Is Someone Jealous Of My Cub


"But even though it seems near, it is actually quite far, perhaps a few hours more," Snow explained to her.

She opened her eyes only to be met with Jareth's clear, worried green ones.


He pulled his head back and smiled. "I can sense it too, but don't be too happy. It would take some hours more. We would have to rest the night in the tunnel as it is a bit safe and bY dawn tomorrow, we would leave."

"Why don't you want to leave and waste more time here?" she asked him, her questioning gaze sharp as she stared into his.

"Think about it, Astrid. By the time we get out, it would be somewhat dark and you would need to rest. Do you want to spend the night outside, with no form of security? We do not know what awaits outside and it would just be the two of you."

His gaze swept over Snow as he spoke, trying to emphasize his point. Rather than feel okay about his explanation, her gaze fell to her hands as she lowered her head.