We Must Exact Revenge


"Regin! Until when would you be like this?!" she yelled at him.

He didn't speak and neither did Terrence. The last thing Terrence wanted was to butt in on his parents' fight.

Aelinor got up swiftly and stared daggers at her husband.

"I warned you, You said she was going to be fine. Now look…" Her gaze darted towards her lying daughter.

"She is going to fine, Aelinor. She is a princess. Give her that at least."

"How can you say that to a mourning mother."

"Who are you mourning? Your daughter isn't dead!" Regin said, his eyebrows furrowed and his hands raised and pointed at his daughter to show his point.

"Not Avery. Your son. I haven't forgotten and I never will. So please I do not want to lose another child."

"You won't lose her. Besides, it was her decision. Respect that, Aelinor."

"Ave… "

She got cut short when Terrence finally intervened, hushing them.