Delay: Daylight Robbery



Terrence did not think these two people, Clive and Katrina could be any more shameless n they already were that they were asking for compensation.

And honestly, he was not about to give them anything when they were not of much help to him about the whereabouts of Astrid and Jareth.

He trailed his gaze over each one of them before coming to land on Terrence and nodded at him. "Give them 300 pieces of silver."

"Hey, we are not beggars and are not in need of your money."

"Then what do you want?" Terrence irritation was growing stronger by the minute and he just could barely contain it with them. "It is what I have I can give and it Is not like I am carrying silk and food items on me to present to you."

"Oh no, you said the right words and I know just what you can offer us that would not cost you and would be of immense use to us all."
