Found You




Meanwhile, Astrid followed after Kaia sneakily, hoping to get some intel on the royal family. Little did she know that she was wandering closer to the palace than she had ever expected.

Just as they grew close to the palace, Astrid saw a group of mermen with spears in their hands swimming right from another direction and coming to a stop when they got to where Kaia was.

Immediately, they all bowed down and greeted her before raising her heads and looked at her. None of them spoke but just stared at her. Finally, the head of the group decided to speak up. And this was because she did not answer their greetings nor did she look like she heard it at all.


Before he could call out her title, they heard a horn and everyone turned their head in the direction the horn was flown from. Immediately they saw another group of merpeople coming their way from the direction both parties were headed.