Chapter Eight Part Two

He dragged her down the steps and entered the main room. Everyone was still here. There are some people in the courtyard, while others in the main room. They were everywhere. He walked up to Lammy and his chachu. "Lammy, Chachu, I need to tell you something important."

Both of them looked at him with an expression of confusion. "What is it?" His chachu asked while sitting down. Lammy followed him and sat down as well.

"The thing is, I need to go back to New York for a few days. Aeleya will be staying back, but I called my friend Haris and he will be staying with her. This isn't discussable, I'm just informing you guys." He spoke in a serious tone, not letting them argue.

"What do you mean you're going back? You just got here. Plus, there is a dawat for you tonight by a family friend, we can't just cancel on them." His chachu spoke with shock and a bit of anger.

"That's right Aarush. This is disrespecting them; you can't leave like that." Lammy also joined in, somewhat angered by him.

"I'm sorry, but this is work related. I would stay if I could, but there is a kid's life in danger, and the only person who can deal with the situation right now is me. My chairman at the hospital already booked my ticket. I will be leaving in a few hours. As for the dawat, you guys can either cancel for me, or I will take it into my own hands." He said while not caring about their opinions too much. He was being a little rude in his ways, but right now he didn't care too much. He knew how his family was, and even if the president was dying, they wouldn't care.

"So? If that kid is sick, there should be others to handle it. Why do you have to go? I don't care if that kid is sick or not, but you aren't leaving this place!" His chachu glared and got up. "That is the end of the discussion."

"Chachu, this wasn't a discussion. I wasn't asking you for an opinion, I am informing you, that's it. Whether you like it or not does not change the situation." He also glared back a little. The one thing that made him most annoyed was people telling him what to do. Being told the career he would join, almost being forced to marry a person, and so much since young, he developed a hatred for being told what he can do. Especially by people who had nothing to do with supporting him.

"Aarush!" Lammy yelled a little, causing everyone in the room to look over. "Speak with respect, he's your chachu, not your friend." She felt furious by his misbehaviour. She could let him act like how he wanted to a certain extent, after that, it was just not allowed.

"Lammy, I'm not trying to be rude." He said, without batting an eye. "I have to go back, and my tickets already booked. A friend of mine and his family will stay with Aeleya, and they will care for her in my stead. Aeleya will also not be attending any dawats without me here, I don't want her to feel uncomfortable. This is my decision and its final." He said this without hesitation.

"Aarush, why are you being so badtameez? Don't you have any respect for your elders? You become a doctor and you think you're all that now? Is this what your parents teach you?" His chacha looked at him with a glare. "And what's this about your friend? Do you not trust your family?"

"Chacha, I didn't want to mention it, but I think it's important. I trust almost everyone, except my cousin, Hazim." When he said this, chacha's eyes widened. "Yeah, your son is an issue. I feel that if I'm not here, or if someone isn't looking after my wife, he might do something to her. Aeleya's safety is the most important thing to me. I don't care about anything else. I'm sorry that I feel this way, but that's how things are."


"You dare think such disgusting things about my son? Your cousin? Aarush, I'm very disappointed in you. You came here after so long, but it seems that maybe you forgot how to act in front of your elders." His chacha showed a look of dejection and walked away. His body exuded sadness and anger.

"Aarush, why did you say that? Are you stupid? That's your uncle, and you're insulting his son in front of him? Hurry and go apologize to him." Lammy walked over and yelled at him, but Aarush ignored her.

"Lammy, you know just as well I do the type of person Hazim is. My chacha isn't any better if he still protects such a person. I swear, if I even see or hear that he laid a finger on Aeleya, I will kill him. I swear to you I will." He glared and dragged Aeleya outside.

Reaching outside, Aarush smiled bitterly at Aeleya. "That went well."

"Aarush, I think your approach was bad. You were too aggressive; you didn't even try to explain it nicely." She pouted and spoke. Lifting her hand, she rubbed his red cheek. "If you spoke properly, maybe this wouldn't have happened."

"It doesn't matter to me. I don't know how to explain things nicely. I just say it, and things usually tend to get bad, haha." He laughed weakly. "Anyways, let's go grab a bite."

"Aarush, I think you should go inside and make things right. Like, you really upset them." Aeleya grabbed his hand, stopping him from going.

"Aeleya, I don't think that's a good idea. Plus, if they're mad, it doesn't really concern me…" Before he continued, Aeleya cut him off.

"It does concern you. They're your family. Like I was also shocked by the way you were acting. Normally, you're so respectful, yet right now it was different." She placed her hand on his red cheek again. "When you got slapped, I got scared Aarush. Plus, your chacha seems very upset by your words. You should go back and apologize."

"Aeleya, I spoke nothing but the truth. Whether it hurts or not, fact is fact. His son isn't a good person, and your safety isn't guaranteed. I won't go and apologize since I feel no need to. I spoke the way I did since to me it's the quickest and most effective way to get my message across." He casually spoke, while stroking her hand. "Anyways, forget about it. It will resolve on its own. Even if it doesn't, it's not like it truly matters to me."

"Aarush, what's going on? Why are you acting like this?" His behaviour was off. He usually seemed so calm and not so aggressive.

"I have no clue." He laughed bitterly. "When they started to command me, I kind of snapped and unintentionally spoke too much. I wanted to stop, but I couldn't. Now, I don't think going back and fixing it will help. I need to wait a little or something. Maybe after our little meal, I'll go and settle this problem. After all, I can't have you staying here in such an awkward situation." He smiled and pulled her hand, asking her towards a small stall beside his house.

"As long as you settle this, then it's alright. Don't worry about me, I just don't wish to see you and your family fighting for something like this. As for Hazim, stop worrying about it. He won't do anything as long as I keep a distance and stay around others. Plus, Maazi is here as well, he may be young, but he isn't dumb." She smiled and followed him. Her hands held onto his tightly as they approached the stall. Aarush ordered two large sized fries, adding lots of spices and ketchup. After getting their order, they sat down on the side and began to eat.

"How is it? This still tastes so good." He took a bit and smiled brightly. He munched more, quickly reducing the number of fries in the box.

"It's pretty good. A little spicy though." She stuck her tongue out a little, breathing out while eating. It was spicy since he asked for so much on it. "I need some water Aarush."

"Alright." He went up to the stall owner and bought a bottle of water. Handing it to Aeleya, he continued to eat his own.

Both of them soon finished their food. He took her to a candy shop next and bought a few candies which were only found in Pakistan. After that, they walked to another food stall, buying two glasses of Lassi. They drank it patiently and then moved on, so they bought brost. They just went to different stores and bought a bunch of food, eating their fill. An hour quickly passed, and they arrived back home.

Getting back, he saw Lammy sitting on the sofa, her face still sullen. When she saw him walk in, she got up and glared at him.

He smiled bitterly and walked over. "Look, Lammy. I'm sorry. You know how I am. I don't know how to properly speak my thoughts. And when I get angry, I just forget to shut my mouth. It's my fault, I'm sorry." He grabbed her hands, trying to explain, by pushing his hand away.

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me. Go and ask for maffi from your chacha. He is very hurt by your words. Even Hazim is back and trying to console your uncle. Hazim has some bad sides, but you know he loves you very much. Even now, he is trying to convince your chacha to forgive you." She said with seething anger.

"I know that. I never said I don't love Hazim. He is my cousin after all" he sighed and walked to his chacha's room. "Aeleya, stay out here." She nodded her head and watched him enter the room.

"Chacha." Aarush walked in and saw his chacha laying on his bed, while another a massaged his head. This young man had a very handsome face. He was tall, slightly skinny. His hair was a little long, but it was tied into a small ponytail. When he saw Aarush come in, this young man only sighed.

"Aarush, why are you here?" His chacha got up and glared at him. "Since you hate my son so much, then you forget about me as well."

"Chacha, I never said I hated Hazim. I love him like my own brother. Trust me on that. If I didn't love him, do you think I wouldn't have trusted him so much?" It wasn't a lie he was speaking. Other than his perverted personality, everything else about Hazim was admirable. He was respectful and he was always the first to lend a hand. His heart was very big, and he was extremely caring. Yet, Aarush just hated his perverted side, it was too much.

"I don't care. Why are you here?" His uncle still glared at him, yet his expression was a little softer.

"Look, I'm sorry about before, but you know how I am? Once I get angry, I just start talking. I don't know how to stop myself. I don't mean most of what I sat, it's just I can't control myself." he sighed and sat on the bed. "Isn't my dad the same as me? Isn't it from him I get this from? You should know this better than me."

His chacha sighed, nodding his head. "I know you didn't mean it. And I know how Hazim is." He then glared at his son. "He is a person who isn't well mannered around girls, but can't you trust him enough to not touch Aeleya? Like, you know he cares for you, so he won't touch her. He isn't even that bad. He has only ever tried to flirt, nothing more. Plus, I'm here as well. I can make sure he doesn't do anything." He tried to explain. He wasn't unaware of his antics, but which father would be willing to send their child away or to jail?

"Hazim, sit here for a second." Aarush called him over. "You know that I love you and everything, but you also know how I am. I'm much more aggressive than my dad and I have no self control when I'm angry. You don't know how much Aeleya means to me. I'm willing to sacrifice everything in this world for, including what I have made so far. I could literally kill for her, and I wouldn't bat an eye." He spoke slowly, this time his chacha and Hazim listening. "You should understand my point. I can trust you with my life, but that's my limit of trust. Aeleya's life is more important to me than my own, and I can't trust you with her." He didn't beat around the bush. "You should know better about the reasons behind this."

"Aarush, what do you mean? He hasn't ever done anything more than flirt, right Hazim?" This time, his chacha became a little suspicious as he glared at his son. "Hazim, answer me. You haven't done anything excessive, right? You haven't touched anyone?"

"No chacha, he hasn't done anything excessive, but I'm sorry, my heart will never be at peace without someone looking after her. And this isn't even specifically aimed at Hazim, it's just this country in general. You remember what happened with Aliya last time she came? I can't have that happening." He spoke seriously.

"Alright, do what you need to. Still, I just wish you could trust Hazim, he isn't a bad person." His chacha sighed.

"I'm sorry chacha. I know I sound like a bad person, but I can never take a risk when it comes to my wife. Never with her." He got up and walked out.

Hazim watched him leave. "Don't worry Hazim. Don't take his words to heart, you know he loves you."

Shaking his head, Hazim sighed. "Abu, this isn't Aarush's fault, because in the past there is a high chance I would have tried to assault his wife."

"What do you mean Hazim?!" His dad got up and glared at his son ferociously. "What does that mean Hazim, you better be joking!"

"Just listen. In the past, I didn't just flirt. I have touched girls too, forcefully many times. I tried to assault Sara, Tari, and many others." he spoke seriously, beginning to explain all of his misdeeds. "I did this and everyone except you know about it. This is why Aarush bhai doesn't trust me. He has every right not to."

"H-Hazim, what the hell!" His chacha took off his belt and hit it across his face. "Y-you did all of this?! And to your cousins as well?! I-I always thought you just flirted, but to be such a disgusting person! How could you do something like this!?" Whipping him again, a small cut appeared on his face.

Aarush rushed into the room and saw the scene and quickly grabbed the belt. "Chacha, what are you doing, stop!"

"Aarush, so you weren't lying. This son of mine is such a beast. If I don't beat him dead, then my father will be suffering in his grave! Move out of the way.!" Aarush held his hand and glared at Hazim.

"Are you stupid Hazim?! We kept it a secret for so long, why did you spill the beans?!" He yelled.

"Aarush bhai, it was important. Back then I did bad things, and after trying to change myself, everyone still stays away from me. I haven't even tried looking at a girl for so long, just trying to fix my ways." He sighed, rubbing the cut on his cheek. "I could handle everyone scorning me and not trusting me, but when you also felt worried with me around your wife, only now do I understand that keeping such a thing secret isn't a good thing." He explained slowly. "Aarush bhai, I know I've done lots of bad, but you got to trust me when I say I have changed. I don't do stuff like that anymore. I was young, alright. It's already been a few years." he explained with a bit of tears. In his heart, he really respected and cared for his older cousin Aarush. He heard some things about how his cousin went through bad depression and was basically forced into his career. He knew lots. He felt pain thinking that everyone is leaching off his cousin, yet they don't know his pain.

"Hazim, for now, just let me talk to your dad. Leave the room." He sighed and made him leave. Hazim did as he was told and quickly left. Stepping outside, he saw all of his aunts and cousins glaring at him. His nose felt stuffy, but he still left the area. Aeleya, saw this and she felt a little pained.

'No matter the warnings I'm given, I just don't think Hazim will do anything to me. I don't know why, but I feel that he won't do a single thing.' She decided to follow behind him. Sure, she was disgusted by his actions from the past, but she didn't think that it was impossible to change.

"Hazim." She called out while running behind him. Hazim turned his head and looked at her with red eyes. He was a few years older than her.

When he saw her approaching him, he shook his hands. "Aeleya bhabi, for now just wait for Aarush. He wouldn't want you to come to me alone." He smiled bitterly.

"Relax, Aarush trusts me. You don't have to worry." She smiled a little. She walked over and smiled at him. "You know, Aarush always said things like you were dangerous and stuff, but one thing he never mentioned was his hate for you. You know, I don't even know if Aarush actually finds you dangerous. If he did, he might have already done something about it, yet he hasn't." She slowly explained. "You can think of me as Aarush, so speak to me. I heard that the only people you have ever actually laid hands on were Sara, Tari, and maybe one more cousin. You never touched Maya or Aliya. So, tell me, what's all of this about?" She was curious. Hazim just didn't look like a person who did such horrible things.

Hazim sighed and sat on the ground. "I have only ever tried to touch Tari and Sara, and even then, I only ever assaulted Sara." The way he spoke, it seemed like there was more to the story, so she sat down. "Listen, one thing that I learned about Aarush is that he is blindly protective of his female cousins. He is like Ayun uncle very much. Both of them are very terrifying and also don't listen to reason. Yes, I tried to assault Sara, but I apologized so many times. I knew I did the wrong thing, but I really liked Sara, and I honestly still do. As for Tari, that is bogus. I just grabbed her hand, wanting her to talk to Sara for me. But you know how things are here, even grabbing someone's hand, even if that person is your cousin, is considered assault. Like I didn't have any thoughts towards Tari. She was going to marry Aarush, and why would I ever mess with him? Plus, I respect him so much, so there was no reason to even try."

She understood the situation little, but still sighed. "But Hazim, you tried to assault Sara, that's already bad."

"I know it's bad, and I feel extremely shit about it. Let me ask you, if you love someone, wouldn't you sometime accidently lose control? Like lose your senses and just want to touch them? That's what happened to me. I saw Sara and she looked so good. I just couldn't control myself." He sighed, yet Aeleya actually understood. Aarush also did the same thing to her. If they weren't married, then maybe it could be considered assault from him too.

"I get it. Although you were wrong to try and assault her, I get it. Look, if you're worried about Aarush, then I can handle him. As for Sara…" She was about to say something, but then Aarush appeared from outside the house. He also had a small cut on his face. "Aarush, what happened?" She got up and quickly walked over to him, trying to see the wound, but he walked past her and stood in front of Hazim.

"Stand up Hazim." Aarush said in a deep voice.

"Aarush, listen, before you say…" Aeleya came from behind him, but Aarush raised his hand, silencing her.

Hazim saw this and got up with a bitter look. He was slightly shorter than Aarush, yet also gave off a less intimidating aura.


A resounding slap occurred. Aeleya lifted her hands to cover her mouth, looking at Hazim who fell to the ground because of Aarush's slap. "A-Aarush, calm down." She grabbed his hand, trying to stop him, yet he glared back at her.

"Not this time Aeleya. Stay back." His glare frightened her a little. "Hazim, stand up." Hazim gritted his teeth but stood up again. Once again, Aarush slapped him across the face, dropping to the ground. Aeleya watched with a pale face as this went on for a while longer. Hazims face was already swollen, and a bit of blood leaked out from his mouth. Her eyes teared up; she grabbed his hand once again.

"Stop Aarush, why are you hitting him so much?!" She pulled his hand back hard, yet Aarush stared at her with anger.

"Let go Aeleya, He needs to get what deserves." He pushed her hand away, yet Aeleya grabbed it again.

"Stop Aarush. You can't hit him more, look at his face. You're gonna seriously hurt him." She felt scared. The aggression and seriousness that Aarush was showing seemed very different.. She didn't like it.

"Aeleya, do you know what this shit did?! Do you understand the position he put chacha in?" He glared at Hazim who continued to look down, not making a sound. "This fucker knows his dad is a heart patient and that he can't handle news like this. I barely prevented his dad from having a heart attack! He could have died! All because he decided to spill the beans about something he had no right talking about!" He pushed her hand away and lifted Hazim from the ground, using his collars. "Hazim, are you trying to kill your dad?!" He raised a fist and punched him. "You fucker! Your dad is unconscious right now because of you! If not for yourself, but you should think about him! He has done so much for you, yet you repay him by almost killing him!?"

"D-dad?!" Hazim looked up in shock. "What happened to him?!" he got up from the ground and asked with anxiety.

"Luckily, he is fine. If you told this news to him when I wasn't here, God knows if he would have survived the shock." He was pulled back by Aeleya, who was tear-stricken. She was spooked by him a little. "Aeleya, this bastard almost killed my chachu! My chachu! Like, he's my second father!"

"I know Aarush, just calm down, alright. Please, just calm down. Stop hitting him." She pulled his arms and tightly held them, not letting him use them. Hazim got up from the ground and ran inside the house. Aarush was about to stop him, but Aeleya, held him back. "Aarush, just calm down. Please."

Aarush's frown stayed and his anger didn't lighten. Instead, his eyes became red. "Aeleya, he almost died. I saw his body freeze and fall. Right in front of me, he was this close to getting a heart attack." A bit of tears formed in his eyes. "I just got here, and I almost lost my chachu. He's my dad's only brother, my only chachu."

Aeleya pulled him into a tight embrace. "It's alright. He's fine, just calm down, alright? Here, let's go inside and rest, alright? Get some rest." She pulled him towards the house, but he resisted. "Aarush, c'mon." She pulled his arms, but he shook his head.

"You go ahead, I'm going to walk around a little." He showed a weak smile, but she shook her head.

"If you're going to walk, I'm coming too." She didn't want him to go alone. For some reason, she felt that letting him go alone would just be a bad idea. "Here, why don't we go to the park nearby?" She grabbed his hands and pulled him.

He let her drag him as he followed behind. Although he had seen people die, and had seen heart attacks, it was a completely different seeing your own family go through it. The pain was much higher.

Both of them walked silently. Aeleya didn't speak, just tightly holding his hand. Aarush seemed somewhat out of it, as he walked without even blinking. Aeleya felt her heart ache watching him like that. Yet her body was trembling a little, thinking about how he hit Hazim.

"Aarush, do you want something to drink? Want to sit down?" She pulled him to a bench and sat him down. "Let me massage your head. Here, lay your head on my lap." She gently pulled his head and laid him down. He just followed along, not saying anything. She used her slender fingers and lightly massaged his forehead. Seeing that he was still out of it, she felt herself become a little more emotional. "Aarush, say something. Talk to me, it'll help you feel better."

Aarush looked at her and grabbed her hand gently, using it to stroke his face. "Don't worry Aeleya, I'm fine. I'm just a little spooked by what happened to chacha. You don't have to worry." Although he spoke like that, she could see the paleness of his skin, and how he was slightly trembling.

Leaning down she closed her eyes while planting her lips on his forehead. She kept them there, just calmly kissing his forehead.

"Aeleya, I'm alright, really." He stroked her cheek, yet she didn't move. "Aeleya, trust me."

She let go and kissed his cheek next. Gently she planted kisses all over his face. Aarush let her do as she pleased, yet felt himself calm down a little. She planted them on his lips multiple times, then some on his nose. After doing all of that, she lifted her head and gently smiled at him. "Aarush, I'm always here for you, alright? You don't want to talk, but I'm here to listen." Aarush looked at her and smiled.

"I know." He smiled, stroking her cheeks. "Here, let's go back. I'm feeling much better now." He smiled, looking a little less pale.

"Alright." She waited for him to get off of her lap and then both of them began to head back. He held her hand, walking in a more comfortable manner. They finally reached the house and Aarush saw a few people outside. It was Lammy and Sara.

"You're finally back." Lammy walked over and spoke in a serious tone.

"What happened now? Did chacha get worse?" He felt his heart clench, but her next words calmed him down.

"No, he's alright. He just woke up, he's calling you." Aarush nodded his head and walked into the house. He entered the room alone. The only people inside were his chacha and Hazim.

"Chacha, how are you feeling?" He walked over and sat down beside him. His eyes were somewhat red.

"Hey Aarush, relax. You're a doctor now, so this should be something normal to you." His uncle was still a little pale. But he looked better.

"That and this are completely different. I can watch others die, but you aren't someone I can." He grabbed his uncles pale hands and spoke with a tremble.

"Ok, calm down. I'm alright. Anyways, I spoke to Hazim about what the real situation was. I know it now." Aarush looked at Hazim with a bit of anger, but continued to listen. "So, he did assault Sara, he says he did that, but not anyone else." Chacha spoke with a sigh. "Supposedly, this useless son likes Sara and accidently went overboard, assaulting her, luckily Zaid stopped him in time. He tried to have Tari and a few other cousins apologize to Sara for him, but when he grabbed their hands or something, they took it as assault."

"Aaru bhai, it's true. I swear it on my life. I have only ever assaulted Sara and that was me being dumb. Everyone else is lying, I didn't do anything to them. I like Sara, only Sara. Like why I would go and try to touch someone else?" Hazim spoke in, trying to speak up for himself. His face was still swollen with a few bruises, yet his respect was still there.

"Why didn't you tell anyone then? This whole mess could have been easily resolved." Aarush looked at him and asked with confusion.

A bitter smile formed on his face. "Do you think that anyone would listen? I was already considered the family pervert because of all this, so who would listen? Plus, I couldn't tell my dad or else things might have gone worse. He is just as stubborn as you and Ayun uncle." When his dad heard this, he scoffed a little.

"Then why didn't you tell me? I could have helped fix the issue. I may be biased against girls, but that doesn't mean I don't listen to reason." Aarush asked again.

"I couldn't tell you." He sighed. "I know how you are as well. You would have taken a small issue and turned into something a lot bigger than it should be. Like, you already caused a small fight with my dad when you could have peacefully told him you were going to be gone for a few days. Like, it was a small matter, yet you made it into something a lot larger than it should have been." He sighed and spoke bitterly.

Aarush showed an embarrassed expression. This was probably what he would have done. "So, let me get this straight. You like Sara, but because you couldn't control yourself, you assaulted her, almost doing something bad. After that, you tried to seek help from your cousins, but they took it as you assaulting them. You didn't tell anyone since people would either not believe you, or they were just avoiding you?"

Hazim nodded his head. "Exactly."

"Then, do you still like Sara? Do you want to marry her?" Aarush asked. If his cousin was not as bad as others thought, including himself, then it was a happy thing. The only problem Aarush ever had with Hazim was his pervertedness, if that wasn't even a thing, then Hazim truly a remarkable person.

"I do like her, but it's impossible to marry her. She doesn't like me, if anything she is kind of scared of me. As for Lammy, well she doesn't like me at all." He sighed, but Aarush shook his head.

"Don't worry about Lammy and Sara, let me handle it." He smirked a little and walked towards the door. "Aeleya, come inside for a second."

Aeleya walked in with a bit of confusion. She looked around and sat beside Aarush. "How are you feeling chacha?"

"Yes, my dear, I'm doing good. Sorry about all of this, to see such a mess on your first day here…" He sighed a little.

"Don't worry about it." She laughed it off, not really minding the situation. She already considered Aarush's family her own, so she took their problems s her own.

"Aeleya, I want to ask you something." Aarush looked at Aeleya. "If I were to tell you that Hazim will be taking care of you for a bit, will you be alright with it? Like, say for the time I'm out of the country, do you feel safe with Hazim? No need to hesitate here, I'm right here, so tell me." He asked.

"I'm fine. I already know his situation and honestly, I never really felt scared of Hazim. Like, how could someone who respects you so much, even think about doing anything to me, your wife?" She answered with a smile, while also smiling at Hazim. "Anyways, Hazim reminds me of my younger brother, so I do feel comfortable with him."

"Alright then. It's settled. I'm going to tell my friend not to come anymore. You will stay here normally, and chacha and Hazim will look after you. But I want to say this again chacha." Aarush looked at him and spoke seriously. "Aeleya is my life, I'm leaving her here with you two since I can trust you. Aeleya is worth more to me than my own life, so she better be fine when I come back. Also, she will not attend a single dawat without me here. I don't want her to be embarrassed since I'm not there."

"That's all fine. I will take care of Aeleya. She is my new daughter." His chacha smiled as he looked at Aeleya.

"Alright, I still have to head to the airport." He got up and walked towards the exit. "Hazim, come outside for a second." Hazim nodded his head and followed him out. They stood in a corner, privately. "Hazim, I'm leaving Aeleya here and I'm warning you not to do anything funny. Although you say you're not like that, and I do believe you, but just in case, keep my warning in mind. If you even touch her, I will make sure you cut your limbs off. Don't test me on that. In this place, the soldiers will listen to my word, and you that." He glared at his cousin who shrunk back.

"Don't worry Aaru bhai, I will make sure nothing happens to Aeleya. I will protect her with my life. If I even look at her indecently, may God blind me." He spoke seriously.

"Good." He nodded his head in satisfaction. "Know this, if you complete this job well, then there is a chance for you and Sara. You just have to prove to her you're not as bad as you seem. Plus, I'm on your side, so don't worry about too much." He then became serious once again. "Also, make sure you bring a doctor to check on chacha. Everyday, get him a check, and make sure not to let him go through a shock again. He seems stable, but right now his body is very sensitive. So, just keep a close eye on him. You're his only family." Aarush explained patiently.

"Got it, I won't let anything happen to dad." Hazim nodded his head in a serious manner. He knew how important this was. After all, it concerned his own father's life.

"Well, I need to leave for my flight. I will be back in three days atleast, so make sure to look after Aeleya." He smiled.

Hazim nodded his head and watched as Aarush walked away. He walked back into his dad's room and sat down beside him. "Where is Aarush?" Aeleya asked with a bit of confusion.

"He's leaving for the airport." When he said this, Aeleya quickly got up and left the room. When Hazim and his dad saw this, both of them laughed.

"Hazim, promise me you will take care of her while Aarush is gone, and you won't do anything dumb." He spoke seriously. "Aarush is our whole family foundation. Without him, we will be back to the same position we were a few years ago. Little food, the electricity being cut off, and lack of basically everything. He is caring for all of us. If something happens to Aeleya, I truly feel he will go crazy. His father was bad when he was younger, but I can tell that Aarush might be even worse. Plus, he seems to have this obsession for Aeleya, where he might even do unthinkable things if something happens to her. You have to control yourself and make sure she is happy and safe."

"Dad, don't worry. Aeleya won't be harmed with me around." He smiled and said.

"Good. Now, let me sleep for a while." Hazim nodded his head and exited the room. He was about to go to his own room when Aeleya ran to him in a panic.

"What's wrong Aeleya bhabi?" He could tell her face was slightly pale and her eyes were a little wet.

"Aarush left. Quickly, take me to the airport." Hazim nodded his head and went to get the bike.

Aeleya waited on the side while he started up the bike. "Aeleya, what are you doing?" She suddenly heard a voice from behind. Walking over was Sara and a few other cousins. "Where are you going?"

"Aarush just left for the airport, so I'm going after him." She said in a hurry, rushing towards the bike which was started.

"Airport? Why did Aaru go back. Also, come back. You can't sit alone Hazim, who knows what he might do to you. If you need to go, let me call Zaid bhai." Sara rushed over and pulled her arm, but Aeleya shook her head.

"No, Hazim will take me. I trust him, and you should too. Hazim is not as bad as you think, plus Aarush told me to stay with him. Anyways, I don't have time right now, I'll talk when I come back. Hazim, hurry up." Hazim nodded and drove off with the bike.

Sara watched with a bit of shock. "Aarush allowed it? I thought he was against it."

"She probably likes Hazim. Such a disgusting woman." Tari spoke from behind, but all she got was a glare from Sara.

"Why don't you go and talk nonsense somewhere else? Aeleya bhabi isn't like that, plus she and Aarush seems to be deeply in love, so I would watch what I say about her. Aarush might get pissed off if he hears you." Tari snorted but kept her mouth shut.

Watching the bike leave, Sara sighed, walking back into the house.

"Hazim, hurry. Why didn't you tell him to wait for me?" She spoke in a panic.

"Aeleya bhabi, he just left. I thought you guys agreed to this or something." He felt bitter. He was getting blamed for something he didn't even know about.

"Just hurry." Aeleya ignored him and rushed him more. Hazim smiled bitterly and drove faster. After half an hour or so, they finally reached the airport. She got off the bike and rushed into the airport. Hazim was taken aback and quickly parked the bike, rushing after her.

She looked around, trying to find Aarush. After a few minutes of a panic search, she finally saw him being scanned by security guards. "Aarush!" She yelled while rushing over to him.

Aarush turned his head and saw Aeleya running towards him. He raised an eyebrow and moved away from the security, walking over to her. When he finally reached her, he was unexpectedly hugged tightly. Aarush smiled a little, yet also found it all very weird. "Hey Aeleya, what's wrong?" He asked while her face was dug into his chest. "Aeleya? Here, let's go over there and talk." Holding her waist, he slowly wobbled over to a nearby bench.

He sat her down and smiled. "Aarush, why did you leave like that?" She looked at him with anger, her eyes slightly wet.

"Hey, why are you crying? Calm down, I just didn't want to make this into a big deal." He smiled and explained, using his fingers to wipe her tears. "If you watched me leave, wouldn't that just make the both of us sad?"

"So? You can't just up and leave without telling me!" She grabbed his collar and spoke in anger. "You know that you mean the world to me now. If my world is gone so suddenly, don't you think I would panic and feel pain?"

Hearing her words, he felt shocked. Last time, she only admitted that he was someone important. Now, she was admitting to something more. World.

He stroked her face and smiled. "I'm your world?" He asked with a smirk.

Aeleya showed an embarrassed look, but nodded her head. She looked down a little, playing with his collar. "Of course, if not you then who else? For the next few days, I have to be without you. It's going to be so weird and unbearable. Living without your constant attention, love, and care. I'm going to miss your jokes, your kisses, and your smile. To you, it's just a few days, but to me it will feel like forever. Did you know, these past few days are the most love and affection I have ever received in my life? To lose it…" before she could finish, Aarush shook his head.

"Hey, I'm not going away forever. Just a few days. I'll be back before you know it. All my love, kisses, and smile, will be only for you once I'm back. After that, we will do whatever you want. We can go eat all day, sleep all day, or even shower all day." He tried to make a small joke, but he noticed Aeleya blush.

"I don't mind it. Once you're back, I think I'm… ready." She spoke in a mouse-like voice, but Aarush suddenly got up.

"Are you serious?" He asked with a bright smile.

"Y-yeah." She said, with a voice even lower than before.

Aarush looked around and then quickly grabbed her hand. "Come with me." He pulled her and rushed into a washroom when no one was looking.

"H-hey." She squealed a little. Suddenly, she felt herself pinned against the wall. "A-Aarush."

"Are your words true?" He asked again.

"Y-yes." With a bit of hesitation, she nodded her head.

"Alright, then this shouldn't be considered going far." He suddenly planted a kiss on her mouth. From there he moved towards her neck, but before he continued he looked at her once again. "You're one hundred percent?"

She flushed and nodded her head. "Yes, I'm sure."

With that, a wild smile appeared on his face as he began to suck on her neck. He planted kisses all over her neck, kissing, sucking, and even licking. Aeleya felt weird all over, wanting to groan, but she held it in. Aarush didn't just stop there, he lifted her up and sat on top of the toilet cover, placing her on his lap. He continued to kiss her, making sure not to miss a single spot. Raising his hand, he slowly placed it on her stomach.

"Ah!" She squealed a little, but it was blocked by Aarush's mouth right after. Using his tongue, he invaded her mouth, causing her to feel a satisfying sensation. His hand slid into her clothes, slowly moving up. "A-Aarush." She felt a little surprised, but this time didn't stop him.

Not feeling any resistance, Aarush felt more excited and began to explore her body. He stopped kissing her lips and moved downwards. Soon, her clothes were loose, and Aarush was exploring her body with his mouth. She wrapped her hands around his face, feeling extremely embarrassed.

[Ten minutes till departure for flight A70! I repeat, ten minutes till departure for flight A70!]

Aarush moved his face away from her and looked at the door with annoyance. "Seems like I have to leave. And it was just getting exciting." He groaned a little and looked at the flushed Aeleya who just looked down. Lifting her chin, he kissed her lips deeply. "You know Aeleya, not only is your face beautiful, but your body isn't any worse." He spoke in a lustful manner, looking at her chest, while using his hand to rub her thigh.

She flushed even more, digging her face into his shoulder. "Stop." She sounded breathless.

"Anyways, let's fix your clothes." He stood her up and began to button up areas that were loose.

"H-hey, I can do it myself." She felt his hands touching her chest and also something else, feeling extremely embarrassed. Aarush smiled and pulled her closer towards him.

"I don't think so. I tasted a few more areas, so now they are owned by me." He covered her mouth with his own, while buttoning up her shirt. He wasn't completely satisfied, but he had to leave soon.

"D-don't talk about that…" She felt her voice become extremely low, while also feeling as if she was losing her breath.

"Why are you worrying? I'm your husband. I just tasted those delicious parts of yours, so next time, let me taste them for longer." He said as he licked her ear lobe. She felt her face heat up, but didn't do anything anymore. She just felt as his hands fixed her clothes, while also feeling his lips kissing her at random. A deep satisfaction was felt. "Alright, Let's go." She saw that everything was now properly straightened, yet seeing him walk to the exit, she felt a little lost.

"Aarush, can you kiss me once more? Just one more time?" She looked at him and asked with a mouse-like voice.

Being extremely excited by her request, he had no reason to object. Walking over, he cupped her face and planted a deep kiss, sucking on her lower lip as if sucking a straw. Aeleya closed her eyes and took in the pleasure. She wrapped her hands around his waist, sticking her body closer and closer to him.

After a few more seconds, he let go and dragged her out the exit. "That's enough for now. If I go any further, then I will find it hard to leave."

"Then stay. You can do whatever you want, just stay." Aeleya spoke in a hopeful voice, yet Aarush sighed.

"Aeleya, I can't. I have to go back." He rubbed her cheek and smiled. "Just stay here like a good wife. I'll be back soon, and once I'm back…" He smirked while looking at her from top to bottom. "...I will make sure to make you mine officially. Do you understand what I mean?"

Her face flushed a deep red, but she surprisingly nodded her head. "I'm ready now." She said in silence.

Aarush smiled when he heard this. He could tell she was ready from what happened in the bathroom. He lifted her chin and smiled. "Well, I'm off then. I'll see you soon." He pinched her nose and then headed into the boarding area.

Aeleya watched him leave, feeling slightly lost. It was a new feeling, but it was the most painful feeling she felt. As if a rock was sitting in her chest, she felt a little hard to breath. Her eyes became wet.

"Aeleya bhabi, there you are." Hazim's voice came from behind. Aeleya turned around and saw Hazim running towards her. "Where did you go? Did you meet Aru bhai?"

She nodded her head but walked past him. "Take me home." She wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now, only feeling depressed. Hazim nodded his head, not asking too much. He took her outside and started the bike. Soon, both of them headed back home.

After arriving at the house, she went to her room. Hazim was a little worried, but didn't say anything. He knew that she might be this way because of Aru bhai, so he left her alone.

"What happened Hazim? Did you do something again?" Sara walked out of the house and glared at Hazim. Seeing her act like this, he sighed.

"Sara, when will you forget about that? You know that I didn't mean to do it. You just looked so pretty that day… look, I'm sorry alright? Like, I promise It was a mistake." He said in an almost begging manner.

Sara looked at him with a bit of shock. Hazim had been avoiding her since that day, yet now he was apologizing in such a way. "Then what about Tari in the others? Don't tell me that was a mistake as well."

"I didn't do anything to them." He spoke helplessly. "In this world, I have, still do, and will only love you, Sara. I don't like anyone else. I never touched anyone else inappropriately, I promise." He stopped talking and then walked into the house, walking past her. "If one day you hate me less, then I hope you can atleast talk to me like we used to do before. I will only marry you or no one."

Sara stood in her spot, silenced. She turned her head and watched him walk into the house. She couldn't help but glare at him, yet feel guilty. 'It doesn't matter if that was a mistake, but you touched me like that. I have never been more scared in my life.' She thought this and walked into the house as well.