

CHAPTER 437 – Chase

"Right on it."

Astrid turned around the second she heard what her grand auntie had said and what she saw, left her speechless.

Marceline raised her hands as a big tidal wave began to pull atop her head. Once she was done with the outcome she created, she directed it to Astrid.

Quickly, Astrid too raised her hands and before the waves could hit her, she created a big shield like that one she did to protect Isadora.

However, when the whirlpool landed, it was so strong that it pushed her a little bit farther from where they are. 

Unfortunately for Astrid, she thought she had successful evaded the mer-queen, little did she know that the tidal wave was a distraction and what was coming next was worse.

As Marceline chanted some words, Astrid could see sparkles of blue lights began to shimmer in the water and move upwards.