The Object of Pain



"You stand trial for your people." Regin's voice came out cold and stern, mirroring the dreadful look in his eyes.

"On what grounds?"

"For the murder of my son the first crown prince of the kingdom."


"Let us return." He gave the order and everyone left the dungeons. As Blade walked he turned to take one more look at her, his heart bleeding at what was going to happen to her.

He could not deny the fact that he had unseating rage for the sorcerers for what they had done and how brutally his brother was killed for no just cause and although he hated their race, he could not deny the fact that he ended up falling for one the very heart of their people.

It was a forbidden love and one no one from his race would ever want to permit. It was sacrilege to see their prince fall in love with the enemy princess and in as much as it hurt him to the core, he just could not do anything.

At least yet.