"Ah, yes. Miss Takahashi, I want to sincerely thank you for saving my life. I owe you my life. You really saved me back there. I've never seen someone so brave and stubborn" he said.
"What's with this guy? Is he complimenting me or something... " she thought.
"I would like to show my appreciation if you don't mind".
Both mother and daughter look at each other, then back at him.
"You said?"...
"I would like to show my appreciation if you don't mind".
"How?" She asked feeling disinterested.
"You are a high school student right?" He asked her.
"Yes... "
"What class are you?".
"Class 1".
"I am the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the acting industry and have a big link to Celebrity High School".
"Where is this going... " she thought.
"I would love for you... "
"Please don't say it, please don't say it, please don't say it " she chanted that phrase in her head till he dropped the bomb.
"To attend Celebrity High School".
Her mother squeals, while she shouted "What?".
"That's great news Akira" her mother said with so much joy in her.
"I decline".
"What?" They both asked the same time.
"I don't want to go to school with some crazy rich spoilt brats. They think so high and mighty of themselves. Pardon me but I don't like your school Mr Chairman sir".
"Sato Watanabe".
"Okay Mr Sato, I decline".
"What is wrong with you?" Her mother asked her, still recovering from what her daughter just said.
"Nothing mum, I am just not interested in attending that school. Besides we do not have the money for the fees".
"Who said anything about paying?".
"What?" Her mother asked him, not so sure if she understood what he said.
"She would be on a scholarship Mrs Takahashi. Fully funded, covering her lunch, uniforms, books, everything involved" he said with hope in his eyes.
"That is very great sir. Thank you very much".
"I still am not going mum. I don't like your students".
"Are you going to the school for the students or for education Akira?".
"Mother... ".
"I won't hear of it".
"Think of the opportunities you get after graduation, you can be an actress or you simply move on to any prestigious university of your choice".
"Thank you sir, she would accept" her mother said with a smile to Mr Watanabe.
"I really hope she accepts, as she can teach those kids some manners I hope, she is so different. Not a spoilt brat and she is brave. It would benefit the school's image if she gets in. The brave girl who saved Mr Sato Watanabe... This is good. The chairlady of the school is going to be happy. She doesn't seem to want to accept but good thing I came when her mother was around. Which parent won't love their children attending such prestigious school. I just have to show her mother all the benefits and bam, my plan would not fail, it would work" he thought to himself.
"Why that wide grin on his face, like someone who has won a lottery. Sneaky" Akira thought to herself.
Her mother just looked at both of them, not really sure what was going on in either of their minds. "I bet he is glad to have a smart and brave girl attend their school, who wouldn't after being saved. And I bet Akira hates me now for accepting.... Hehheheheheehhe Shota and her father would have been over joyed if they were alive. Honey see our daughter has grown so much. Am I the proudest mother or what, she gets to attend Celebrity High School" her mum thought in her head.
Each one of them had their own thoughts about the situation. Then the door to the room opened and the doctor walked in, breaking everyone from their thoughts.