The Unexpected Visitor


~HUMAN KINGDOM – Lorelei's Chambers~


Her eyes shot open at the sound of a hand hitting her door.

"An unexpected visitor? Who could it be this time? Did Bayard send for me?"


The knock came in louder than before this time, disturbing what little rest she had hoped to have.

"Urrghh!" Lorelei groaned at the headache the knock was causing.

"This had better be good or I would turn someone into a squirming worm."

With the support from her arm, she managed to push her upper body up, rumpling the sheets as she did. She half sat, her hands moved of their own accord and brushed her messy curls before getting up to see what little devil decided to pumm el down her door. The moment she arrived at the door, she reached for the door knob and paused when her fingers got half way to their destination.