Bitter Tastes

He was laughing…

I wished he was doing fine. I thought he was… but he was laughing. Laughing really hard. His laughter wasn't happy. It was destructive; it brought suffering to my body. My fingers and toes were curling. My head started aching. My body was drowning … in his laughter.

I stood by his door for almost 30 minutes waiting for him to calm down, yet silence never came. He seemingly never stopped.

I started getting worried about him. Edward may have not been the best person; no one is, but he was a good person. A nice person to me for the few days we knew each other. It just felt like I have had met him a very long time ago. A time he never lived in…

I wanted to face him; to ask him. Then even after his laughter, I drove myself even further in his wing. I walked in the direction the waves of laughter were coming from.

I was there right next to the door where the laughter was coming from. I approached the lock scanner, wishing from the depths of my heart that it would give me access to his room. "Please," I stressed.

The door opened…

The room was pitch dark. You could not see anything, no matter how much you glared. The laughter continued. I tried to focus my eyes on the source of laughter. I saw him. He lying there on the couch… not laughing… at that moment I was so sure he was not laughing. He was… eternally crying…

I could hear his voice; the voice of the Edward I met. The Edward I know, crying within his laughter. Breaking himself unconsciously.

I slowly stepped into the room. Took it step by step to not add us any more stress on him.


He didn't say a word. I had to repeat it a few times, and when I decided that this call will be the last time. "Edward…"

He turned his heads towards me. I looked him in the eye. They were red; they shined in the dark; implanted with a ruby. And he smiled at me.


"Who are you?"



So I'm adding this NEW segment here. For any of you with a question to the characters. Please comment and I'll ask them to answer it for you!!


"Character's name: Question?"