Reflection at the Lake

John looks at the beautiful sunset on the horizon—watching its light shine on the lake. Alexia sees him & comes running up to him.

"I knew you would be here," said Alexia.

"How did you know?" John replied.

Alexia stops & chuckles for a second.

"Well, you always come here when you are feeling down. That or you try to sleep or drink it away."

Alexia walks up next to him & sits down right next to him on his right. She rests her head on his shoulder.

"It looks beautiful, doesn't it?"

"Yes, Alexia, yes, it does. It is one of the few things that brings me peace in my sad, depressing life," John replied.

"You & this sunset on the lake," Just as John said that Alexia put her arms around him. "I am your best friend & will always be here for you, no matter what!"

"I know, Alexia," John replied.

Alexia looks up at him & smiled, "I have been your friend since we were 10. I am not going to throw our friendship away after so long!" Alexia rested her head back on John's shoulder.

"Also, who else is going to deal with your bullshit better than me? Hell, name a person who is better at dealing with you than me!" Alexia jokingly asked.

John chuckles for a bit, "No one is better at that than you, Dimples."

Alexia immediately replies, "HA! Told you!"

John smiles, "Do you remember why I started calling you 'Dimples'?"

"Because when we were like 5, you thought my dimples were holes in my cheeks. You were a weird child John," Alexia said, chuckling.

John looks at Alexia, "I know I was, but not as weird as you were! Do you remember that weird dress that you got from your grandmother? It made you look like you were from the 1920s."