Definitely Her 2

She pulled me back and lay on top me.

"Leia, I have got to go. This is what we have been waiting for, for years now. I got to show example, I can't arrive late you know."

She made no effort to leave me as she snuggled on top of me. I kissed her on her head, but she only hugged tighter. So I tickled her instead.

"Stop it Draco" she said amidst laughter.

"Okay, okay I would stop" by now she has fallen on the bed, by his side.

He pushed the strand of hair covering her face and smiled. "I promise to spend the rest of the day with you once I finish the Peace Treaty."

"Okay, would hold you to your words, one kiss and you can get back to work" she didn't wait much and dove in for a kiss.

After that, I reluctantly left the bed and went to take my bath.

It wasn't long later when Cedrick came knocking at my door again.

Kpa! kpoor!!

"Come on in Cedrick."

"Your majesty, how did you know I was the one?" Cedrick asked as he made his way inside the living room.

By now, I had left my bedroom and made my way to my living room to get some fruits.

"Your footsteps" I said shocking him with my words.

"Well you never cease to amaze me your majesty."

"Of course, it is my pleasure. Now is everything set for our departure?" I asked while biting into the apple in my hands.

"Yes your majesty."

"Good, let's be on our way then" with that, we left my chambers.

On my way out of the palace, we passed by a balcony and my eyes caught sight of a morning glory...


She turned in the direction of my voice. As soon as she caught sight of me, she smiled gleefully.

"Father" she ran into my awaiting arms.

"Good morning your highness" Cedrick greeted her with a bow.

"Good morning Lord Cedrick" she greeted as she turned her face in my embrace to see him. "Good morning your majesty."

"Good morning my princess."

"Where are you off to this early morning, father?" She asked.

"My curious little flower, the Peace Treaty of course. You forgot huh?"

She smiled shyly, Ohh I knew that smile, she did forget.

"What have you been thinking about? What got your mind so worked up? By the way, why are you up so early? Don't tell me... " I looked at her already flushed face.

"Oh father, it's nothing much" she tried to take my suspicious gaze off her.

"It is for it to get my daughter up this early and forget important matters" she crossed her arm with mine as we resumed our walk with Cedrick following closely behind us.

"Well father, I am going to see my friend today."

"When am I meeting this friend of yours?"

"Some time soon."

"It better be quick, seeing as he has my daughter's heart."

"I never said he was a boy, who told you that?"

"You just did" she blushed a crimson red. And one thing about when she blushed, it made her wings sparkle more and more.

"If you had said, I never said she was a boy, then I would know your friend is a girl."

"Okay now you know, can we change the topic already father?"

"Isadora! Well be careful darling, don't wander off too far, you do not want your mother and I too worried like last time, do you?"

"No, speaking of which, where is mother?"

"Enjoying the comfort of the bed in my absence, you can say hello to her."

"No, i do not want to bother her. I would see her when I return. I am already late has it is, mother would only delay me further" I stopped and held her hand in mine as we came outside.

"Now darling, father has got to go promise me you would be safe."

"I will father. Take care and come back home to us" she hugged me and before I could comment further, she flew into the sky.

"Your majesty, we are ready" that was when I realized Cedrick had walked over to the carriage.

Few minutes later, we left for the meeting point. Three hours later, we arrived at our destination and highlighted from the carriage.

We got there first and were thirty minutes before time. Five minutes later, the Elves arrived. We began the meeting and exchanged pleasantries.

King Regina had come with his heir, Crown Prince Terrence. We all discussed terms and conditions. In another two hours we were done and ready to sign the treaty.

It wasn't an easy fit, but we had to pay large compensation for the death of Prince Aelfden. I wanted Peace, I was tired of the lives lost to the war. If this was the only way, well then signing it was.

I looked to my right and my eyes and Cedrick's met. He gave a nod, signifying a go ahead.

I turned my gaze back to the paper in front of me. Just as I was about to pen down my signature...
