Hand Over The Contract 2

Void arched his brows at Mr Brandon and his ridiculous offer.

"I think I have been fair. I offered you anything but you chose to throw away my magnanimous offer."

"How generous of you, but I do not need your money or any gift. All I require is for you to turn yourself in."

"Look at you, a thief playing the innocent and holy role. If you are so good, why don't you turn yourself in? After all, it was you who stole."

"Are we back to this again? I only did as you asked, but with a little adjustment. I took the money to its rightful owner."

"Then, save the rightful owner from your mess. I have no business with you."

"If so, why are you here then?"

"You know why, hand over the contact Void, or you... "

"Or what?" the taller man, Void asked. With his built and height he looked domineering, making Mr Brandon move backward a little.

"What are you trying to do? You think you can intimidate me? Well I came prepared," Mr Brandon boasted to Void.