
Like a rushing wind and force of a great typhoon, Snow charged forward to their house, leaving the mega stunned ingrates behind. 

As soon as he left, they all took to their heels and ran for their dear lives.


'Please come. I cannot hold on any longer. Whatever happens, I hope you both would be alright.'

"Scree tchme teh..." Astrid bwgan murmuring some words, ready to rain hell down on the village.

At that moment, Clive was far gone in kissing her neck as she refused to let him kiss herBl that he failef to noticed the glowing blue light that had bwgining to form in her hands.


The door slammed open with a loud noise due to the force Jareth used to kick at it and it fell down to the ground. 

Immediately, both heads turned to the door to see who the intruder was.

Left for Clive, whoever it was that disturbed his enjoyment would be severely punished for disturbing him.