Cari's New Love Interest



"Amatheia? Oh no, not again. Why does she gets distracted when I am showing her around and then she goes kaboom, missing on me? Does she think it is fun?" Cari complained to himself.



Cari turned around only to see Amatheia swimming towards him.

"Amatheia." His heart had begun to race fast when he could not find her. He managed to steady his fast-beating heart as he swam in her direction. "You scared me there? Why did you go missing again?"

"Missing again?" She was confused. 

She had only gone missing once and that was because she saw something beautiful and went to take a look. She had told him of her departure but unfortunately for Caro who was too engrossed in his explanation, he failed to notice.

Somehow she had managed to trace her steps back to this place and found him still searching for her.