Chapter Seven

Aarush opened his eyes, and the first thing that met his vision was Aeleya's face. Her eyes were peacefully shut and her breathing was calm. A smile formed on Aarush's face. Seeing how close they were, he couldn't help but move his head forward and plant and deep kiss on her cheek. Looking around, he saw that both of her legs were in between his, and one of her arms was under his arm.

He dug his hand underneath her body and gently pulled her in closer. He planted his lips on her forehead and kept it there for a while. 'Now that she's sleeping, how do I move? We might be nearing the first city.' He looked outside and saw that instead of the yellow light, all that was around was a black sky. The grey clouds hovered around, with nothing else in sight. 'We probably will reach the first city in an hour or two.' He felt more refreshed than before. The sleep helped clear his mind, so he was able to think better.

"Mmm." Suddenly, Aeleya made a slight groaning sound. Aarush smiled as he saw her open her eyes in a flutter. She opened her mouth widely to yawn, this made Aarush laugh. He moved forward and kissed her cheek, finding her actions extremely attractive.

"Morning my beauty." Aeleya's eyes were unfocused, so it took her a bit to figure out what was happening. When her eyes completely clear, she looked at their position, and seeing how intimate it was, she flushed red.

"A-Aarush, you can let go now." She spoke embarrassingly.

"It's fine. I think this position is perfect, don't you think?"" He planted a kiss on her nose, and smiled at her.

"N-no, let's move now. Please." She asked in an almost begging manner, which made Aarush sigh.

"Alright, up to you." He released her from his embrace, while lifting his legs, so she could move her own. She sat up with a red face. She looked down to see Aarush smiling at her. She got up from the bed and fixed her clothes. "Where are you going?"

"To the washroom, I want to clean up a little." She walked out, while Aarush smiled.

"She forgot to take some items. Maybe I should deliver them?" Getting up, he walked towards their hand bag and took out his toothbrush and hers. He also pulled out a tube of toothpaste and a comb. "Well, as a good husband, I should deliver this."

He walked out and saw her enter a washroom nearby. Following her trail, he reached the washroom and knocked on the door. "Yes?"

She replied with her sweet voice which sent goosebumps down Aarush's body. "You forgot these." He replied.

Aeleya opened the door and saw Aarush holding her toothbrush. "Thank yo- ah what are you doing?"

As she was grabbing the toothbrush, Aarush instead grabbed her arm and pushed her into the washroom, going in himself. The washroom was small, but enough to fit three people. "What do you mean? You want to brush your teeth and so do I. If I do it with you, then it will save time. Don't you think?"

"No. Here, why don't you go first, I will go after you." She was about to leave but he grabbed both of wrists and pinned her gently against the wall. "W-what are you doing? Let go of me Aarush." She hissed at him with a red face.

"I won't let go. I'm not breaking any rules here." He leaned forward and kissed her wrists, he followed by kissing her arms, then approaching her neck.

"Alright, stop, stop." Her breathing raced and she spoke in an almost teary voice. Aarush looked up and saw that she was really about to cry.

'Shoot, that was a little overboard.' He knew that he went too far this time. "Sorry Aeleya, I went too far." He saw that she was about to drip some tears, so he quickly let her wrists go and wiped the incoming tears. "Aeleya, I'm sorry, don't cry. C'mon, I know I'm the bad guy. I won't do it again, I swear." Seeing that she wasn't calming down, he began to panic. "Hey hey, don't cry. I will do anything for you, so don't cry. Come, I'll let you do what you need alone, alright? And for the rest of the trip, I will leave you alone, alright? Just don't cry." He moved back a little and saw that she was finally calming down. He turned around to leave, opening the door and stepping out. He was sighing deeply. He headed back to his room and sat on the bed. "I'm an idiot. She isn't ready for all of that, yet I'm rushing it." He laid on his bed and smiled bitterly. "She's probably spooked by that. Shit, I'm such an idiot, and it was going so well." He punched the side of the bed in anger. "Alright, new plan. I got to gold back my urges. I'll take her around Pakistan, spoil her with whatever she wants to do, eat, or buy. I will let her have her alone time, while I need to go and get a life or something. I think I'm a little too obsessed right now." He got up from the bed and walked out of his room. "Let's go see what Maya and Maaz are doing. Probably sleeping."

Walking over to their cabin, he knocked on their room a few times, but there was no reply. "Mr. Yunus, can we help you with anything?" He heard a voice from behind. Turning around he saw a young woman looking at him.

"Oh, sorry, I was trying to see if my siblings are asleep or not, but it seems like they are." He replied with a smile. She was wearing the flight crew uniform, so he knew instantly she was a worker.

"Haha, well it is a long flight." She smiled at Aarush and spoke very professionally. "Can I get you anything? Are you feeling uncomfortable at all? If so, let us know, we are here to make this flight as comfortable as possible." Her words were well spoken, which impressed Aarush.

"Of course, thank you for the concern." He smiled and was about to walk away, but the woman called out to him.

"Mr. Yunus?" He turned around with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes?" He was a little confused as to why she was a calling. She did her task, and well too, so what was left?

"I don't wish to be a bother, but there is another passenger who says they know you and wish to speak with you." She spoke with her professional look, but she seemed somewhat hesitant.

"Alright, take me to them." He didn't mind meeting someone he might know on board.

The woman nodded her head and led him to one of the cabins. She knocked and waited for a reply. "Yes?"

"Miss Elene, Mt Yunus is here." With that, the woman walked away with a small smile.

'Elene? That name seems oddly familiar, but from where?' Aarush thought for a moment before waiting for the person to walk out. A few seconds went by and the door swung open. He saw a pretty girl, around his age, coming out. She had long black hair with oceanic eyes. "E-Elene?" He was shocked. Aarush knew this girl, rather he had once went to the same school.

"Aarush, I knew it was you when I saw your name. I saw your siblings as well, they're all grown up." She smiled as she walked out of her cabin. "It's been a while, how have you been?"

"I've been good, what about you? Wow, it's been like what? Six years?" He was shocked. She was one of good friends during his initial years of university. Like his four other friends, she would help him get through stress and other things, of course it was to the extent of friendship, never more.

"Same old same old. I heard that you became a doctor? Impressive, you used to always say you would. I'm happy you finally achieved it." She seemed genuine, which made Aarush smile in a goody way.

"Yea, I'm happy I did too. What about you? I heard that after getting your PhD, you started to travel and help the less fortunate. Really impressive. To think I was friends with someone with such a good heart." He laughed as he spoke. Reminiscing the old days.

"Says the doctor." She lightly hit him in the arm. "Anyways, my husband is meeting me in Istanbul, which is why I'm on this flight. What about you? Where are you going?"

"Oh, I recently got married so I'm taking my wife to Pakistan to introduce her to the family. Plus, a bunch of other small ritual type things are still left." He sighed and said. "Also, when did you get married? This is news to me. Congratulations on that."

"Thanks, it's been awhile since my marriage. I actually have a child as well. Haha. Also, congratulations to you too. Is the wife around?" She spoke with a smile plastered on her face, happy about discussing her marriage.

"My wife is just freshening up right now. I was busy in the hospital for a week, so I didn't get much sleep. I decided to sleep now as much as possible." He rubbed the back of his head and smiled like a child almost.

"I see. Well, you go on ahead. I was just finishing up some work, plus the plane is going to land soon either way, so I want to finish it up." She spoke while walking back to her door.

"The plane is about to land? Wait, what time is it?" Aarush was a little surprised. He thought he slept for at most eight hours. But it seemed like that might not have been the case.

"The plane has been flying for over nine hours now, almost ten. Did you sleep the whole way?" She laughed when she thought about that. "You really don't change, lazing around and doing whatever. Anyways, I will see you when the plane lands." She went back into her cabin. Aarush turned around and went back into his own cabin. He saw that Aeleya was sitting on the corner of the bed. She was looking at him enter, and there was a bit of anger on her face.

He sighed and sat next to her. "Aeleya, look I'm sorry about before. I got carried away. If it makes you feel any better, I promise I won't even kiss your hand during our trip." He was about to get back up, but then he felt Aeleya grab his hand. He turned his head and saw her still glaring at him. He raised an eyebrow, not knowing what else to say.

"Come here for a second." He was a little confused, but abided to her. He walked up close. Aeleya lifted her palm and spoke an embarrassed yet angry manner. "You can kiss it." He was shocked by what she said, but didn't do it.

"No Aeleya. For now, I'm going to control myself. Don't worry, if you think I'm upset, then no, I'm not. It was my fault; I'm worried you might be upset. Are you?" Seeing him not do as she said, she got a little angrier.

"No, I'm not upset. Sure, I was a little shocked, but not upset." She pushed her palm towards him. "Will you kiss or not?" She questioned him again.

He was shocked by her weird attitude, but thought that maybe sure still trying to make him feel better, so he shook his head. "No, I won't." He declined. It was hard, he really wanted to go forward and begin kissing her everywhere, but he knew that he might lose control and do something dumb again.

Seeing him act like that, Aeleya felt a little lost. 'Is it because of that girl?' She thought back to how happily Aarush was talking to Elene, making her somewhat upset. 'No, he is probably worried about something else.'

"Anyways, do you want something to eat?" He asked with a gentle smile. Since he decided to take things slow, he thought that maybe avoiding things like kissing her and stuff would be the best option, atleast for a bit.

"No." She rejected it and sat down on the bed, not in the mood for anything.

A little worried she was acting like that, he decided to turn on the tv. "What do you want to watch? There are lots of movies here." He began to look through the list, but she didn't even glance at the tv. His mouth twitched. 'Is she really that mad? Well, I can't even blame her, I basically forced myself on her.'

They sat silently in the room. Aarush avoided looking at her, as he felt if he looked more, he might want to do something else. Aeleya on the other hand was deep in thought, feeling somewhat irritated. 'Is he worried about the scene in the washroom? Sure, I was surprised, and a little scared, but he doesn't need to act like this. Should I tell him that it is no big deal?' She was about to open her mouth when speakers began to go off.

[Attention Passengers! Please wear your seatbelts and turn off all devices. The plane will land soon. I repeat, please wear your seatbelts and turn off all devices. Thank you!]

"Well, we're here at the first stop. Let's sit down for now and just patiently wait for it to land." Aarush sat on the same spot as before, while Aeleya sat on his right. She kept looking out the window, waiting for something, yet it never happened.

'Why isn't he grabbing my hand like normal? He always grabs it without my permission, and what about now? Is he really not interested in holding my hand?' She became sullen as she glanced to her right. Aarush had his eyes closed with his arms crossed in front of him. Here became somewhat wet, feeling dejected and ignored. 'If you don't want to hold my hand, see if I care.'

She didn't understand why she was getting so mad. Maybe it was because she finally laid down with, and in such an intimate position. Or maybe she was used to him holding her hand and doing what he pleased with it. Although it was only for a short time, she enjoyed the affection he showed.

"Aarush." She finally wanted to know what was going on. No matter how she held it in, she felt uneasy. Unlike typical girls, she always wanted to know what was going, without wasting lots of time. She knew that this was the best way to keep a relationship strong, communication.

"Yes?" He opened his eyes and looked at her in confusion. He saw her eyes were wet, so he suddenly panicked. "Woah, what happened? Why are you crying? Hey, don't cy alright? Tell me what's wrong, I'll fix it." He quickly got up and started to wipe her tears.

She was surprised by his actions, and felt warm. Feeling his hands on her face, she smiled. As Aarush was about to move his hand, she quickly grabbed it. "Don't move it." She simply held it on her cheek.

"What's wrong though? Why were you crying? Are you hurt somewhere? Or you still worried about the bathroom incident, if so, I will make it up to you, I promise." When he mentioned the bathroom incident, he saw her eyes snap open into a glare. He felt a little tongue tied. "Aeleya?"

"Listen Aarush, I know you feel guilty about that, and sure I was scared when it happened, but don't take it to heart. Don't change how we were a little while before that. I liked being closer to you, and honestly I really feel that I'm starting to like you more and more." She spoke from her heart. Her face was flushed as she spoke. She knew that it was only a week ago that she felt nothing for Aarush except guilt and somewhat anger, but now a week later, she felt that maybe she could love a man like this. It was fast, but who said love had a certain time? Everything was spontaneous. Just like how Aarush loved her at first sight, she just took a bit longer.

"W-what?" Hearing her words, he felt his mind go crazy. 'She isn't upset about that incident? Then why was she acting so mad?' he was confused, and being someone who didn't like to hide away from asking such questions, he went right ahead. "Then why were you so mad about the food and tv thing? You seemed to be ignoring me."

"I wasn't mad because of the washroom incident…" Her voice suddenly became mouse like. "I just wanted to know who that girl was… the one you were talking to."

He became confused and then suddenly felt enlightened. "Are you talking about Elene? She's married and a past friend. I have no such feelings for her, nor she for me. I told you, to me, you're my only wife and woman. No one else can take your place. No one!" His tone was serious as he spoke.

"I know, I was just curious." She spoke with a smile forming on her face. She then saw Aarush staring at her with some hesitation. "What is it?"

"So you're hundred percent not mad about what happened?" He asked again, this time more carefully.

"Listen, it was just sudden. I'm not completely ready yet so as long as you don't do anything too crazy, I don't mind." She spoke shyly.

"If that's the case, I'm relieved. I thought I really scared you there. Anyways, I won't do it again, I promise." He said with a solemn expression.

"Your promises are worthless when it comes to… these things." She didn't mention what but they both knew what.

Seeing that the mood was lightened, he quickly grabbed her hand. "This feels so much better." He smiled while holding her hand, but suddenly a thought raced through his mind. "Aeleya, you said you're starting to like me, right?"

"Did I say such a thing?" Acting confused, she looked at him with a smile.

"Yeah you did. Which means that you wouldn't mind kissing me, right?" He leaned forward and asked. "Of course, not anywhere but my cheek. It's simple. I kiss you on the cheek all the time, so you can kiss me on mine, right?" His smile was sly, but his posture was leaning forward, waiting for her to make the move.

Aeleya froze, but seeing him get closer, she knew that this was the time to test out whether she could do it or not. 'If I kiss him now and feel comfortable doing it, it means I like him. If I kiss him and feel disgusted in any way, that means I don't like him yet.' This was her way of consoling herself. It was a weird method, but it calmed her down greatly. She leaned forward and planted a small kiss on the cheek. As if lightning had struck her, she froze with her lips on him. She felt a weird sensation go through her body. It was a very pleasant feeling.

"Aeleya, if you keep your lips on me, I don't know how much longer I can control myself." His words were true. He wasn't joking about him losing control. His wife had kissed him for the first time, so he felt super excited. All the internal vows he made broke in an instant, and all he wanted to do was pin her down and take her first time, but he knew he couldn't.

As if jolted by his words, she moved her lips with a flush expression. Touch her lips with her other hand, she felt calm and relaxed. 'Then I do like him?'

"Alright, that does it." He quickly pulled her towards him and began to plant kisses all over her face. From her cheek to her nose, to her forehead to her chin. The only place he didn't was her lips.

"Hey, calm down." She was flustered by his weird reaction. She couldn't help but become shy, yet also a little happy. His love for her was expressed from the way he acted around her. His obsession with her showed how much he loved her.

After satisfying his urge, he smiled in bliss. "I'm done." He leaned back and pulled her into his embrace. "You know, when I woke up a little while ago, seeing you sleeping with me felt so great. I wanted to pull you in tighter, so tight that I wanted to connect myself with you. You looked so pretty when you slept. If I didn't control myself, I might have stolen those lips of yours by now."

Hearing his words, she smiled. It was his whispers of love, which made her feel all weird and happy. She didn't know why, but it did.

"If you want to so bad…" She didn't finish before a pair of lips touched hers. Her eyes widened as she felt Aarush's moist lips on hers. She suddenly felt her body fall onto the bed and Aarush began to suck on her lips without stopping. Unlike the time in the washroom, she didn't feel scared, rather she took in the sensation of finally being kissed on the lips.

Aarush couldn't hold back so he kissed her lips for a few minutes. Sometimes letting go for a breath, but continued right after. Soon, his face, which was filled with smiles fell beside her. "I love you so much Aeleya." He turned his head and looked at her flushed face. Her lips were slightly swollen, yet it made her seem even more attractive.

"Why did you do it so suddenly?" She had anger written on her face, yet her bliss in her eyes betrayed that expression.

"It's alright. You basically consented, so it was fine. Anyways, let's just wait until the plane lands before waking the other two up, if they aren't already up." He smiled as he pulled her towards his chest. "Wanna go again?" He looked at her swollen lips and asked while licking his own.

Her face flushed as she shook her head. No, my lips hurt." She felt numb on her lips. Seeing him look dejected, she instead lifted her head and kissed his cheek. "Maybe later." After confirming her feelings, she felt a lot bolder. She didn't feel the need to shy away from having more intimate contact with Aarush, plus the world expected it, so there was nothing wrong.

Feeling her lips on him, he pulled her body on top of his and embraced her tightly. "Alright, I won't just let me hug you until we land." She nodded her head and let him do as he pleased. At times, he would kiss her on the cheek, then sometimes he would kiss her hands. Finally, the plane landed. They got up from their bed and grabbed their hand bags. Walking out, they saw that Maya and Maaz were waiting outside with sleepy eyes.

"You guys sleep well?" Aarush asked.

"No, this pig kicked me off the bed. So, I had to sleep on the chair." Maaz glared at Maya who stretched her arms in comfort.

"Well, that sucks, doesn't it?" She didn't care and instead began to follow the crowd that was leaving. Maaz grumbled but did the same.

"They're still kids." Aarush laughed while Aeleya also giggled. She was less restrained and felt more relieved. It didn't feel like she was in a prison, rather she felt like it was a wonderland.

Leaving the plan, Aarush first went and spoke to one of the staff members before coming back to the group of three. "Our next plane is arriving in three hours. We can hang around for a while."

"Alright, I'm going to the arcade." Maaz jumped up from his seat, but Aarush caught his arm before he left.

"Wait, we have to decide on a meeting point." Looking around, he saw a souvenir shop and pointed to it. "We will all meet at that shop in two and a half hours. I want to meet up half an hour before, just in case a problem occurs."

"Alright. Bye then." Maaz quickly ran off, causing Aarush to sigh. "What about you Maya?"

"I don't know, I'll go look around and see if there is anything cool, if not I'll just go find Maaz and hang out with him." She said and then left.

Aarush watched the two leave and finally turned his head to Aeleya. "Where are we going?"

"Let's go to the food court first. I'm still a little hungry." She spoke with embarrassment. She didn't eat before sleeping and then after waking up, various events occurred which made her not feel hungry.

"Sure." Holding onto her hand, they began to walk. "Aeleya, you know more about me than I do you. Tell me things I don't know about you. What's your favorite color, what's your favorite food, etc."

"Let's see, I like the color green. I think it's pretty. Your eyes are hazel so I can sometimes see green. Umm, my favorite food is probably pizza or something..." She began to speak about her interests and other things. It was as if they were on their first date, learning about one another, rather than being married.

"Question, why did you choose chemical engineering as your degree? Why not anything else?" He was curious about this. The reason he chose medicine was because of his parents, while he did math because he was good at it and liked it a lot.

She thought for a minute before shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know, I just thought about being the first female engineer, plus I like chemistry, so it just happened that way. I didn't really give it great thought." She spoke somewhat causally. "What about you, why did you choose to do a double major and are even pursuing a PhD in math? Like, you're basically set when it comes to money and everything."

"Well, funny thing. When applying to a degree, I actually never got into what I wanted. It took me two years to finally get into math. As for English, I transferred into it during my second year because my grades wouldn't let me go anywhere else. So, I decided to just do a double major since I wasted enough money for the classes I needed for English. As for why I'm doing a PhD in math, well, I actually have a small little dream." She was a little shocked to hear that Aarush was doing this badly in university. It was unexpected. Sure, she heard from Aliya that he wasn't as smart as she thought, but Aeleya always thought that this was a sister-brother conflict issue. Never did she think it was real.

"Dream? What is it?" She looked at him with curiosity.

Aarush, holding her hand, smiled gently. "I've been earning money and saving like crazy for two reasons. One, to make sure everyone in my family is settled comfortably. I want them to not have to worry about finances. Because of this reason, I invested lots of money into my house, into various commercial plots, and so on. This was to make sure a stable income comes and they would have a place to stay even if I wasn't around." He said with a smile. "The second reason is to save up enough so that I complete this dream of mine."

"What's the dream though?" She was getting more curious.

"I've lived a stressful life, and honestly I'm not as strong willed as it seems. Like I said once to you, if Noori wasn't around. I may not be as well." He sighed, but continued. "Anyways, I've always wanted to escape from this stressful life. My little dream is to basically go and live somewhere alone and just casually open up a small clinic or teach in a small school, living a simple life."

"Alone?" With a bit of disappointment, she looked at him.

"Not anymore though." He smiled as he kissed her hand. "I won't be able to stay apart from you for too long, or I might go insane. That one week at the hospital was already killing me, so wherever you are, I will be as well."

"Really." Her face bloomed as she stared deeply into his eyes. "So that means, later in life, you and I will probably go and live somewhere ourselves? Away from the rest? I don't think that's a good idea. I've seen how much your family cares for you, and needs you. Other than finances, you're literally their foundation, their lifeline. So, leaving them would be bad." She didn't hide her thoughts, but she gestured him to lean forward. He did so and heard Aeleya whisper something into his ear. "Although your dream is difficult, I can guarantee a stress-free life if you stay with me, anywhere." She lightly blew into his ear, her face burning up at the same time.

"Aeleya, stop, I can't handle this. If you do that, I'll lose control." He quickly backed up as his face blushed as well, a rare sight to see. Aeleya was a little surprised by his reaction. Usually, he would get excited, but never blushed, yet this time he did.

She laughed seeing him like this. Walking to him and grabbing his hand, she smiled at him while looking at his face. "What's the issue? You've lost control so many times, look at us now." She smiled, feeling somewhat bliss.

"That's different. When I mean lose control, I mean, like I'll pin you down and start right here and now." He said with a blushed yet excited face. "I've wanted to see more of you, and I'm getting more impatient everyday."

"Hey, not yet." She grumbled with her face blushing. She knew what he meant, but her mind had yet to reach that level of intimacy with him.

"I know, for now, I'll live off these plump lips of yours. They're tasty and soft. I like them very much." His fingers rubbed against her lips, which made her smile bitterly.

"It still hurts somewhat, so not yet." She kissed his finger, but then dragged him quicker to the food court. They found the food court and so she began to look around.

"Hey, they have a pizza place here, want to try it? Aeleya looked where Aarush was pointing and saw a small pizza store. There were a few people walking around it as well.

"Let's go." She was about to go, but felt her arm being tugged. Turning around, she saw Aarush looking at her with a serious expression. "What is it?" She got concerned and asked worriedly.

"I want to establish something right now." She looked at him weirdly, but nodded her head. "Before we left, I showed you my salary, right?" She nodded her head, confused as to why he was bringing that up. "Well, you also know I'm working for all of you." Again, she nodded her head. "Good, here is the rule. From now on, you will only use the credit card I gave you. If you get a job, you put money into it as well, that's up to you, but I will also be putting in a set amount every month. If you want more, you better come and ask, or I will get extremely pissed." Seeing him get a little worked up, she smiled bitterly.

"Alright, calm down. Since I've accepted you as my husband, then I will think of your money as my own, but then you gotta think of my money as ours as well." She said in a serious tone, yet unexpectedly, Aarush declined.

"No can do. Your money is for you and if you want to, whoever else. I will not take it from you. You're my wife, so I will spoil you. I'm your husband, so you can spoil me in other ways." He smiled shamelessly, but this time Aeleya didn't laugh. Instead she showed a bit of anger.

"How is that fair? If I use your money, then you use mine. That's only fair." She saw that Aarush shook his head again.

"I don't care if it's unfair. Its decided." He pulled her arm and dragged her towards the pizza place, but he felt resistance, so he turned his head. "Look Aeleya, I know this is maybe a little upsetting, but to me, I can never touch the money you make. I feel that you work hard for it, so you should use it as you please, but never use it on me. I just don't like it. You gotta understand."

"What do you mean by that? You work hard too, so by your logic I shouldn't touch yours either." She spoke with seething.

"I'm a guy, your husband. Culturally and in society's eyes, I take care of you, and that's what I feel as well. My mind won't change." He spoke seriously too.

Aeleya took out the credit card she was given and handed it back to Aarush. "If that's the case, then I won't use your money either. I'm your wife, not your child. I'm not planning on living off you for the rest of my life."

Aarush got angry seeing her take the credit card out. "Aeleya, take this back. I'm not joking." His eyes flared as he glared at her "I don't ever want to see you do something like that again."

Aeleya felt offended by his anger, but didn't take the card back. "I won't take it back unless you agree to be fair."

Seeing her act like that, Aarush felt a fury in his heart burst. Grabbing her head, he dragged her to a quieter place, ending up in a single person washroom. He locked the door behind him.

"What are you doing? Why did you bring me here Aarush?" She looked around and seeing Aarush glare at her, she became somewhat scared. "What're gonna do?" She asked in a weaker tone, getting nervous.

Aarush felt even more offended by her actions. "Now you think I'm going to hurt you? Aeleya, do you think I can do such a thing? Also, what's wrong with taking what is yours? If I'm your husband, everything I have is yours. Everything."

"I didn't think you would hurt me, alright. I know you won't." She explained her actions, but became furious at his words after that. "Then what's wrong with taking my things? What's with this ego of yours? Do you think it's shameful to take from me?"

"I don't think it's shameful." Seeing her eyes become even more furious than his own, he finally calmed down. They just had a small conflict, and he didn't want to have another. "Listen to me, alright. Just calm down and listen." Seeing her grit her teeth, he cupped her face and spoke with a gentler tone. "Look, I don't want you using your money on me because I want you to use it all on yourself. I want to use everything I have on you as well. I just want you to live the best life, the most comfortable, worry free, life. I get scared thinking that something might happen, and your life will become messy. Which is why I want you to have as much as possible so that if something does happen, you won't be without anything. Do you understand?'

"Aarush, don't you think that I may be on the same train of thought? If you use all your money on me and others, then what do you have?" She asked, but he smiled back.

"I have satisfaction, thinking that what I have been working for is achieved. I don't have desires; I just want everyone to live well. If you guys are well, then so am I. For now, can't we just forget about this? I will promise you one thing, IF I ever do need some from you, I will take some. Alright? So, for now, since I don't need it, just save it up for now, for a day when we might really need it." Although he was lying, it was better to compromise a little then to ruin everything.

"You promise?" She asked again for confirmation.

"I promise." He said, smiling bitterly.

"Alright then." She nodded her head with a successful look on her face.

"So, we're good?" Aarush asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't we be?" She asked in a confused manner.

"Then prove it." He repeated the same words he spoke in the plane.

"Again? Why are you so obsessed with kissing?" She asked with a weird face, which was somewhat flushed.

"I'm only obsessed if it's you. I won't even look at anyone else. So, are you going to prove it?" He asked again.

"Fine." She kissed his cheek. "Is that good."

"No, you know where I like it best." He smirked with a look of anticipation.

"What? No, I already said my lips hurt." She pouted, avoiding it.

"Then that means you're still mad." He sighed 'sadly'.

"Why are you such a kid? Fine." She took a deep breath and got on her tiptoes, pecking his lips. "Is that fine?"

"Yeah, that was great. Now let me satisfy myself a little." He leaned closer and closed his lips on her. Giving her multiple small pecks and then beginning to suck on her lower lip again.

'Not again.' She thought in her mind, as she indulged in the pleasure.

A few minutes went by and Aarush walked out of the washroom with Aeleya, who had a pink face. "Alright, let's go eat." He dragged her to the pizza shop, ignoring her dagger like glares.

Both of them ordered their food and began to eat. They then traveled the rest, looking around at different things. Finally, they met up with Maya and Maaz at the meeting point. The group waited half an hour and boarded their flight. They entered the plane and went to their cabins. Although the plane was different, it was from the same company, and so it had a similar design.

"Alright, this will be a shorter flight, maybe five hours or so, then we will finally be in Karachi." Aarush said as he sighed in relief. Like usual, they leaned against the bed and held hands while the plane took off.

During the whole trip, Aarush and Aeleya were lost in their own world. Learning more about each other. At times, she would get teary eyed and he would console her with kisses. Other than times, she would laugh with tears, which he would find so cute he would begin kissing her again. Really, all Aarush did was try to kiss Aeleya during the whole trip. Although she found it a little overbearing, she didn't mind it. If anything, she enjoyed it.

[Please put on your seatbelts and turn off all devices. The plane is landing. I repeat, please put your seatbelts and turn off all devices, the plane is landing. Thank you!]

With that message, Aarush turned off the tv. Aeleya had her eyes shut, leaning against his shoulder. "Hey, Aeleya. The plane is landing, wake up." He was a little surprised by her sleepiness. Even he wasn't as tired as she was.

She opened her eyes and looked at him. "We're here?" She asked in a drowsy manner.

"Yeah, look out the window." He pointed her towards the window which showed the sun slowly rising. Leaning up, Aeleya stared outside and got a little excited.

"Pakistan!" She had visited maybe a few times when she was younger, but she remembered how fun it was. Although she wasn't with her parents this time, she felt more excited then in the past, because she was travelling with Aarush. After talking to him during most of the trip and even getting into a few conflicts, she understood more how important he was to her. Plus, his little obsession with her made her feel that Aarush only really showed such a weird side to her. She did hear from him that around his friends he would act a little weird, but never so weird.

"My family is probably already waiting there. Mom and dad might be coming tomorrow, and hopefully Noori will come soon after." Aeleya nodded her head. Since she understood why he found Noori so important, she didn't mind his wanting of seeing her. She knew that Noori had a p[lace in his heart that no one in the world could take, not even her.

"Hey, do you think that cousin of yours is here? The one you were going to marry at one point?" She smirked and asked, but his reply made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Most likely. Although the marriage never happened, mostly because I never wanted it, me and her still spoke for many years. We actually became good friends." He then smirked at Aeleya and asked with a soft voice. "That isn't a problem, right? Tell me if you don't like me talking to her, I will stop and make it just normal conversation." He honestly didn't mind cutting certain people out of his life for Aeleya. It was harsh, yes. People would consider him a bad friend, yes. But Aarush didn't really mind. He had four good friends he wouldn't cut off for the world, and he had a wife. What more could he ask for?

"No no, don't do that. I know you're not going to do anything with anyone except for me." She smirked and planted a kiss on his nose. "But if you do ever try something like that, then you can forget ever touching me again."

"What?" He quickly pulled her into his embrace and just dug his face into her hair. "Screw that, I wouldn't even drink any more water if that risks it being a kiss with someone else. I'll just drink water from your mouth from now on." She pulled his face out of her hair and looked at him questionably.

"How would you do that?" Seeing her confusion, he smirked.

"Like this." He took out a water bottle and opened her mouth. Pouring some in, he then quickly covered her mouth with his own. Using his tongue, he began to take water and swallow it. Aeleya was caught off guard so it took her a bit to react. Her face flushed completely red, but Aarush didn't stop after the water was gone. "Let's try this type of kissing. Use your tongue a little more."

Although the plane was about to land, Aarush couldn't stop himself. Soon, both of them were lying on the bed again, immersed in each others taste.

Aeleya kept shivering with a red face. Whenever Aarush's tongue touched hers, it sent a jolt inside of her, causing her to tremble. After seeing that Aarush wasn't going to stop, she decided to push him away. It was too tiring, and her lips still hurt.

"Alright, that's enough. Aarush," Aarush scratched the back of his head with a bit of shame.

"Sorry, I can't help myself. Jeez, when we get to the house, I swear, tonight I will make your lips look like they got a bee sting. No way am I going to let you off tonight. Plus, you sleep so close, oh I'm so excited." He fell into a daydream, thinking about things that would happen later, in his mind.

Hearing his words, she felt somewhat ashamed and also a bit scared. Her lips hurt now, and it wouldn't be better for a short term. If he really did what he said tonight, her lips would be in a tortured like state.

Deciding to ignore him, she focused on the outside. Aarush also laid down and decided to wait until they finally had to get off, but suddenly, a realization came to him. He panicked a little and pulled Aeleya's arm and had her look at him. Seeing him like that, she became slightly worried. "What is it?"

"There is something important I forgot to tell you." She raised an eyebrow and asked questionably. "So, one of my dads younger brothers, meaning my uncle, lives in our family home. It was my dada's house and now it's mine, but still my uncle and a few families live in the house. We will be staying there as well of course. I have my own room, so no need to worry about that." She nodded, still listening carefully. "Anyways, my sisters already know this, and many of my female cousins, including the one I was about to marry at one point, and I want you to know this as well. My uncles only son, Hazim, is not the safest person to be around. He isn't scary to us guys, but to you girls he is dangerous. Because he is the only son of my uncle, he is supposedly spoiled, which makes him think he can do anything. He harassed girls, and has even tried to sexually assault some of my cousins. Of course, my male cousins beat him to a pulp, but this didn't stop him. He supposedly still does what he wants, and since the law here in Pakistan is still developing and getting better, him going to jail is not high. Plus, no one is willing to tattle on him, since they're all cousins What I'm trying to say is, stay away from Hazim. If he tries to get close, come to me. I'll kill him. If he even touches you, I need to know, I will get rid of him. He has only ever done his misdeeds with people when I wasn't around. If he tried anything funny with you or any of my siblings, he won't be left off ease."

"Don't worry. I'm probably going to either be with you, or with the other aunts. I won't ever be alone, so just relax." Seeing him show anger all of sudden made her feel extremely disgusted by this cousin. Her heart also felt warm. She leaned forward and gently kissed his neck. "Other then you, no one else can ever touch me."

Aarush smiled back. He didn't get crazy like normal and just stroked her long, black hair. "I know." He gently played with her hair, while Aeleya closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling. Seeing that she liked it, he lifted her like a princess and placed her in between his legs. Although a little surprised, Aeleya just went with the flow. She closed her eyes and Aarush began to give her a gentle head massage.

Soon the plane finally landed, and the both of them got up to leave.