Leaving So Soon?

King Regin sighed as he looked at his son.

Terence had always doted on his only sister Avery, obviously if she pestered him about their brother, he would have no choice but to give in to her demands.

"Terence Logon Theoden, you have a fiancé, Avery shouldn't be the one who occupies your head."

"She is a girl and she needs protection, especially now that the magical realm isn't safe anymore. More than ever father, Avery needs me."

"And your fiancé do not?"

"She is not as stubborn as my siblings."

"And you are not stubborn?" King Regin asked his son.

"Father, I… Hmm! Avery is still young, you cannot deny she needs my protection."

"Don not let your sister hear you say that about her. She is grown and independent."

Really! Was that coming from his father who was strict as anything and just sent two hundred soldiers after his daughter?

"You treat her like a baby too, father."