Stole Another Kiss

"Which part is not what I think? Is it the part where he stopped kissing you and you too stared lovingly at each other, like heart struck kids? Or the part whereby he stole another kiss right when you were about saying something, cutting you shut?" White-Fire asked, leaving Jareth and Astrid stunned.

"Or perhaps the part where you…"

"STOP!" Astrid yelled.

Jareth turned his gaze from White-Fire to her. Her face was completely red by now. He for one felt shy knowing they were being watched, but as compared to Astrid, he wasn't flushed. Rather he was stunned to see her embarrassed self.

She was too cute, he felt like teasing her more. And that was exactly what he did. After all who could resist an innocent beauty like her?

He snaked his arm on her body and pulled her closer to himself, then wrapped it loving on her slim waist. She was perplexed by his action. Who wouldn't be?