systems and settling down as the Al in the ship welcomed them back and Mr. Stark greeted the Al and the control to all the alien ships showed up. In no time the ship was ready to fly and the alien soldiers who walked past before rushed back and saw the ship raising up and they started shooting just then the ship speed out through the wall at it's back and breaking it. KROON sees it from one of his computer screen as the alarms goes comes on and ordered his ships after them as the captain secretly struggled to get his dagger from under the armour on his hand. Alien pilots started entering into their ships and flying after them, Mr. Stark asked one of his crew members to begin phase one of their plan and the crew member controlled a ship in the alien hangar as it's pilot was about to enter and it started flying around the hangar randomly and crashed exploding on the supporting engine wall in the take off point.

On Earth, water reached the door length of the underwater city and they had no other choice but to close them and sail down into the sea from below it. Holland's mother and the survivors with her also got flooded to their nose level and the official struggled really hard to lift the little girl he carried above the water as they got closer to the harbour. Buildings started collapsing as an earthquake occurred near by and the skyscraper directly above them started collapsing with the objects inside it falling out into the water almost hitting them, they all ran for their lives and almost passed the building when it fell down pushing everyone into the water causing it to ripple. After awhile, the president resurfaced from the water breathing heavily and others also resurfaced and each of them shouted the names of those they know to see if they are alright some answered while others didn't, Holland's mother also resurfaced including the official who still carried the little girl who is now very cold and shivering so he pulled his wet jacket and wore the little girl. The leg of one of the soldiers with them was caught by the skyscraper and few who didn't make it laid unconscious as they are been pressed by the building, he struggled to get himself out but couldn't as he gasped for air, those who resurfaced from the water decided to swim down and look for the others who didn't resurface so they all went remaining the official. They swam down and after seconds of searching one of the soldiers saw the trapped soldier and resurfaced to call for help and everyone resurfaced again on hearing his voice and went inside the water with him. They saw the trapped soldier almost losing his breath and the other unconscious survivors who were hit by the skyscraper and they all tried their best to raise the large part of the building that pressed the soldier but couldn't and soon the water current became stronger as the large mass of water came closer, they were all running out of breath and the soldier who had almost given up asked them to go by shaking his head and using his hands to instruct them, they didn't want to but still did with sadness. They all resurfaced breathing heavily and moved faster to the harbour as the water got even bigger and stronger.