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Although she would not kill her, she intended on using Astrid to make Isadora reveal where her kingdom was so she could take back her son's body.

In actual truth, both queens were ladies who had lost so much to the war. But Isadora lost the most, having to spend years away from her family and people and give her newborn away.

Could life be anymore crueller than this?

She still felt the emptiness deep within and could only wait and hope for when she would be free.

She was a mother who lost the chance to be one to her daughter. She knew if Eric was still alive, then all these would not have happened.

Her heart burned with so much sorry at that moment and a pain she had tried to keep at bay all these years came flooding back in as the loneliness enveloped her again.

Silently, she began to weep, letting her tears drop as her pain washed over her.