
"Hello. Mr. Smoker, where are you?"


"That must be him!" Li Jun confirmed.

A crashing sound came from deep inside the shop. A sound of breaking glass. It was strong, yet very delicate. I and Li Jun walked in the direction the crashing came from. Li Jun was ahead of me and he seemed to know the place quite well.

He, then, slowly opened the door to at the end of the shop, and pointed out, "This door will take us to Mr. Smoker's house." I was not sure if it was fine for us to go in, but Li Jun seemed to know what he was doing.

"Mr. Smoker" Li Jun called. "Mr. Smoker, it's me Asami. I came to see you."

A voice that arose from afar spoke with words full of respect and friendliness. It was very old and rusty that you barely understand. and what it said, "You came at last. I have been waiting for you for a while now. Why didn't you come that day as planned?" an old man with a mask on his face complained at Li Jun.

"The Golden House Security system broke that day so I wasn't able to come, not only that but Jong Hyun ditched me and went to sleep. And take that off your face. You look creepy, so is your voice."

He slowly removed the mask, "You should have made that system better then."; his voice was different. It was a young person's voice who spoke now. How is this possible.

"It's not like I'm the one who created this system to know what's wrong with it."

"Oh, yeah... my bad... So who is this young man with you? and I can see your KEYs too. Come out Ain. Show me your company."

"As expected from Mr. Smoker. Very sharp."

"Will you stop calling me 'Mr. Smoker' already."

The old man was indeed very sharp. I don't think that came with luck. He looked wise and so he was.

Ain who was hiding in Li Jun's shadow took his way out of it. Although his 'true shape'* was a cat his eyes spoke like any human scholar or even more than that.

"How long has it been, dear friend?"

"Not long, so just answer my questions," he said forcefully.

"Stubborn as ever, huh. [Ain signed] The guy with ACF is a G1 member, Arthur Gold. You must have heard of him; very popular here."

"And your shy friend must be..."

[Ain compelte]

"Arthur's KEY. Pandora."

"Hm, I see."

He looked at me very with observation eyes and did not take them away from me. His glares were string and very straight forward that they spoke, and had their own language."You can speak, Arthur Gold. I know you have something to say," he began.

"Is your name really 'Mr. Smoker'?"

Golden Dictionary:

-True Shape: the shape which the KEYs adapt to. It usually is something that brings fear to their master or sadness.


Volume 2 Guide:


-Chapters titles: "Rise", "Pandora", and "You Shall"


-Chapter title: "A Shadow Called KEY"



So I'm adding this NEW segment here. For any of you with a question to the characters. Please comment and I'll ask them to answer it for you!!


"Character's name: Question?"