Avery's Plea


"My decision is final, Avery. No." Queen Aelinor finalized her decision, her eyes firm and held a strong sense of authority in them.

When Aelinor was like this, no one could change her mind. Seeing she had gotten to the dead end with her mother, Avery turned around to face her only hope. As she did her white and green flowing gown moved along with her.

Puffing her cheeks, Avery stumped her foot hard against the ground and made her way over to where her father, King Regin sat on his thrown with one hand supporting his chin and the other leisurely tapping away in silence.

"Father!" Avery called out raising both hands and letting them fall at her side carelessly, causing her dress to lift up a bit.

"Yes, dear?"

"Father, do something. I want to go too. If you give the word I would catch up with General Aelfdene and the others. Say okay to this request too."